Noble Centre Mar 22d 1881
Dear Children
we are we as usual and hope you are the same I have been looking for a letter from you for some time altho you did not owe me one
I sent you 2 magazines and the next week sent 2 table Cloth I sent Rozy the same and thought you would both write and let me know as soon as you got them and have not heard from either of you so I began to think you had not got them I would like to know if you have not I must set the postmaster to hunt them up
I suppose I ought to have written when I sent them but I was so busy and I thought it would
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make no difference you would get it all the same
there is no news to write we stay rite here and every one stays away Mrs Bogardus was here the 11 and 12 of november and there has been just 2 wimmen in the house since we went to Frank Grave and stayed about an hour and a half I went to 1 of the neighbors and stayed an hour and have been to the Doctors twice for medicine and would see his wife for afew minutes that is all the company I have had so you can guess whether I am lonesome any or not I cannot read much in the evening and you know something about
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how much company Mike is
I think we wont have any peaches this year I think the bud are killed and I think the trees alsow
I have written to Rosa this after noon
write as soon as you can
from your affectionate
S A Camfield
sent the table Cloth
March the 1st
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March 25 1881
I sent this to the office wednesday Father goes to the office every wednesday and saturday I did not seal it so if he got one from you to fetch it back so I will send it again did not get one from Rozy so he sent hers I would write anew one but am not feeling very wel
we have a hired man now comenced work yesterday at $15 per month

I'm happy that Anna sent her mother a letter before this was sent.
Sarah always seems lonely. Various relatives remember Mike differently but it appears from this letter that Sarah didn't find him much company. They seemed to move so often that I wonder why they didn't move closer to either Anna or Joseph.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) to “Dear Children” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 22 March 1881. Digital Images 1-4. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1881, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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