Saturday, February 14, 2009

True Love

The Syracuse Herald, Dec 12, 1912


Gennaro Nardozzi, 38, of no. 130 Mary street, was arrested to-day on a warrent sworn out by Angelina Taddeo of no 909 North Salina street, who alleges that Nardozzi made threats to kill her. According to Detective Pasquale Bennett, who investigated the case, Nardozzi and Angelina had been engaged to be married, and the prospective bridegroom had bought a quantity of clothing for Angelina. A short time ago the engagement was broken off. Nardozzi immeadiately demanded back his gifts, but Angelina refuses to return them, with the result that Nardozzi threatened her life. In court to-day, however, it was said that a reconciliation had been effected, and Nardozzi was paroled indefinitely.

They were married for more than 50 years, raising 8 children. Thank goodness they made up, else John wouldn't be here for me today!

This originally appeared at The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree on 14 October 2006.

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