Dear Wife Sunday Evening Buchanan Dec 7 1862 .
We recivd yours of DecNov 30 on the 4th the Bundle you
Sent by the man has not come I have just been to see
I think he was not honest the reason Fannie had a little
more clothing saved was she got home in time to help
Take her own out some of it She + Mary were Nere when the
Fire first started and the door Locked they were helping
t_rs grain get her things out the unwise plan of leaving
A house alone which you know I have always been
opposed to we see now the impropiety, + danger the reason
the drawers were not taken out Strangers to the house
as they were knew not where to look for it Tameson
Having directed the cleaning the house + put everything
in a new place + upside down + put the Bureau in to
the Butrey where no one would think Looking for it
Had it Been in the front room where I have Always
wanted it would have been saved a matter of fine I have
always thought of but my Family have always disregarded my
advice in these matters there was nothing nothing taken out
of the butrey unless the spoons were Stolen no remains
Have as yet Been found of them I forgot to mention in
my Last that the letter with the 2$ in money came
all right it being Southern money it was difficult
geting rid of it I made out to At last I would not
_ind on take any, none of it taitt not go here.
Orville Started night before last to Ganoiss Porter County Ia
For the sale of the history of the rebellion + tok with
Him some maps to pay his expences
page 2
I received a letter last night from R B Ashley
with 10$ in it to pay the freight on a Box of things they
Have started us containing some Bedding some clothing
some dishes table cutlery + perhaps articles he did not
mention May Heavens Blessings rest uppon such friends
Mr Havens over the river gave some flour + potatoes last
week + and said when he butchered he would doe more
It has Been hinted that the folks in the river Bend are
making two quilts for us But the most novel Case
is that of Poor A C Day After giving a stack
of hay to me + Russell he Rusel went to see him to know
where to go to Draw We Were going to gather to get it
that day he told Russell he Had to take Some Cattle
on a debt + could not Let it go poor man he ought
to have a contribution + I hope he may never be Burned out
he would Dispair + die he has just Bought 100 + 20 $ dollars
worth of Furs for his wife + two daughters What doe We
live for Julia has given Some Small Articles since I wrote
she + Henry + Tameson ___ Are one A long visit now with
Harisons team to Erolls + Lowells Pats + cbrills Mary is at
Camens yet + Fannie At Deweys have not Been
Home Tamerson says Mary must come + help her She
Can get no time to Sow there is about 3 inches of snow
But no Sleighing ground froze hard Weather
cold and Blustering the machanics that were Burned out
have All got shops + going on again with Business
_ times Are hard every thing in the hands of merchants
__ are high Salt 4$ pr Barrell J R was here yesterday
page 3
We are to have a series of meetings commencing on the 17th
To hold four evenings At the Bretherin House. Brothers Stro__
and Livermore are expected the arrangements are all made.
A Society has Been organized Trustees are Baker Boswell
Stott Epley Woodbridge + Carlisle N Y Boswell Chairman
H Epley Treasurer + Clerk The Masons Are to have a great
Ball at union hall third storey of new block on Chrismass
The Procedes of Which are to furnish new traps + trinkets
of gain for their Loss the Poor up have it Always with
you But they are Sometimes forgotten by theere Neighbors
The aristocracy must Be assited + held up Post has hired
out his Stand to a man from york state Mr Mason +
Mr Hinman have both moved out of Mrs Harrisons house
She is alone Wants us to go in to it I would have done
So had it Been empty soon enough I think I had better
Stay here this Winter her place is much handy en to Water
She Wants you to come home very much We are
sitting none comfortably fixed But have to keep freeing
the draft for filling the new regiments is to be made.
on the Bo__ it is expected this town has furnished
Her Quota governor Blair made A great Speech
in union Hall on the evening of oct 18 - one thousand
People Were in the Hall + five hundred out side
that could not get in He is reelected in Spite of all
opperition and I Am glad the Whole State ticket
Republican three cheers for _ Mich
D Carlisle
I wish there was more detail about the history Orville Carlisle was taking to Porter County, Indiana and what were the maps he took with him?
R B Ashley = Roscoe Boyd Ashley of Rochester, NY, nephew of Daniel Carlisle. With his father he ran a hotel, the Clinton House, and surely had extra items to donate to the family.
A C Day = Andrew C Day. On the 1860 census of Buchanan Township Mr Day had real estate valued at 15,000 and personal
Julia Ann Carr's third husband was Henry Hall. She also had a daughter named Tamerson Glover, from her 1st marriage to Orville Glover.
For more see: Carlisle Family Letters
Carlisle, Daniel. (Buchanan, MI) to “Dear Wife”
[Hannah Glover Carlisle]. Letter. 7 December 1862. Digital Images 1-7.
Privately held by Charlotte Grabowski, Orlando, FL. 2012
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1862,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
/This was a tuff letter to read -- the desparate reality of devastating loss is setting in.
I found this very interesting. Looking forward to your other posts.
family trees
Great letters.
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