Mapleton Minn
April 15th 1908
My dear Cousin
I began a letter to you some time ago and never got it finished so thought I would try again. I do not know how I will make out but will and try and finish it at least.
We have one of the nicest springs to get our work done only the wind blows so hard nearly every day. I have not got any garden in yet on that account. I have some tomatoes up in a dish in the house so I can have some early ones.
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but we have some potatoes planted if it does not get so cold it will freeze them it is pretty cold tonight at noon yesterday it was 80 on the N. side of the house and this morning it had dropped to 35 so you see it is quite changeable here it is about 40 above zero now.
We have all of our small grain in that is the wheat and oats we do not sow any rye or barley but it is too early to plant corn yet for it is likely to freeze after it comes up
I just got a note from Belle she says she has 8 weeks more of school she has 33 scholars enrolled has about an average of 20
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I have 8 hens setting only one is just hatching she had 6 little chicks a while ago there will be a few more in the morning. I have two set on turkey eggs. so you see I will have something to do after a while as if I did not have any thing to do now
I have not got any house cleaning done yet I am waiting to see if Myrtle can get home to help me. I can not do it alone very well. she is helping a neighbor with her sewing I don’t know how long she will be there
Belle does not get home very often now since seeding began she is only about 5 miles from here either
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but we do not have time to go after her and so she does not come home she will maybe be home this week
I meant to have written to your mother but have not got it done yet but may someday soon but I have to feel like writing to write a good letter and hen some times I don’t make it much of a success
How did Joseph enjoy his visit at Hermon’s & Elizabeth’s last fall. I wish he could have come out and seen us too. I believe I should know him if I should see him & I have not seen him since I was 12 years old.
Oh Annie have you that first picture I sent you of myself yet. Will you part
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with it? Mother had one but it was stolen out of her album a good many years ago & I could not get it again & I wish I could have got it. I had one of me taken when I was 19 and my husband wanted it enlarged so I got it for him for Christmas and he thinks there is not another picture like it he say it looks as I did when he first saw me but some say they would never know it was taken for me but the artist said he could see it he done a fine work on it at least we are well pleased with it at least
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Well I must quit and read a little while and then go to bed
Well I will say Good night and write soon to
Your loving Cousin
Ella McKinnon

Belle is teaching school. I'm a bit surprised that she didn't walk home for the weekends if it was only five miles. In my younger days that would have been no problem for me.
Joseph was Annie's brother, Joseph Harrison Camfield. Sometime between 1900 & 1910 he and his wife, Rose Graham Camfield separated. (I may learn or about their separation in Rose's letters when I get to them.) I wonder if he went traveling after their split? He was visiting Ella's brother and sister-in-law, Herman H and Sarah Ann (Dayton) Hall in Lake Co, IL. Ella's sister, Elizabeth Hall Belden was living in Columbus Co, WI in 1900. I have been able to learn little of Elizabeth during this time period. By 1920 she was widowed (she may have been widowed as early as 1882) and living in Rock Island Co, IL so I have no idea where Joseph traveled to see her. I wonder if she was in Lake Co, IL in 1908?
I wonder if Annie still had the picture that Ella refered to? Knowing how Ella valued pictures it seems that Jake's Christmas gift to her would have been very special to her.
For more see:
Carlisle - Wisner Letters
Family of William Wisner
Descendants of Maryetta Wisner
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner

McKinnon, Ella Hall (Mapleton, Minnesota) to “My dear Cousin” [Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 15 April 1908. Digital Images 1-6. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
1 comment:
I still love reading these letters and imagining what life was lke back then :) Again, thanks for sharing.
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