December 12 - Charitable/Volunteer Work
Did your family ever volunteer with a charity such as
a soup kitchen, homeless or battered women’s shelter
during the holidays?
Were you able to make the holidays special
for someone less fortunate?
I have never worked at a kitchen or shelter at the holidays. Home Bureau was a huge part of my life for a number of years and through that organization I participated in many community service projects, the majority of which were centered around nursing homes. These projects were year round, not just at holidays. When I was member of the Thursday Limerick, Too! chapter in Akron, NY we would adopt a unit at the Erie County Home each year making decorations and then helping the residents decorate their unit. We also picked up little gifts throughout the year that were distributed throughout the Home to those without family. We also made items for the nursing home in Batavia, NY.
I'm no longer a member of Home Bureau but I still believe that community service needs to be done all year. My projects center more on the young and the sick these days. I'm not committed to any one group or cause, rather when a need presents itself I do my best to fill it.
I'm grateful to the wonderful people at Echo Meals on Wheels that look out for Mom year round and the groups that provide little extras for them to distribute at Christmas time. She was quite tickled to receive a hand crocheted lap robe last year.

An Advent Calendar count down
to Christmas!
Who else is participating?
Visit Thomas at
Destination: Austin Family
and get the details!
When my gram and great-aunts were in nursing homes they really appreciated it when volunteers would make tray favors or arrive to give out little gifts. I remember making those when I was in the Girl Scouts also!
Batavia???? BaTAVia???? That team we used to play in youth football??? LOL. (We were with Niagara Wheatfield!).
Anyway, nice reminder that people need help all year, not just at the holidays.
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