So when I discovered the COG, I started Apple's Tree just for genealogy and the dividends have been huge! I've made progress on my family tree but more importantly for me, I've made friends and have gotten to know many know so many of you through your writing.
I've been criticized for using Apple rather than my real name but I think it suits me. For anyone that really feels they need to know my real name, well, I've written enough here that it should be relatively easy for a genealogist to figure out.
This series originally appeared in 2006 at The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree. Some posts have been updated, others replaced.
Although I know your real name, I think I will probably end up calling you "Apple" if we ever meet...which I hope we someday will!
I love your choice of "Apple" ~ I think it suits you, too. I enjoy your blog more everytime I read it.
I agree with Miriam and Judith - it suits you beautifully. Have really been enjoying your memory countdown.
Thank you all. When Jasia and I met we were quite comfortable with our online names. I hope to meet each of you someday too!
I think of you as Apple, even though I know your real name. I like it!!
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