South Bend Ind. Jan. 5th 1902 (423)
Dear Anna: I will try and answer your letter which I was very glad to recieve. I am very well. weigh 122 3/4 pounds have not quite caught up with you yet but am geting there you see. I am working all the time but there is not much in it. am working at the Furriers part of the time was there nine days along about thanksgiving to help them over the rush and now the regular hand has left them to over see the sweepers at the hospille and so they are giving me all the work there is but at this time of the year it will not be much probily two or three days out of the week but they are holding put the hope of giving me the place next season and if they do it will amount to something the remainder of
page 2 (425)
the time I have managed to have something to do but as I say there is not much in it I have not made my new waist yet shouldlike to have a new corset to fit it over and do not fell hardly able it get ot.
how do you like the cloth off my new suit? it looks very nice on me will send you a cut of my jacket the cloth was $1.00 per yard and I had three and one half yards. it cost me all together $4.32 so you see my handkerchief nearly paid for it I used those big buttons I had on that light grey dress of mine you remember them do you not?
(I shall have to fall back onto my led pencle for that pen lets the ink sown to rapidly) I thought I might possibly come home x miss but did not get my suit
page 3 (424)
made in time and did not have anything else fit to ware. am now making a cloak for Frankie Walling out of her mothers plush cape it will be quite pretty. Purl was over here today the first time I have seen any of them since you were here she says they are all well. said grand ma did not go to church this morning because she read untill it was to late to get ready. Rose sent word for Amelia and I to come over next sunday and spend the day. I do not suppose Amelia will go but I probily shall.Purl and I went over to Mrs. Marshes I hapened to mention your having been here and my not being at home and she woundered "why you did not step acros the street/" I told her you only had a few minutes time. how does it come that Clint is home this winter.
[There is nothing more. I may have missed a page when I was photographing the file]

EDIT 19 May 2010 - Amelia Gosline was Toley niece and roommate. Clint Voorhees was Toley's nephew.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Robinson, Etola (South Bend, IN) to “Dear Friend”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 5 January 1902. Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Jan – Mar 1902,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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