My dear Cousin
Belle is going to write to Tamerson so I tho’t I would put a few lines in to you if I can think of anything to write about. I am getting so lazy lately I do not like to write it makes it so much harder to write if one don’t feel like writing the evening of the 4th of Jan I wrote all the evening. I wrote 4 letters in all I wrote to your mother and wrote 4
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sheets of tablet paper to her and 6 to our oldest boy Ray and 3 sheets to a cousin of my husbands she used to live here in the neighborhood so I could write a good deal to her and a sister of his, I never saw her but I do all the writing to them and I can write long letters to them I feel as if I knew them almost. his two oldest sisters died within a few months of each other and this is the only sister he has left the youngest in the family of all of them his youngest brother died a year ago last fall so he has only 2 brothers living yet that we know of one left here
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eleven years ago and we never heard from him but twice after he left here and have come to the conclusion that he is dead.
We had a lovely winter until after New Years then it snowed for two days and got cold but not so very cold but we have had nice sleighing these last two days has been warm but the snow does not melt much it has got pretty soft and to day the air feels like rain still the wind is cold
Your mother sent me one of those pincushions of the 4 in a
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group. I think she looks a little as Grandma looked just before she died she don’t look any older. You know Grandma was 86 a few days before she died.
I was at church and Sunday school this morning and it is rather late when we get home and it makes my afternoon short so I generally let my writing go until evening but I have another letter to write this evening so wrote this now I have had to take the Bible class because none of the others would so that keeps longer than I would stay a good many times but I think if I can keep the class going I will do so for it will help to keep the rest up too
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Our S. S. is not so vary large any way and I think it will encourage the children more to go if the parents take an interest in the S.S. and go. I have not missed a dozen Sunday’s (I don’t think I have at least) in two years nearly
Well Annie I have not got any glasses yet what do you think of that I do not feel the need of them yet I can read & sew or any thing so well as ever I think I don’t see as anything gets dim or blurred yet
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Well I guess I will quit now and read a while
So with love to you & my best respects to Mr. Carlisle I will remain
your loving cousin

For more see:
Carlisle - Wisner Letters
Family of William Wisner
Descendants of Maryetta Wisner
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner

McKinnon, Ella Hall (Mapleton, Minnesota) to “My dear Cousin” [Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 14 January 1906. Digital Images 1-6. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Jan – Mar 1906, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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