Has it really been only three years? Not really, I started my first blog almost four years ago. Apple's Tree was born 3 December 2006 when I discovered that there was a small community of others writing about their family history but not necessarily interested in reading about my day to day follies.
Having a place to write just about my family history has forced me to do just that, but the real benefit for me has been the friendship and support I have received as a member of the geneablogging community. Between the Carnival and Genealogy and items written by others I've learned and written about many aspects of my family history that I never would have otherwise.
The focus of this blog has changed over the years and will undoubtedly change again. I thank each and every one of you who has stuck by me!
Below are a couple of my favorite posts for each year.
Carlisle Family Home
Ruby Blanche Camfield
Winter on the Tug Hill
Grandpa Loved Franklins
Princess for a Day
Tippecanoe Place
Happy Blogiversary to you. And with your favorite posts, I know what I will be doing today. Thanks Apple.
Congrats on your 3 year blogiversary! Yours is one of my favorite blogs and I read it religiously. Write on, Apple!
Like Jasia you were one of the first genealogy bloggers to comment on my blog and befriend me during a difficult time. Your blog rocks and for me it has always embodied what a great genealogy blog should be. Happy Blogiversary!
Happy Anniversary, Apple. I can't imagine the geneablogosphere without Apple's Tree! Here's to many, many more years of great genealogy posts!
Happy #3!
Congrats to you Apple! Happy 3rd Blogiversary!
Happy 3rd Blogivesary, Apple! Wishing you many more years of geneablogging.
A very happy 3rd blogiversary to you! (I forgot mine, too, a few months back). You are one of the great genea-writers that we'd all like to emulate - taking all the parts of the story, recording them, and putting them together in an interesting way.
So glad that I wasn't the only one with a belated notice! Congratulations, Apple. Thanks for the links to your favorites. You got started almost two years before me so I'm happy to see what I missed!
Congratulations! Three years is quite a milestone. Hope to be reading your excellent writing for 30 more!
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