Weekly Reading
Following yesterday's post about apple butter I was pleased to see Judy Shubert write about Making Pear Butter at Food Gratitude.
Just in time for Halloween and to celebrate both National History Month and Polish American Heritage Month, Jasia has been sharing a series of the legends of the town of Wojnicz, Poland at Creative Gene. I've enjoyed them all but my favorite was The Devil's Transport. Let her know which was your favorite.
Also in time for Halloween was Sheri Bush's, Looking Into the Eyes of Old Tom At Last at Twig Talk. Read to find our just what "table walking" was.
Thomas MacEntee at Destination: Austin Family had a nice series on his quest to reunite a baby book with a family member. There are links to all the parts of the series on the first article, Search for the Living - Honing Your Research Skills.
At Ganny's Genealogy, Pam has a series on land records and how she has abstracted them and what she plans next. She shares some great links. In part 6 she says, "Although land records may be a familiar tool for professionals, many others are intimidated by the process, don’t know what they might learn from it, or haven’t even considered using land records." Land records were the first records I actually found that weren't online! If you are intimidated by the records or don't know their value be sure to read her series.
Have you killed off your Ancestors? Kathryn Lake is working at killing off hers at Looking4Ancestors. Why is it important? Read her article to find out.
I passed on Randy's last SNGF as it just didn't inspire me. Herstoryan on the other hand found just the inspiration she needed to write about her grandmother's scrolls and her attempts to follow the leads her grandmother left.
MoSGA Messenger had a great link to Civil War Animated Battle Maps. I've been to Franklin, TN a few times and found the Battle of Franklin map fascinating.
Adirondack Almanack had a great link too. This one took me to The Old Salt Blog and The Naval Defeat that Saved the Revolution. It was at Lake Champlain that my ancestor, Captain Daniel Carlisle, was cashiered so I found this especially interesting.
Ancestry.com's relatively new Member Connect feature was received with a mixed response. I liked it then and I like it even more now. They have added Enhancements to Member Connect.
Carnivals and Roundups
The 5th edition, of A Festival of Postcards is up at A Canadian Family. The theme was Quadrupeds and there were a lot of interesting entries. Evelyn Yvonne Theriault did a nice job pulling it all together.
Randy Seaver's weekly Best of the Genea-Blogs, at Genea-Musings, highlighted one of my posts. Thanks Randy! Go see which one and what else he found interesting.
John Newmark's Weekly Picks at TransylvanianDutch highlighted some of my letter transcriptions. Thanks John! Have you read any of John's transcriptions of the tape made by his grandfather and uncle?
There were several great posts written for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy. The topic is musical instruments and the deadline is midnight tomorrow. It will be hosted at Janet the Researcher.
Also due tomorrow are entries for the 16th edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture. The topic is Irish Portraits and will be hosted by Lisa at Small-Leaved Shamrock.
My Week
I really enjoyed chatting at ScanFest but I got very little scanning done.
It was a fairly quiet week but as usual I am struggling to keep up. I did work on my indexing project a little. I went to the cemetery hoping to fulfill a find-a-grave request. I haven't found the stones yet but I did enjoy my walk on a rare, beautiful day. I spend enough time walking the cemetery that I have a good idea based on names and dates where to look and I like to wander and find them that way but I guess I'm going to have to get a plot number so I can find them before the snow starts.
After transcribing the letter written by Marshall Warner I contacted the man that had added his memorial at find-a-grave. He is a distant cousin of Marshall's but he was able to put me in touch with one of Marshall's great-great-grandchildren. I still haven't heard anything back after attempting to contact descendants of Jeanette Belote.
I did get some more family members linked at find-a-grave and added some pictures.
Not a very productive week.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Friday, October 30, 2009
Apple's Apple Butter
A month ago I wrote about the apple butter that ancestors made. I asked my mother if she remembered having apple butter as a child and she does but she didn't remember much about the process. When I asked why we never had apple butter when I was growing up she said that she had bought some at the store after she had moved to Syracuse and that it was so bland she never bothered buying it again.
Jasia had remarked in her comment that she'd also found the store bought to be bland so I decided to try making my own. I wasn't about to buy a huge copper kettle and build a fire in the back yard so I opted instead to try making it in the crock pot. If you do a search for "crock pot apple butter" you will find many differing instructions so after reading several I got to work.
I bought McIntosh apples and had about 4 lbs. I decided to peel the apples based on the majority of the recipes I found.

Over the apples I added:
2 cups sugar
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
dash of salt
1/2 cup water

After an hour the apples had started to reduce.

After four hours the pot still looked like the picture above, so I decided to help things along and got out my potato masher.

I continued to mash and stir every hour and eleven hours after I started it had greatly reduced but was still very runny.

Wanting to go to bed, but not feeling I could just let it go overnight, I took the lid off and that helped a bit. I let it go another couple of hours so the whole process took about 13 hours. It probably is not as thick as it could be and it still looks a bit lumpy. You don't really notice the lumps and it tastes wonderful! I took Thomas' suggestion and spread it on raisin bread toast as an extra treat.

All in all I'm happy with the way it turned out. If I ever make it again I think I will start it in the late evening and let it cook overnight so I can watch it and let it reduce more the next day. I also may chop the apples before I put them in the crock.
Jasia had remarked in her comment that she'd also found the store bought to be bland so I decided to try making my own. I wasn't about to buy a huge copper kettle and build a fire in the back yard so I opted instead to try making it in the crock pot. If you do a search for "crock pot apple butter" you will find many differing instructions so after reading several I got to work.
I bought McIntosh apples and had about 4 lbs. I decided to peel the apples based on the majority of the recipes I found.

Over the apples I added:
2 cups sugar
3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ground cloves
dash of salt
1/2 cup water

After an hour the apples had started to reduce.

After four hours the pot still looked like the picture above, so I decided to help things along and got out my potato masher.

I continued to mash and stir every hour and eleven hours after I started it had greatly reduced but was still very runny.

Wanting to go to bed, but not feeling I could just let it go overnight, I took the lid off and that helped a bit. I let it go another couple of hours so the whole process took about 13 hours. It probably is not as thick as it could be and it still looks a bit lumpy. You don't really notice the lumps and it tastes wonderful! I took Thomas' suggestion and spread it on raisin bread toast as an extra treat.

All in all I'm happy with the way it turned out. If I ever make it again I think I will start it in the late evening and let it cook overnight so I can watch it and let it reduce more the next day. I also may chop the apples before I put them in the crock.
Apple Butter,
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Marshall C Warner. July 30, 1908

Bronson Mich
July 30 1908
Dear Mother Camfield
We were very glad to get a letter from you and to hear of your well-fare. As to fixing the grave of father Camfield I was intending to do it any way but had not got to it yet when I received your letter but it is done now and as to the bill there is none. I am glad of the opertunity to do that much for you and as long as I live will see that it is properly cared for. I am glad to know that you are so well cared for. How thankfull we ought to be for good children/ I certainly am
page 2
My mother is still living will be 86 yrs. old the 23 of September she has a good home with one of her daughters. Wife and I went to visit her one year ago last fall. I am so glad you can see the love and goodness of our Heavenly Father and feel like praising Him.
What a great blessing it is to know that He is our Father and that of ___ is our Savior. Good Bye Mother Camfield and may the Lord keep you in peace and comfort.
From your friend
M. C. Warner
Pleas write when you can we are always glad to here from you.

Marshall C Warner had been a neighbor of Sarah Ann and Mike's. He was also the father of Libby who was married to their grandson, Fred Camfield. There are several letters written by Libby in the collection.
I'm not certain exactly what was meant by "fixing the grave." It could be as simple as cleaning up around it or as involved as repairing the stone.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Warner, Marshall C (Noble, MI) to “Dear Mother Camfield”
[Sarah Ann Camfield]. Letter. 30 July 1908. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - Autumn Cemetery Stroll
Phoenix Rural Cemetery,
Wordless Wednesday
Francis Ashley Carlisle, May 19, 1908

Chicago Ill.
May 19 08
Dear Mother and All.
With the trembling hand and failing sight of full thirty years I take my pen to refresh your memory that your oldest baby is still able to make himself heard in the land.
I am feeling quite venerable this evening, not so much from the weight of years as from the weight of an old spade with which I have been digging up our beautiful back yard in which, if things go as usual I shall produce a bumper crop of robist weeds of all known + unknown varieties. Each year for a period of two weeks or more I have the garden mania and worry the earth into humps and mounds which as summer advances is the tramping ground of children, weeds, and vain hopes.
I have a few things up naturally and some artifically that I have examined to see if there are prospects of incubation. All have done well except the pickles (they never say cucumbers here) Which I believe must have been planted bottom side up.
We are flurishing as far as health is concerned. though some time ago I was laid up with tonsilitus, making the usual resolution to have them taken out which also as usuall I have forgotten.
page 2
My eyes are not failing as rapidly now though they are bad enough. They have been very good to me at the shop and changed me out a biplathe on which the work is not generally close so that I am able to make a fair showing and as I become more familiar with the work will be able to do better.
Our church work has enlarged to two missions and Sunday Schools so that O now have an assistant pastor and two lady missionaries to help me out but the work is still harder for me. In Pullman I hope to build a church this fall but it will be a hard proposition as they have laid off over seven thousand men within shops alone and other shops have done as much in proportion. With the lazy mans luck my job holds good and I have all that I can do.
Well this is quite a letter for one so old don't you think? So I will stop and send love to all.
For 30 years you son

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 19 May 1908. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Monday, October 26, 2009
Today at Shades of the Departed
Today at Shades of the Departed, footnote Maven is rerunning the article I wrote last year, for her Friday From The Collectors series. She has been featuring all of the articles written by those who have been nominated for Family Tree Magazine's 40 Best Genealogy Blogs. I was very surprised and thrilled when fM ask me to write the article. Thanks fM!
I'm tickled pink that Apple's Tree has been nominated in the Personal/Family category. Thanks to those of you that nominated me! I'm in very good company, as many excellent blogs have been nominated. You can vote as often as you wish and voting is open until November 5th.
I'm tickled pink that Apple's Tree has been nominated in the Personal/Family category. Thanks to those of you that nominated me! I'm in very good company, as many excellent blogs have been nominated. You can vote as often as you wish and voting is open until November 5th.
Francis Ashley Carlisle, Mar 19, 1908

Chicago Ill.
Mar. 19 '08
Dear Mother + All.
It has been a long time since I have written you but it seems as though there is so much to do + sp little time to do it.
I have been elected chairman of the 33rd ward Prohibition committe and as we have 157 saloons in this ward to contend with it is a buisy office. Next year I presume I can secure nomination for alderman if I wish.
My church work still goes fairly well with some prospects of building a chapel this summer. I have an assistant pastor now + we expect to take up a church +
page 2
sunday school in Burnside and adjoining suburb
The children are slowly improving from the whooping cough though they still cough hard. Mamie has a spell of acute indigestion today + has been in bed all day. otherwise we are very well.
Work is very slack all over the city with thousands out of work. Pullman has laid off about 5000 and there are hardly a thousand left in our shops. We are working nine hours a day now. lots of work but no money to do it with they claim. Mr. Harriman the railroad millionaire was in shop to day + stopped a moment at my machine to look at some work.
I have saved the worst news till the last. My eyes have failed more
page 3
rapidly during the last two months than in the last two years and it is only with the greatest dificulty that I can hold my job. I make many mistakes now and very soon I am afraid I will have to give up my job.
I hardly know what to do and I am afraid to go to a specialist for fear he will make me quit the shop entirely. However the Lord has looked after me during the last 8 years so that I feel no fear but what all will be well.
I have started in the chicken business is a small way and perhaps I may help out a little that way. I am still able to hear a few cackle.
Well I must get to bed as soon as possible so to be on hand tomarrow.
Love to All

Frank never does say what is wrong with his vision.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother + All”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 19 Mar 1908. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Albert Rose 1884-1954
The last letter was written by Albert Rose to my grandfather, Daniel M. Carlisle, so I wanted to know more about him. I also hope that in writing about him and his family that one of his descendants will discover that I have a copy of the letter to share with them.
Albert was born 9 Mar 1884 in Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan, the son of George and Henrietta (Mulford) Rose. [His birth record is available at Family Search Labs.] Being close in age he and Daniel most likely went to school together.
Based on his letter, the family had moved first to the state of Washington and in November 1907 to Jonesboro, Arkansas. I found the family on the 1900 census living in Bellaire Village, Antrim, Michigan. His mother had remarried and was Henretta Shirbondy, a widow, age 57. She had had 13 children but only 6 were still living; the 4 living with her were, Frank age 30, Elve age 19, Frederick age 17 and Albert age 16. So my theory is that George Rose had died, Henrietta had remarried and was yet again a widow.
The family is next found on the 1910 census in Kamilche, Mason, Washington. In his letter, Albert indicated that the family would not stay in Arkansas long and it appears they didn't. He also mentioned that on the trip to Arkansas that his mother and the "two children" had been ill. The family in 1910: Henrietta Shidord, age 67, married-3, 10 years (but husband not enumerated with family); Frank, age 40; Robert, age 32; Elve, age 29, M-1 (no length of marriage and enumerated with maiden name Rose); Fred, age 27; Albert, age 26; and grandchildren, Earl R Leggert, age 9 and Hellen M Leggert, age 7. It says both grandchildren were born in Michigan and I don't know whose children they were.
On 12 Sept 1918, Albert's WWI draft registration card was filled out showing that he lived in New Kamilche, Mason, Washington and he had a wife named Erma.
The 1920 census for Kamilche shows Fred Rose, age 37 and single as the head of the family with; mother, Henrietta Shirboudy, age 77; Albert, age 35 and his wife, Erma, age 25; brother, Robert, age 46; Alice, listed as daughter, age 4 2/12 (but whose daughter?); and nephew, Earl Leggitt, age 19.
Henretta Shirbondy died 30 Mar 1922, New Kamilche, Mason, Washigton at the age of 79.
By 1930 Albert was living on North Shore Rd, Clifton, Mason, Washington and may have remarried. He is working in a logging camp, age 46, shown with wife, Jessie Z, age 35 and three children.
Albert died, 7 Feb 1954, Shelton, Mason, Washington. On his death record his parents are listed as George Rose and Henrietta Mulford.
A bit of further research and I believe that I have located one of Albert's children. I tried sending an email to an address I found but the account is no longer active. I will try to contact them by other means.
Albert was born 9 Mar 1884 in Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan, the son of George and Henrietta (Mulford) Rose. [His birth record is available at Family Search Labs.] Being close in age he and Daniel most likely went to school together.
Based on his letter, the family had moved first to the state of Washington and in November 1907 to Jonesboro, Arkansas. I found the family on the 1900 census living in Bellaire Village, Antrim, Michigan. His mother had remarried and was Henretta Shirbondy, a widow, age 57. She had had 13 children but only 6 were still living; the 4 living with her were, Frank age 30, Elve age 19, Frederick age 17 and Albert age 16. So my theory is that George Rose had died, Henrietta had remarried and was yet again a widow.
The family is next found on the 1910 census in Kamilche, Mason, Washington. In his letter, Albert indicated that the family would not stay in Arkansas long and it appears they didn't. He also mentioned that on the trip to Arkansas that his mother and the "two children" had been ill. The family in 1910: Henrietta Shidord, age 67, married-3, 10 years (but husband not enumerated with family); Frank, age 40; Robert, age 32; Elve, age 29, M-1 (no length of marriage and enumerated with maiden name Rose); Fred, age 27; Albert, age 26; and grandchildren, Earl R Leggert, age 9 and Hellen M Leggert, age 7. It says both grandchildren were born in Michigan and I don't know whose children they were.
On 12 Sept 1918, Albert's WWI draft registration card was filled out showing that he lived in New Kamilche, Mason, Washington and he had a wife named Erma.
The 1920 census for Kamilche shows Fred Rose, age 37 and single as the head of the family with; mother, Henrietta Shirboudy, age 77; Albert, age 35 and his wife, Erma, age 25; brother, Robert, age 46; Alice, listed as daughter, age 4 2/12 (but whose daughter?); and nephew, Earl Leggitt, age 19.
Henretta Shirbondy died 30 Mar 1922, New Kamilche, Mason, Washigton at the age of 79.
By 1930 Albert was living on North Shore Rd, Clifton, Mason, Washington and may have remarried. He is working in a logging camp, age 46, shown with wife, Jessie Z, age 35 and three children.
Albert died, 7 Feb 1954, Shelton, Mason, Washington. On his death record his parents are listed as George Rose and Henrietta Mulford.
A bit of further research and I believe that I have located one of Albert's children. I tried sending an email to an address I found but the account is no longer active. I will try to contact them by other means.
Albert Rose, 25 Feb 1908
The next letter was written to Daniel Carlisle by his friend, Albert Rose, and is dated, Jonesboro Ark. Feb 25 1908.
Albert and his family had moved from Seattle, Washington to Jonesboro, Arkansas, arriving there 11 Nov.
Albert does not like his new home but they haven't gotten the price they want for their claims so they can't sell yet. He goes on to tell of men hiding out in the swaps and of the need for caution when approaching any man's home, lest you be shot at. He relates a recent incident.
He also tells of killing a big bear before leaving Washington and laments that it's not safe to go hunting near his new home. He asks Daniel if he's done much hunting and asks if he has his "gray hound" yet.
He also asks Daniel if the money panic has affected the Carlisle's and then goes on to tell of the cost of having goods shipped.
After a bit of searching I discovered that Albert Rose died in Washington in 1954 so I have not published his letter.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Rose, Albert (Jonesboro, AR) to “Friend Daniel”
[Sarah Ann Camfield]. Letter. 25 Feb 1908. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Albert and his family had moved from Seattle, Washington to Jonesboro, Arkansas, arriving there 11 Nov.
We had a pleasant trip except for Mother & the two children getting sick on the way.
Albert does not like his new home but they haven't gotten the price they want for their claims so they can't sell yet. He goes on to tell of men hiding out in the swaps and of the need for caution when approaching any man's home, lest you be shot at. He relates a recent incident.
They used to shute aman down for fun out in the wolley west but down here they shot a man for killing dog. There was a man shot and killed two men one man an his son the other day for killing a dog.
He also tells of killing a big bear before leaving Washington and laments that it's not safe to go hunting near his new home. He asks Daniel if he's done much hunting and asks if he has his "gray hound" yet.
He also asks Daniel if the money panic has affected the Carlisle's and then goes on to tell of the cost of having goods shipped.
Well we sent our goods by freight when we left Seattle and we have not got them yet but we heard from them and we expect them any day. We sent20323.30 lbs of freight from Seattle Wash and it cost us over $100.00 what do you think of that and we sent to Montgomery wards Chicago for over $100.00 order of freight since we got here.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Rose, Albert (Jonesboro, AR) to “Friend Daniel”
[Sarah Ann Camfield]. Letter. 25 Feb 1908. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Weekly Rewind
I started Weekly Rewind earlier this year as a way to highlight the writing of others that I had enjoyed and to record what I did (or did not) accomplish during the week. Thinking that there wasn't much interest, I discontinued it after a couple of months. A few of my blogging buddies have said they did enjoy them and I find it helpful to reflect weekly on what I've done, even it if is simply a lot of reading. For this return edition I'll be highlighting posts going back further than a week. If you enjoy any of them be sure to leave a comment and let the author know!
Weekly Reading
fM reels you in from her opening line with The Hearse, Frozen Golfish & Twins at footnote Maven. I won't give anything away, you'll have to read it yourself.
At Blind Pig & the Acorn, Tipper wrote about The Moving Wall Memorial. The wall moved her, her post moved me and brought back memories of my visit to The Wall when it was in Syracuse.
Jim Charlier also wrote about a sobering memorial, this one to those who have lost their lives in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. See his post, Dogtag Garden at Art of Gardening.
Another post I found to be very moving was Caroline Pointer's tribute to her brother Patrick, It Could, at Family Stories.
Wendy Littrell had an attempted murder, suicide and tangled roots to sort out with her post, Mingling of Families and Murder at All My Branches.
With all of the talk about flu shots in the news lately I found J.L. Bell's, The "Suttonian Method" of Fighting the Smallpox, at Boston 1775 very interesting. I had thought vaccinations were a relatively new thing.
There were some interesting cemetery posts. First, Linda Stienstra at Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard Rabbit posted about the final resting place of those who perished on the Titanic. Read, Cruise Day 3; Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, to learn more.
One of the pictures in Linda's post showed small stones placed on one of the headstones, a custom unfamiliar to me. A few days later Stephanie Lincecum provided the answer with Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks at Southern Graves.
Chris Dunham posted The Wing Ring at The Genealogue. A cemetery and descendant chart all in one!
To be or not to be, does it really matter, by Teresa Elliot at Generations Gone By Weblog touched on a subject that is dear to me. Read her thoughts on the difference between genealogists and family historians and researching the "right" line.
Brett Payne has a very interesting photograph at Photo Sleuth. What on earth is that thing? You'll have to read, Have space suit - Will travel, to find out.
I guess we didn't really study the Revolutionary War in school so Tim Abbott's posts on the subject, at Walking the Berkshires, are always enlightening for me. "Henry, Get Your Guns": Whose Idea Was it to Go to Ticonderoga?, was a very interesting read for me.
Donna Gloff did an excellent job of comparing legend and facts at Orlando, West Virginia with Peter Shields Revisited.
Carnivals and Roundups
Kathryn Doyle did a great job putting together the 82nd edition of the Carnival of Genealogy on the California Genealogical Society and Library blog. I haven't had much luck with my society but after reading several of the posts I think I may ask Santa for a membership to a National society.
John Newmark has also returned to sharing his Weekly Picks at Transylvanian Dutch.
Randy Seaver has his weekly, Best of the Genea-Blogs, at Genea-Musings.
My Week
My week was so busy and so I tiring that half the time I didn't know if I was coming or going. Our big event at work was a great success but very stressful for me. I spent many hours this week on wrap up work and I'm still writing the very important thank you notes.
And if last Saturday's event wasn't stressful enough for me, my granddaughter had an adventure no child should have. Her sleep over at a friend's house made the local paper. Thankfully she and her friend are both fine.
There hasn't been much time for family history. No letters were transcribed but I did post the ones I had done and I did a bit of research to discover the identity of a woman that wrote to Sarah Ann. I also have decided on the Patriot ancestor that I will use for my DAR application and spent a couple of hours working on that.
Weekly Reading
fM reels you in from her opening line with The Hearse, Frozen Golfish & Twins at footnote Maven. I won't give anything away, you'll have to read it yourself.
At Blind Pig & the Acorn, Tipper wrote about The Moving Wall Memorial. The wall moved her, her post moved me and brought back memories of my visit to The Wall when it was in Syracuse.
Jim Charlier also wrote about a sobering memorial, this one to those who have lost their lives in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars. See his post, Dogtag Garden at Art of Gardening.
Another post I found to be very moving was Caroline Pointer's tribute to her brother Patrick, It Could, at Family Stories.
Wendy Littrell had an attempted murder, suicide and tangled roots to sort out with her post, Mingling of Families and Murder at All My Branches.
With all of the talk about flu shots in the news lately I found J.L. Bell's, The "Suttonian Method" of Fighting the Smallpox, at Boston 1775 very interesting. I had thought vaccinations were a relatively new thing.
There were some interesting cemetery posts. First, Linda Stienstra at Lancaster Pennsylvania's Graveyard Rabbit posted about the final resting place of those who perished on the Titanic. Read, Cruise Day 3; Fairview Cemetery, Halifax, Nova Scotia, to learn more.
One of the pictures in Linda's post showed small stones placed on one of the headstones, a custom unfamiliar to me. A few days later Stephanie Lincecum provided the answer with Rocks, Rocks, and More Rocks at Southern Graves.
Chris Dunham posted The Wing Ring at The Genealogue. A cemetery and descendant chart all in one!
To be or not to be, does it really matter, by Teresa Elliot at Generations Gone By Weblog touched on a subject that is dear to me. Read her thoughts on the difference between genealogists and family historians and researching the "right" line.
Brett Payne has a very interesting photograph at Photo Sleuth. What on earth is that thing? You'll have to read, Have space suit - Will travel, to find out.
I guess we didn't really study the Revolutionary War in school so Tim Abbott's posts on the subject, at Walking the Berkshires, are always enlightening for me. "Henry, Get Your Guns": Whose Idea Was it to Go to Ticonderoga?, was a very interesting read for me.
Donna Gloff did an excellent job of comparing legend and facts at Orlando, West Virginia with Peter Shields Revisited.
Carnivals and Roundups

John Newmark has also returned to sharing his Weekly Picks at Transylvanian Dutch.
Randy Seaver has his weekly, Best of the Genea-Blogs, at Genea-Musings.
My Week
My week was so busy and so I tiring that half the time I didn't know if I was coming or going. Our big event at work was a great success but very stressful for me. I spent many hours this week on wrap up work and I'm still writing the very important thank you notes.
And if last Saturday's event wasn't stressful enough for me, my granddaughter had an adventure no child should have. Her sleep over at a friend's house made the local paper. Thankfully she and her friend are both fine.
There hasn't been much time for family history. No letters were transcribed but I did post the ones I had done and I did a bit of research to discover the identity of a woman that wrote to Sarah Ann. I also have decided on the Patriot ancestor that I will use for my DAR application and spent a couple of hours working on that.
Weekly Rewind
Friday, October 23, 2009
My Search for Mrs. J.H. Belote
In 1908 Sarah Ann Camfield received a letter from Mrs. J. H. Belote. Initially I assumed that the J. H. would be her husband’s initials. I know, assume makes an ass out of u and me! I don’t know why I’d make such an assumption as both Sarah Ann and Anna always used their initials rather than their husbands when they signed letters.
So my incorrect assumption found me wasting a bit of time trying to find a likely candidate for the author of the letter.
Some other assumptions I worked with:
The letter was written 10 Feb 1908 and referred to letters and cards Mrs Belote had received for a recent birthday.
Mrs Belote said that she was a quarter century from the Sarah Ann’s age of 90, making her age about 65 in 1908 so she was born about 1843.
When she was 10 years old she lived in Buffalo, NY, so probably born in New York.
Many of Sarah Ann’s correspondents, other than family, lived in Branch County, Michigan as Sarah lived there many years prior to Mike’s death. So that is where I started looking.
[Note that links are to census images at Ancestry.com and you will not be able to view them unless you have a subscription]
On the 1910 census I found Jeanette Belote, age 67 born Wisconsin, wife of Lewis W. Belote.
On the 1900 census I found Jeanette H. Belote, age 57, born Jan 1843, Wisconsin in Sherwood, Branch, Michigan. She was the wife of Lewis W. Belote.
Sherwood, Michigan jumped out at me as Sarah had received birthday letters of her own. Sarah Ann's letter dated 12 Oct 1903 mentions receiving a birthday letter from Bell Plant’s mother-in-law of Sherwood.
On the 1910 census of Bronson, Branch, MI I found Bell Belote, age 36 wife of Horace E Belote, age 40. And on the 1900 census of Matteson, Branch, Michigan is Belle C Belote, born May 1874, wife of Horace E. Belote, born May 1870.
Mrs Belote’s letter also said, “When I was 28 years old (then a wife and Mother of two boys)……” which fit perfectly with the family’s 1880 census record, where they are found in Colon, St Joseph, Michigan: Lewis Belote age 43; Jeanette age 37; James L. age 6; and Horace E. age 1/12.
So I am fairly sure that Mrs. J. H. Belote was Jeanette H. Belote of Sherwood, Michigan. But what was her maiden name?
I first looked at some public member trees at Ancestry.com and found a tree named Pacific Northwest Necrology, owned by genehisthome. This tree had Lewis Waldo Belote, born about 1836, prob. Colon, St. Joseph, Michigan, died 19 Mar 1919 Tebonsha, MI. He married about 1865, Helen Jeanette Currier who was born 1843 and died 1919.
An online index to St. Joseph County, Michigan marriages has: C-421 Lewis W. Belote to Jannette Currier.
My next stop was Seeking Michigan where I found Jennette’s death certificate. It gives her birth as 29 Jan 1843, New York; daughter of Rufus Currier and Mary Hunt.

On the 1860 census I found Rufus Currier, age 54, born NH; Mary, age 48, born NH; Janet, age 17, born WI; Sarah, age 12 born NY; and Oscar, age 7 born NY.
The census records I’ve found all agree that Jennette Helen Currier Belote was born in Wisconsin. The family didn’t stay there long and based on Jeanette's birth and her letter they must have relocated to Buffalo, NY for a time before moving to Michigan.
I have not located any of these families on the 1850 census but I have found more than enough to satisfy my curiosity about a woman I am not related too! Now I will contact those that have trees that include Jennette to let them know that one of her letters survived.
So my incorrect assumption found me wasting a bit of time trying to find a likely candidate for the author of the letter.
Some other assumptions I worked with:
The letter was written 10 Feb 1908 and referred to letters and cards Mrs Belote had received for a recent birthday.
Mrs Belote said that she was a quarter century from the Sarah Ann’s age of 90, making her age about 65 in 1908 so she was born about 1843.
When she was 10 years old she lived in Buffalo, NY, so probably born in New York.
Many of Sarah Ann’s correspondents, other than family, lived in Branch County, Michigan as Sarah lived there many years prior to Mike’s death. So that is where I started looking.
[Note that links are to census images at Ancestry.com and you will not be able to view them unless you have a subscription]
On the 1910 census I found Jeanette Belote, age 67 born Wisconsin, wife of Lewis W. Belote.
On the 1900 census I found Jeanette H. Belote, age 57, born Jan 1843, Wisconsin in Sherwood, Branch, Michigan. She was the wife of Lewis W. Belote.
Sherwood, Michigan jumped out at me as Sarah had received birthday letters of her own. Sarah Ann's letter dated 12 Oct 1903 mentions receiving a birthday letter from Bell Plant’s mother-in-law of Sherwood.
On the 1910 census of Bronson, Branch, MI I found Bell Belote, age 36 wife of Horace E Belote, age 40. And on the 1900 census of Matteson, Branch, Michigan is Belle C Belote, born May 1874, wife of Horace E. Belote, born May 1870.
Mrs Belote’s letter also said, “When I was 28 years old (then a wife and Mother of two boys)……” which fit perfectly with the family’s 1880 census record, where they are found in Colon, St Joseph, Michigan: Lewis Belote age 43; Jeanette age 37; James L. age 6; and Horace E. age 1/12.
So I am fairly sure that Mrs. J. H. Belote was Jeanette H. Belote of Sherwood, Michigan. But what was her maiden name?
I first looked at some public member trees at Ancestry.com and found a tree named Pacific Northwest Necrology, owned by genehisthome. This tree had Lewis Waldo Belote, born about 1836, prob. Colon, St. Joseph, Michigan, died 19 Mar 1919 Tebonsha, MI. He married about 1865, Helen Jeanette Currier who was born 1843 and died 1919.
An online index to St. Joseph County, Michigan marriages has: C-421 Lewis W. Belote to Jannette Currier.
My next stop was Seeking Michigan where I found Jennette’s death certificate. It gives her birth as 29 Jan 1843, New York; daughter of Rufus Currier and Mary Hunt.

On the 1860 census I found Rufus Currier, age 54, born NH; Mary, age 48, born NH; Janet, age 17, born WI; Sarah, age 12 born NY; and Oscar, age 7 born NY.
The census records I’ve found all agree that Jennette Helen Currier Belote was born in Wisconsin. The family didn’t stay there long and based on Jeanette's birth and her letter they must have relocated to Buffalo, NY for a time before moving to Michigan.
I have not located any of these families on the 1850 census but I have found more than enough to satisfy my curiosity about a woman I am not related too! Now I will contact those that have trees that include Jennette to let them know that one of her letters survived.
Jeanette Currier Belote, Feb 10, 1908

Sherwood Feb 10 1908
Mrs Camfield
Buchanan. Mich..
Dear Mother in Israel
I greatly appreciate your letter received on my birthday, and coming from one who could number, 90 years made it doubly interesting. The whole affair was a complete surprise to me and that made it more enjoyable. I received 24 post cards, 28 letters. 2 birthday booklets. And several substancial gifts. I thought as I read your letter should I live as long as you already have, I would have to live a quarter of a century yet, it don’t seem possible to me I ever will but the Lord’s will be done on that as in every thing else. I am glad you rejoice in a Savior who is abundiantly able to make our last days the very best of all your life
Page 2
You write me you had always thought you would be a Christian sometime; I always wanted to be even from childhood. When I was about 10 years of age a revival ware swept over the City of Buffalo N.Y. where I then lived it deluged the Churches and found its way into more secluded places A young girl was converted she attended the same school that I did At the recess on noon hour she would gather the little children about her and read from her Bible and talk to us I think I got my first impression of God and Heavin at that time for ever after that my heart was reaching out after something I hardly knew what I liked old people and good people best
Page 3
I remember I went with an old lady to a quaker meeting held in the home of one of their number my minds eye can see them now as they sat erect with somber grey dresses their white Kerchiefs crossed once their bosoms very stately they looked it seemed to me a very long time they sat there without saying a word finely got up shook hands said farewell and went home I know now I was deeply impressed with the Solemnity of the hour. I was brought up to go to Sunday school and church but there came a time when like many others I broke loose from all this and sought the pleasures of the world yet when I was all alone I felt I wanted something better
Page 4
When I was 28 years old (then a wife and Mother of two boys) I sought to know the Lord whome to know aright is life eternal the M. E. people were holding the Revival meeting in our School house quite a number professed to be saved from sin but I ask myself where are they now God alone knoweth For 17 years I lived an acceptable member of the . M. E. church but I fear at all times I was not an acceptable member of the church of God’s own planting Yet I had set my face as a fl__t Zionward and I was not Confounded for God came again to my help on the first day of Jan 1888
Page 5
And in truth I did become a new Creature Old things passed away and I became a new born Soul in Christ Jesus I have been doing the best I seemed to understand to walk humbly in His sight since that time I believe it would be to His Glory to say I realize His presence with one from day to day His service is my delight I have the Port in view I hope to make it by his Grace His promises are Yea and Amen to my Soul as I listened to the singing in the class meeting yesterday of the old Hymn, Zion Soldiers my inmost Soul was moved to another Victory of Amen for fear you never heard it I am going to write down the chorus
Page 6
Don’t you know that Zion Soldiers
Dropped early from the mould
And the more their’r melted over;
The brighter is the Gold.
It maybe you have heard it sung in other years Perchance you may even know it, I would like to get all of the words we only know a part of the piece I hope you will remember me when you talk with God ask him to keep me true in evry spot and place that my daily walk and conversation may please Him.
Pardon this long letter I may not have the opportunity to write again but I hope we may ne able to sing the Song of Redemption together over there
Your’s in Christian fellowship Mrs J. H. Belote

I hope this letter finds it's way to Jeanette's descendants.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Belote, Jeanette Helen Currier (Sherwood, MI) to “Dear Mother in Israel”
[Sarah Ann Camfield]. Letter. 10 Feb 1908. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1908,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Tamerson L Carlisle, Aug 2, 1907
Tamerson has extended her visit at her brother Frank's in Chicago. In this letter she sounds very critical of most of the people she writes about. She is not happy with the mysterious Mary's work ethic and a bit uncomplimentary about her sister-in-law and niece.
She also talks of meals or lack thereof:
She talks of maybe looking for work in Chicago:
She also mentions her future husband, Harry Binns:
Was Lizzie just another employee of Harry's or perhaps a family member?

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson L (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 2 Aug 1907. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
She also talks of meals or lack thereof:
Frank overslept 1/2 hour this morning + didn't get up until he usually starts. We did not have much bread + couldnt find a knife to cut it with + so had a great time. I am living on bread + milk and that is what the rest eat most of the time. Don't think the folks at home could thrive on what we do as we don't have potatoes three times a week even. Everything is so expensive and we use 4 or 5 loaves of bread each day. Frank takes a loaf for his dinner. Everything costs a farm. The telephone is a great convenience as we order everything thru it.
She talks of maybe looking for work in Chicago:
There are some good jobs offered in the city but I would rather work in Roseland. It is a poor time to work except in the large stores. I know how to go down to the city and back alone and would not be afraid to try to find any of the big stores. There are policemen all around in every direction + they are fine to direct. One day when Mamie + I were down in the very central district, the policemen began clearing the road of teams + soon a fire engine + wagons came through. A good many streets you can see by the no. on the house what street it is.
She also mentions her future husband, Harry Binns:
I wrote to Harry that I was not coming home last Sat. + he answered and said to stay + have a good time as far as the store was concerned. Also if I could get a good job here to take it up he advised. Lizzie has gone to Seattle, Wash. to stay indefinitely + business is picking up in the jewelry department. Most believe I could work more than Sat. if I was home + able.
Was Lizzie just another employee of Harry's or perhaps a family member?

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson L (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 2 Aug 1907. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Tamerson L Carlisle, July 7, 1907
The next letter was written by Tamerson from her brother Frank's home in Roseland, Chicago, Illinois. She was writing to tell Anna that she would not be home as planned but had decided to stay a while longer so she could attended Frank's mission picnic. Apparently she and someone named Mary were there to help Frank with the children while Mamie was away:
Pullman, Michigan is in Allegan County, a couple of counties north of Buchanan, Berrien County. I'm not sure why she would have been going there but there are members of her family I have not located on the 1900 or 1910 censuses so I have a new location to search. I an earlier 1907 letter, Frank stated the Mamie had gone to visit her mother in Crown Point, Indiana.
There really isn't much to this letter. I have no idea who Mary was. Perhaps she was one of Tamerson's friends that Frank was willing to employ as a nanny.
Sewell's broken arm isn't mentioned so hopefully it healed alright.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson L (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother + All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 17 July 1907. Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Mammie just managed to catch the Boat at St. Joseph the day we came. She has gone to Pullman this P. M.
Pullman, Michigan is in Allegan County, a couple of counties north of Buchanan, Berrien County. I'm not sure why she would have been going there but there are members of her family I have not located on the 1900 or 1910 censuses so I have a new location to search. I an earlier 1907 letter, Frank stated the Mamie had gone to visit her mother in Crown Point, Indiana.
There really isn't much to this letter. I have no idea who Mary was. Perhaps she was one of Tamerson's friends that Frank was willing to employ as a nanny.
Sewell's broken arm isn't mentioned so hopefully it healed alright.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson L (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Mother + All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 17 July 1907. Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Breast Cancer Awareness - Friends

I have known far too many women who have had breast cancer. It really strikes close to home when a co-worker or someone else you know disappears from your life to battle the disease. But there is an unfortunate "out of sight, out of mind" mentality when it comes to someone you don't know well.
Harder still is when breast cancer strikes your best friend. You worry and wait. You pray. You bake. You pray some more. In the case of my best friend it seems that the battle has been won. Yet there is always that worry in the back of your mind that cancer will once again rear it's ugly head.
Understandably my friend would like to retain her privacy and so I will not write her story here for all the world to see. However her life and mine are so intertwined that my story is not complete without hers and I think it is important to record it for future generations to find when we are gone. I am hoping that her cancer is but a tiny part of our story together and that we live to have many more adventures.
Have you recorded those special friendships or will future generations be wondering why there are 600 photographs of someone that they can't seem to find in the family tree?
family history
Monday, October 19, 2009
Pursuing DAR Membership
Last week was focused on our annual event at work so there was no time for writing or even transcriptions. I did however make time to attend my first DAR meeting a week ago today.
There is a local chapter in the city nearest me so it was convenient and they were a very welcoming group. They had a program on beginning genealogy which didn't really help me but was a good. Only a few members of the group spend much time researching online and none of the ones I talked to had ever heard of genealogy blogs, so I have something to offer them ;-)
The registrar looked over the worksheets I'd filled out and we talked about the ancestors I could use for membership. I had thought to use them all, or at least the three that other members of the family have used plus one more that I think I can get the paperwork together for fairly easily. It turns out that I have to make a separate application for each Patriot ancestor. I have no problem doing the paperwork that that would entail but the cost is prohibitive, so for now I have to pick just one.
I have found the DAR number of my great-grandaunt, Arabella Carlisle Osborn so I could probably file a short form based on her membership. Mom is certain that my great-aunt, Tamerson Carlisle Binns was a member and I could request a search for her application.
The registrar suggests that I use the ancestor that neither of my aunts could have used and at some later point add my other ancestors. I have filled out a request through the Patriot Index lookup service to see if anyone else has already registered this ancestor. I'm an inclined to go this way because in my mind I'd like to think that Sarah Ann would be tickled that I used her grandfather for my application rather than the more famous (or infamous) Carlisle ancestor. It's funny how close to Sarah Ann I sometimes feel because of her letters.
Here are the four ancestors I will be focusing on over the next couple of weeks to see what records I have and what I'd need. I hope to have all the records I need by the next monthly meeting.
Captain Daniel Carlisle (1738 - 1794)
Henry Glover (1732 - 1800)
William Hall (1740 - 1822)
Anthony Badgley (1750 - 1829)
There is a local chapter in the city nearest me so it was convenient and they were a very welcoming group. They had a program on beginning genealogy which didn't really help me but was a good. Only a few members of the group spend much time researching online and none of the ones I talked to had ever heard of genealogy blogs, so I have something to offer them ;-)
The registrar looked over the worksheets I'd filled out and we talked about the ancestors I could use for membership. I had thought to use them all, or at least the three that other members of the family have used plus one more that I think I can get the paperwork together for fairly easily. It turns out that I have to make a separate application for each Patriot ancestor. I have no problem doing the paperwork that that would entail but the cost is prohibitive, so for now I have to pick just one.
I have found the DAR number of my great-grandaunt, Arabella Carlisle Osborn so I could probably file a short form based on her membership. Mom is certain that my great-aunt, Tamerson Carlisle Binns was a member and I could request a search for her application.
The registrar suggests that I use the ancestor that neither of my aunts could have used and at some later point add my other ancestors. I have filled out a request through the Patriot Index lookup service to see if anyone else has already registered this ancestor. I'm an inclined to go this way because in my mind I'd like to think that Sarah Ann would be tickled that I used her grandfather for my application rather than the more famous (or infamous) Carlisle ancestor. It's funny how close to Sarah Ann I sometimes feel because of her letters.
Here are the four ancestors I will be focusing on over the next couple of weeks to see what records I have and what I'd need. I hope to have all the records I need by the next monthly meeting.
Captain Daniel Carlisle (1738 - 1794)
Henry Glover (1732 - 1800)
William Hall (1740 - 1822)
Anthony Badgley (1750 - 1829)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Counting Cousins
This week's Saturday night fun from Randy at GeneaMusings:
I adjusted the rules a bit and picked great-grandparents Isaac Ashley Carlisle (1842-1929) and Sarah Ann Camfield (1853-1930) because while I am working on the letter transcriptions their descendants are the ones that I'd most like to get in touch with right now. They only had three children and it was still a very tough exercise.
So Ashley and Sarah have at least 65 descendants that I know of. There are undoubtedly more. I've only met one of my first cousins. I have tried, without much success, to get in touch with some of my other cousins that I have tracked down and there are many more I haven't located yet.
I'd love to get in touch with any descendants of:
Francis Ashley Carlisle (1878-1926) and Mary Frances Carlisle (1877-1946)
Daniel Michael Carlisle (1885-1960) and Pearl Vivian Camfield (1886-1972)
Tamerson Louisa Carlisle (1877-1978) and Harry Phineas Binns (1865-1951)
Your task, if you decide to accept it (cue the Mission Impossible music), is to:
1) Pick one of your four great-grandparents - if possible, the one with the most descendants.
2) Create a descendants list for those great-grandparents either by hand or in your software program.
3) Tell us how many descendants, living or dead, are in each generation from those great-grandparents.
4) How many are still living? Of those, how many have you met and exchanged family information with? Are there any that you should make contact with ASAP? Please don't use last names of living people for this - respect their privacy.
5) Write about it in your own blog post, in comments to this post, or in comments or a Note on Facebook.
I adjusted the rules a bit and picked great-grandparents Isaac Ashley Carlisle (1842-1929) and Sarah Ann Camfield (1853-1930) because while I am working on the letter transcriptions their descendants are the ones that I'd most like to get in touch with right now. They only had three children and it was still a very tough exercise.
3 children, all of whom are deceased.
10 grandchildren of whom Mom is the only one still alive.
18 great-grandchildren (that I know of); 3 are deceased
20 great-great-grandchildren (I must be missing some); all still living.
14 great-great-great-grandchildren; all living
10 grandchildren of whom Mom is the only one still alive.
18 great-grandchildren (that I know of); 3 are deceased
20 great-great-grandchildren (I must be missing some); all still living.
14 great-great-great-grandchildren; all living
So Ashley and Sarah have at least 65 descendants that I know of. There are undoubtedly more. I've only met one of my first cousins. I have tried, without much success, to get in touch with some of my other cousins that I have tracked down and there are many more I haven't located yet.
I'd love to get in touch with any descendants of:
Francis Ashley Carlisle (1878-1926) and Mary Frances Carlisle (1877-1946)
Daniel Michael Carlisle (1885-1960) and Pearl Vivian Camfield (1886-1972)
Tamerson Louisa Carlisle (1877-1978) and Harry Phineas Binns (1865-1951)
Saturday Night Fun
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Francis Ashley Carlisle, Apr 23, 1907

Chicago Ill
April 23 07
Dear Ones at Home
Sunday afternoon at 3.00 oclock in Sunday school the baby fell off a bench and broke his arm.
The fractire is in the large bone of the right arm about one inch above the elbow. We immediately summoned doctor who were obliged to administer chloroform before setting the bone. Because of the nearness of the fractire to the elbow joint the doctor gives us little encouragment of satisfactory healing saying the chances are 10 to 1 that the arm will be allways stiff. He is a good baby and trys so hard to be good. He rested fairly well last night. The arm is in a Plaster of Paris Cast. We will let you know if all does not do well.
As ever

Poor little Sewell had a rough childhood! This is not the type of letter any grandparent wants to receive. Do you htink this was a silent request for Anna to come and help?
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Ones at Home”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 23 April 1907. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Friday, October 16, 2009
Francis Ashley Carlisle, Apr 12, 1907

Chicago Ill
April 12 07
Dear Ones at Home.
Even though today is the 13th I will venture to write you a few lines just to let you know that though snowed + frozen in I am still alive.
We are just over first real blizzard of the year and tonight it is as clear + cold as in February.
I am still plugging away in the shop and like it very well. I have just built + sent out a fine steam pile driver for the road. At the test it drove a 32 ft. pile out of sight in blue clay in 2 1/2 minutes. The hammer runs by steam + weighs 5 tons striking 72 blows per minute. The chief of the department is much pleased with it. On the first of the month I got a raise in wages so now I get 37 cts per hour and 55 1/2 cts overtime. Please receipt.
My church work is doing fine
page 2
to the great astonishment of the old church. I now have 130 scholars enrolled in the Sunday School and average from 40 to 60 in the Sunday morning services. We has a great time easter morning with a packed house of over 200 people. All were happy.
Mamie is gone a week to her mothers in crown point Ind. It is only 30 mile from here. So I am keeping batchelors hall. Just as bad as ever.
We are planning if agreeable to you folks to come over the 4th of July + stay over Fathers birthday. It has been more than a year since I was home.
Dan will find enclosed an order for $30 paying up his loan in full with the exception of $2.75 interest which if he can wait another month will be much more convenient for me to pay him.
Our Love to all

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Ones at Home”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 12 April 1907. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Francis Ashley Carlisle, Feb 12, 1907

Chicago Ill
Feb 12 .07
Dear Ones at Home:
It has been a long time since I received your last letter but my time has been so full that it seems that I have hardly had time to think.
It has been quite cold here + we have felt it for we are remodeling our house + that is a cold operation. Every room has been changed except the kitchen which we intend to
page 2
tear down in the spring. As I get home from work at 4.30 every day, I try to do a little and all our changes so far das not cost us a cent in money. This month I will try my hand at plastering. I don't know how I shall make out but as I would have to pay a mason 67 1/2 cts an hour I will be satisfied if I get it stuck on so that we can paper over it. In the spring we hope to raise the house so that some day we may have a basement. also we will add a new kitchen + bedroom.
On New Years day Mamie got wet + contracted a severe cold on the lungs. She made a plaster + put it on + it sliped off to one side + burned her side quite badly. The burn healed but in its stead came 10 or 15 boils which we doctored patiently till they dissapeared only to be followed by a large + painful abcess on the left side which became so bad that we had to have it lanced a little over a week ago. It was fierce. Mean while her teeth began to trouble her so that they had to be tended to at once. In the first part of the above chapter the babys head broke out badly with eczema while I brought up the rear with two quite respectable boils on my right arm. However we are all better now. Frances alone escaped + her abundence
page 3
of spirits nearly drown out what little _ence we had left. Mamie's Mother came up and helped us out for a week or I don't know what we would have done. As you see I hardly had time to write or any thing else + through it all I lost but one day.
My work in the shop is very agreeable, + I am a sort of "straw boss" now. I am building a combination derreck, wrecking + pile driving car which will cost about $12000 when done. Am setting up my engines now while I have to keep about 20 men moving in all departments. The work is interesting but the responsibility of pending $12000 in 3 months for some body else is not comfortable to have.
page 4
In addition to all else I am devoting what time I can to my independant church. Though i am working in one of the hardest districts of the city, nearly all foreign + catholics + Lutherans at that. I am much encouraged. I had 87 in Sunday school last Sunday and over 40 out to preaching service. If I am able to bring a little light in some darkened lives I shall be content. We with drew from our Church not long ago and are now working independently. If anybody don't like what I say they can leave now + not us. It seems sad that many of our persecutions should come from within the church rather from outside. In our change we have made no change in our beliefs or practices
page 5
It hardly seems possible that Daniel has another birthday this month. I am afraid that your little children have all gone and grown men + women fill their places. It will not be long till I ma in my thirtieth year. As I sit here tonight + see my children talking + laughing at their play It hardly seems possible that this is me. It is when my miserable alarm cock goes off at 5-15 every morning that I realize that I live very much in the present.
We enjoyed "you alls" letter very much. We must write oftener.
Enclosed please find order for Daniel. $25 with interest for 9 mo + 19 days $1.20 please sent receipt for same earliest convinience.
Frances says to tell her Grandma's that she is good. (You must take this with a grain of salt).
Well Well I see I have been writingto a reckless length so will close with love from all to all.
432 - 100 Pl.
Chicago Ill.
P.S. Have had to reorganize my finances since writing the above so send $20 without interest which I will pay later.

What kind of "plaster" could Mamie have made that would have burned her so badly? Was it a chemical burn?
Mamie's mother was Lydia Bartlett Carlisle.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Folks at Home”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 12 February 1907. Digital Images 1-4.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1907,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
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