- What is your favorite book and why?
- I can't name a single favorite book. My favorite series of books is the Stephanie Plum mysteries by Janet Evanovich. As a child I read voraciously. First all of the Nancy Drew Books and then all of my brother's Hardy Boys. I like series books because you get to know the characters and look forward to what might come next. Some of my other favorite authors; Jonathan Kellerman, Faye Kellerman, Patricia Cornwall, Frank Herbert and Isaac Asimov.
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- It's a Wonderful Life. It's just an amazing story. Who's life would have been different if I hadn't been born? How would my life have been different if someone else hadn't crossed my path at just the right time?
- Where is your favorite place in the world and why?
- Hawaii. We've been twice and I love the Big Island. Someday I'll probably do an entire series of post on our adventures there. But the biggest reason that it is such a special place for me is that on our first trip my Mother was able to join us and see the Pacific Ocean for the first time, at the age of 73. Being able to take her to Pearl Harbor is something that I'll never forget. That first trip we also traveled with Bean, her boyfriend, BJ, and Country Girl.
- What is your favorite time of day? Are you a morning person, an afternoon person, or a night owl?
- I'm definitely a morning person. I've never done well with late nights. My one job working third shift only lasted about a month. By afternoon I'm ready for a nap. My job right now does get me up a bit earlier than I'd like.
- What is your favorite holiday?
- Christmas! Time with family, food, presents, food, time off, presents.

Mom's favorites:
- Book - She couldn't pick one either. If she had to pick a favorite author it would be Isaac Asimov but she loves books; sci-fi, mysteries or just a good tale. When asked she didn't mention Janet Evonovich but she looks forward to the Stephanie Plum novels as much as I do.
- Movie - It's a Wonderful Life. A little fantasy and good wins over evil.
- Place - Hawaii. She says she still can't believe that she got to go and is thankful she was able to get there while her health was still good enough to enjoy herself and swim in the Pacific Ocean.
- Time of Day - Morning
- Holiday - Christmas! She actually loves the period from Halloween to Thanksgiving and then Christmas. Everything is decorated, people are in good spirits, lots of good food.

Week #4
Week #3
My Childhood Home
Carlisle Family Home
Syracuse Baby Camp
Week #2
Fun and Games in the 60's & 70's
Fun and Games in the 1930's
Week #1
My School Memories
Mom's School Memories