Noble Dec 10 1891
Dear Children
at last I have sat down to write to you we are well and hope you are the same Mr and Mrs Bogardus have gone to Coldwater on a three or four day visit and Father is doing their chores that our own keep him nearlt all day we have our corn about hald husked we have had so much stormy weather there could not be much done we got shingles to have our kitchen shingled sixweeks ago but there has not been aday fit to have it done I am afraid it will not get done this fall it is so late
I made out to raise 6 turkeys I sold four and kept 2 I got 9 cts apound for the turkey and six and ahalf for chickens what I sold of both came to a little over 8 dollars
page 2
you asked about the corn it was about as good as we expected it is good sound corn not a soft mebbeen in the field the ears are rather shaort on account of the verry dry weather but it is averyy good crop we have the sowed to wheat it is looking verry good
I was glad to hear from illinois once more if you see Mrs Sherwood tel her how glad I should be to see her I suppose the children are all maried or gone from home so they are alone like us
I wish we could come there to spend the holidays with you and see all the folks and every thing but it is no us to think of it if you could make it convenient to come here all of you we would try to make it as comfortabl for you as we could and be verry glad to see you in the bagain
so good by for the present M and S Camfield
This was the only letter from 1891.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Hall Family Letters
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin
Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 10 December 1891. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1891 - 1893,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
What a treasure you have in these letters! It's so interesting to hear about what their lives were like. Thanks for sharing them!
Girl, stop posting these letters and go get your Kreativ Blog award at omchorations.blogspot.com! Then get back to posting these letters!
I'm very lucky to have found them! I'm happy you are enjoying them.
Thank you very much!
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