Rec'd Grandma's letter on Earl's birthday all right containing the cards for them both, except our thanks for them. she asked in it if Baby walked yet. no, he never even stood alone but got so he "hitched" around on the floor in one room only. He was sick 3 weeks but not dangerously so until he broke out with measles Thurs. night before he died Mon. morning. complications of thyphus and pneumonia were to much for the weak little body He suffered agonies, especially the last few days. I pray I may never see a human being, or anything suffer so again, but he is past it all now and altho we miss the dear little fellow we cannot wish him back to a life of suffering that has always been his.Of the burial she said, "on the same lot with Grandfather leaving space between for Grandmother."
Am sending a Bronson Journal to Grandma, mention is made in it of many she will remember Altho no mention was made of Fred’s father or my parents coming home with us. We were very glad Fred’s father could go with us, he stayed Tues. night at my brother Lawrence’s, all the family and relatives who attended the funeral stayed to Boltis’ for dinner Wed. There were 3 big sprays of flowers which covered the box, we took a spray of 4 dozen carnations with ferns from here, some of my relatives gave another of white and pale pink and white roses were given by the W. C. T. _ _ + L. T. L. those letters were cut from purple felt and pasted on white chiffon which tied the spray. We could take him home by having the casket put inside of a zinc box which was hermitically sealed in the presence of a city health officer then that box was put into a plainly painted shipping box which could not be opened; but all were so thankful could take him home under any conditions.
The letter also contained other bits of news. Henry Bogardus was not in Noble, he was spending the winter in either Wisconsin or Illinois. She tells of her parents still being with her and visiting other relatives in Chicago. Also in a note added at the top of the first page she said, "The Powder Mill Explosion reached our house but did no damage". This was a reference to the Explosion on March 9th in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, over 60 miles away.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, Elizabeth Warner (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Aunt and All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 12 March 1911. Digital Images 1-5.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]