South Bend April 8th 1902
Dear Children and friends
I will try to write once more to let you knwo we are all well as usual and hope you are the same I got aletter from Elizabeth last week and one from Wirt not very long ago I dont know if I told you in the other letter or not I have been looking for one from Ella nut have not got it yet
I am all alone again so I thought to write but its nothing new to be alin awhile almost every day Rose has an errand to town three or four times aweek and some times more but I am glad to be alone it is preferble to so much noise and confusion
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I have been sewing carpet rags this for noon I am getting most done I dont know what I shall do next I got all sowed up week before last and wondered what I should do but Mrs Brady gave me a lot I have two or three balls to sew yet there will be 4 or 5 pounds of them she says she is going to piece a block for your pattern quilt before I go out there I want to piece one more if I can I almost forgot to tell you that Frank called on us and how glad we all was to see him than they did last winter to see Ben and Bell when they here I donot know of any one I should have been any gladder to see
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apr 9th
I have not seem Tola since she made my dress then she made my bedtick I wanted to change the feathers but did not think I could but 3 week ago I thought I would try so went at it and done it nicely allalone there is two meetings here closeby I intendid to go but I have one of my spells of cold in my head or catarrh I have to sit with my handkerchief inone hand and write with the other to finish my letter Ruby is going to write to Tammerson
from your affection Mother
hoping to see you soon S A Camfield good by

Marshall Wirt Wisner was Sarah Ann's youngest brother. Sarah Elizabeth Hall Beldon and Ella Hall McKinnon were her nieces, daughters of Maryetta Wisner Hall.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Wisner (South Bend, IN) to “Dear Children and friends”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 8 April 1902. Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Apr – Dec 1902,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
1 comment:
I am really enchanted the way Sarah Ann Camfield's wrote the letter to her children and her friend. I am quite fortunate that I read her letters before. Thank you.
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