Weekly Reading
fM reels you in from her opening line with The Hearse, Frozen Golfish & Twins at footnote Maven. I won't give anything away, you'll have to read it yourself.
At Blind Pig & the Acorn, Tipper wrote about The Moving Wall Memorial. The wall moved her, her post moved me and brought back memories of my visit to The Wall when it was in Syracuse.
Jim Charlier also wrote about a sobering memorial, this one to those who have lost their lives in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. See his post, Dogtag Garden at Art of Gardening.
Another post I found to be very moving was Caroline Pointer's tribute to her brother Patrick, It Could, at Family Stories.
Wendy Littrell had an attempted murder, suicide and tangled roots to sort out with her post, Mingling of Families and Murder at All My Branches.
With all of the talk about flu shots in the news lately I found J.L. Bell's, The "Suttonian Method" of Fighting the Smallpox, at Boston 1775 very interesting. I had thought vaccinations were a relatively new thing.
There were some interesting cemetery posts. First, Linda Stienstra at Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard Rabbit posted about the final resting place of those who perished on the Titanic. Read, Cruise Day 3; Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, to learn more.
One of the pictures in Linda's post showed small stones placed on one of the headstones, a custom unfamiliar to me. A few days later Stephanie Lincecum provided the answer with Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks at Southern Graves.
Chris Dunham posted The Wing Ring at The Genealogue. A cemetery and descendant chart all in one!
To be or not to be, does it really matter, by Teresa Elliot at Generations Gone By Weblog touched on a subject that is dear to me. Read her thoughts on the difference between genealogists and family historians and researching the "right" line.
Brett Payne has a very interesting photograph at Photo Sleuth. What on earth is that thing? You'll have to read, Have space suit - Will travel, to find out.
I guess we didn't really study the Revolutionary War in school so Tim Abbott's posts on the subject, at Walking the Berkshires, are always enlightening for me. "Henry, Get Your Guns": Whose Idea Was it to Go to Ticonderoga?, was a very interesting read for me.
Donna Gloff did an excellent job of comparing legend and facts at Orlando, West Virginia with Peter Shields Revisited.
Carnivals and Roundups

John Newmark has also returned to sharing his Weekly Picks at Transylvanian Dutch.
Randy Seaver has his weekly, Best of the Genea-Blogs, at Genea-Musings.
My Week
My week was so busy and so I tiring that half the time I didn't know if I was coming or going. Our big event at work was a great success but very stressful for me. I spent many hours this week on wrap up work and I'm still writing the very important thank you notes.
And if last Saturday's event wasn't stressful enough for me, my granddaughter had an adventure no child should have. Her sleep over at a friend's house made the local paper. Thankfully she and her friend are both fine.
There hasn't been much time for family history. No letters were transcribed but I did post the ones I had done and I did a bit of research to discover the identity of a woman that wrote to Sarah Ann. I also have decided on the Patriot ancestor that I will use for my DAR application and spent a couple of hours working on that.
Thanks for the shout-out and for pointing the way to some great reading. Murder, smallpox, The Wall... where shall I head first?
Thank you so much for recommending my article as a good read!
Am really enjoying your Weekly Rewind. Great picks.
I'm so glad you liked my post : ) makes my day to know it! Now I'm off to see what else you liked this week.
Thanks very much for the hat tip, Apple. I'm off to go and read some of the others you have mentioned - they sound like great reads. regards, Brett
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