Chicago Ill.
Mar. 19 '08
Dear Mother + All.
It has been a long time since I have written you but it seems as though there is so much to do + sp little time to do it.
I have been elected chairman of the 33rd ward Prohibition committe and as we have 157 saloons in this ward to contend with it is a buisy office. Next year I presume I can secure nomination for alderman if I wish.
My church work still goes fairly well with some prospects of building a chapel this summer. I have an assistant pastor now + we expect to take up a church +
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sunday school in Burnside and adjoining suburb
The children are slowly improving from the whooping cough though they still cough hard. Mamie has a spell of acute indigestion today + has been in bed all day. otherwise we are very well.
Work is very slack all over the city with thousands out of work. Pullman has laid off about 5000 and there are hardly a thousand left in our shops. We are working nine hours a day now. lots of work but no money to do it with they claim. Mr. Harriman the railroad millionaire was in shop to day + stopped a moment at my machine to look at some work.
I have saved the worst news till the last. My eyes have failed more
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rapidly during the last two months than in the last two years and it is only with the greatest dificulty that I can hold my job. I make many mistakes now and very soon I am afraid I will have to give up my job.
I hardly know what to do and I am afraid to go to a specialist for fear he will make me quit the shop entirely. However the Lord has looked after me during the last 8 years so that I feel no fear but what all will be well.
I have started in the chicken business is a small way and perhaps I may help out a little that way. I am still able to hear a few cackle.
Well I must get to bed as soon as possible so to be on hand tomarrow.
Love to All

Frank never does say what is wrong with his vision.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother + All”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 19 Mar 1908. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
It was nice seeing you at the Scanfest yesterday and getting to know you. I really like the letters that you have transcribed and scanned and I know that endeavor, well. I spent months transcribing my Uncle Ralph's letters --- his voice spoke to me in those evening hours. I love the everyday tone of your Carlisle letters --- give a feel of time and place.
Thanks Joan! I enjoyed meeting too. I hope you can make it next month and we'll try to let you get a word in too ;-)
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