Way back in March of last year, based solely on pictures and a quick walk through by my sister-in-law, we bought a mobile home in Orlando, Florida. It was too good a deal to pass up but we were still at least two years from our plan to retire.
In April I had surgery on my foot to correct a previous surgery. My mother became very ill. I did not heal as I should have. Fast forward to July and while still on crutches I fell and broke the other side of my foot. We finally got to Florida to see our new place but being in a wheel chair we couldn't do much while we were here. We crunched numbers and made a new plan to retire at the end of the year. I went back to work in September in much pain but determined to work to the end of the year so our finances would be in order. Mom got better. Life improved.
In late October it was determined that I would have to have more surgery. It was put off until mid December which fit with the plans we had already made. Surgery went well and it was determined that I was allergic to the plate used in the earlier surgery. I felt better almost immediately. We would have been all set except -
We didn't get out of Snowville fast enough! My husband gave himself a hernia shoveling. So now it was his turn to have surgery. That went well but we had to count on others for snow removal and it snowed every day.
He finally was released by his doctor the last week in January and we hit the road. Made it as far south as Syracuse before we were stopped by snow - in the south. It's been bad everywhere this year! We finally arrived in Orlando at the very end of January.
It took a couple of weeks to get internet access. And as with any new place we are doing repairs and making changes. The weather here has been perfect so there has also been a lot of doing nothing but enjoying it! My husband seems to be completely healed. I'm getting around better everyday.
As for genealogy I have had some time to do a little work. Nothing exciting and mostly eliminating possibilities rather than making any new and wonderful discoveries. Once we got back online I had several emails for information and have poked around on those lines some.
I have no idea when I'll get back to regular posts here but we are starting to feel settled, so I expect it will be soon.
Thanks for following along!