Hartford, Mich.
Sept. 1 '03
My Dear Dan .
I was very pleased to receive your letter + would have written before but for lack of time. You are starting out well in the shop. You think three years a long time but in most shops it would be four at least. there too you forget what you will gain in three years + a trade that will always in the hardest times furnish you a good living which can hardly be said of any other occupation.
Also remember you are not in this shop so much to learn how to make things as how to handle + make tools. Most any body can make axles for
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instance, but there are very few that know how to make the tools or make the machinery. Remember always that the machinist is not paid for what he does but for what he knows.
I dont like the attitude of Tom about three papers + I hardly know what to say about it. - letters are so unsatisfactory If I could only see him face to face about ten minutes I would find out mighty quick just what he means.
Of course you don't care to hound him till he gets disgusted with you + yet you ought to have some understanding.
Suppose you tell him that I have been asking after these papers + wanting to know why they are not sent to me to look over. I will enclose a letter to you to show to him + that may _____ him to time. If that don't work then we will try some thing else for I feel you should have some thing to hold the shop down + not let them drop you just when ever the notion strikes. Then I think that is a very good shop to learn in because they have milling machines. pay great attention to tool making of all kinds and don't be afraid to ask questions about your work. always be anxious to find out why + how of every thing. watch carefully when you have opportunity the work of the black smiths, tin punching, forging + ____________
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Also don't be afraid to work. Shop men are generally anxious to to cheat in matters of time + material, don't do it. Also if it is possible, show little forms to Tom though don't toady to do it. Bosses don't like a sucker. Another thing that you can do when you know more of machinery though you can begin now is to notice carefully your machine how + why it runs and it operations in your work. Study all the time to find some improvement on it or some quicker way to do your work. You will make your self valuable to your employers that way + it helps a man greatly both in knowledge + finance to do these things. Remember that no machine is so perfect but what some improvement can be made upon it + work to that end.
This is not preaching. I had to find these things out for myself + wi consequence lost many opportunities.
Now as to the school business. It don't seem possible;e that there are the right precis. Suppose you write directly to them your self + ask them to send you their literature on mechanic engineering. + see just what they say. Also find out about the other school. we may be able to do better let me know what you hear from them both
If you get the time send me a drawing of the machine you are at work on _ er will have a course of
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mechanical drawing of our own. You will have to be able to read drawings at ___ht so need much practice on them.
Well you will be tired of all this talk, so I will quit + give you a rest. Give all the folks my best + tell mother that a letter would be very acceptable.
Don't hesitate to write to me of any difficulty for it will be strickly between you + me. I am anxious you should profit by my experience as far as possible.
As ever Yours -
P.S. Just hand Tom this short letter and ask him what shall I say? Let me know at once what he says.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Hartford, MI) to “My Dear Dan”
[Daniel Michael Carlisle]. Letter. 1 September 1903. Digital Images 1-4.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1903-1904,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
You're right-it's interesting how his tone is totally different from the women.
I wonder if Dan appreciated the advice he received from Frank. It sounds like good advice.
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