Saturday, March 14, 2009

Weekly Rewind


There were lots and lots of posts written for various carnivals that will be out next week.
Thomas McEntee has come up with a new four week carnival: Bound for Mom, at GeneaBloggers The carnival will only last four weeks, starting March 25th, and you are asked to write an article each Wednesday. When you are done you will have created a very nice tribute with enough time to create a unique gift for Mother's Day. You can find all of the details at the link above.

Thomas also has a Wiki Barn Raising happening over at GeneaBloggers. There are still lots of topics that need to be completed so led a hand if you can.

Weekly Reading

This week I'm going to focus on some timely posts about tough times. What have you recorded about your family's history in previous depressions?

Chery has started a series called "The Dirty Thirties" at Nordic Blue about her family's struggle to get through tough times. Part 1 and Part 2 are posted and I'm looking forward to the continuation of the series.

Waste Not Want Not is posted at Blind Pig & Acorn. Tipper shares a story and asks if we're as frugal as our ancestors were.

Elementary History Teacher shows how history does repeat itself with, The Greater Depression?, at History is Elementary.

Barbara has posted Pity the Children with some interesting thoughts on child labor, at Our Carroll family Genealogy. I know my English ancestors worked in the silk mills at a very early age.

When did the word trillion come into every day use? I have no idea but at Carpe Diem you can get a visual idea of what a trillion looks like.

My Week

I spent way too much time following the Iditarod but I'm having fun following the race!

I did get a few more letters done and into the queue. I'll be working on more later today. As valuable as they are to me sometimes transcribing them is simply an unpleasant chore.

I spent a little bit of time updating my slide show (over there on the left) for Womens History Month.

I did have an OH WOW! moment this week. My great-uncle was named Leroy Eastwood Camfield and I have wondered about the name. Did it have anything to do with my Graham genealogy or was it perhaps a clue to another, as yet undiscovered line? I transcribed some letters last weekend that refered to a friend of Rose's named Nora Eastwood Wood. A new message on one of the Rootsweb/Ancestry boards led me to a series of posts about Leroy Eastwood of South Bend, Indiana and it turns out that he was Nora's father. So now I know who my uncle was named for but I'm still a bit confused as to the why of it. A new question is why was he the only one named for someone else?

I use a widget from Google Reader to create my blog rolls and they all disappeared during the week. I kept thinking that they'd have the problem fixed quickly but obviously that is not the case. I'm looking for something easier than recreating it by adding a link list. I won't use the widget provided by blogger because it makes the page load way too slowly and the blogs I "follow" aren't all genealogy blogs. Any suggestions?

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