Sunday, March 21, 2010

Doyle Family Story Hits the Stage

I stumbled across this article and just had to share because it is such a great story! "From The Mountains of Mourne to the Mines of Montana" is a play about Irish immigrants. What makes the story great:
A Playwright's Inspiration

The playwright Lisa Hayes, discovered her inspiration on a website created by Doyles' granddaughter Fiona Jones, who traced the genealogy and passionately writes about the Miners of Mourne and their journeys. Jones possesses what she calls, a "fierce personal pride" in her Irish roots. "I hope that after watching this play that the audience will have a deeper understanding of the cost to our ancestors paid to provide us with the life we have today," says Jones. Her website is: .

You need to check out the amazing website that Ms. Jones created, The Miners of Mourne. If I ever get around to creating a web page for my family I will looking to this page for inspiration!


Anonymous said...

Oh wow, how cool! I've often thought of writing about an ancestor's life, perhaps even adding a speculative twist for a novel.

I love reading stories about or inspired by ancestors. And a play? What a great idea!

Greta Koehl said...

That is so neat! Stories, illustrations, music, the whole deal! What an inspiration.