The follow was written 13 February 2008 and originally appeared at The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree.
Feb 13, 2008
We had another two hour weather delay this morning. I had the news on so I'd know if we closed but I really wasn't paying attention. I puttered around on my computer, working on a blog post and ignored my news feeds.
I started my elementary route right on time but fell a minute behind because several kids were at sitters or not ready because of the delay.
After picking up my first 13 kids I turned onto Main St. Just as student number 14 was boarding, the fire department's rescue truck pulled across and blocked off the next intersection - right at the corner where the funeral home is. Had I paid attention to the news I would have been prepared but since I hadn't, I pulled up to about 50 feet from the intersection, parked in the middle of my lane and called in my situation to alert other drivers that the road was closed. My initial thought was that it must be a funeral for a local fire fighter.
My view was blocked by the truck but very quickly men from the VFW appeared holding American flags and flanked the side street. A procession of cars started around the corner between them. I was briefly distracted by traffic behind me and the kids getting out of their seatbelts to see what was going on - a big no-no on my bus. I was just about to order them back into their seats when members of the 10th Mountain Division started to line up on the porch of the funeral home. Waves of sadness washed over me as I realized what we were about to witness.
A line of Oswego County Sheriff's cars came around the truck on the other side and parked on the side of the road, even with and facing my bus. The officers got out and formed a line, which was quickly joined by NYS Troopers and local Officers who had parked somewhere out of my view. A line of men in blue was now standing at attention in the roadway right in front of the bus and facing the funeral home.
The kids were standing up and asking questions and I was doing my best to answer them. Some were impatient that we were being held up in this way. I told them that somebody important had died and pointed out the three honor guards that we could see from our vantage point. I told them that these men were here to honor a soldier and that we should also show our respect by waiting patiently. A couple were upset at the idea of anyone being dead and I tied to comfort them and not tear up myself. We talked about respect, honor, dignity and war. As we watched, several local residents came out from their homes to stand on the other three corners in the bitter weather.
Suddenly the officers in front of us started saluting and a few moments later we could see the casket being carried onto the porch by more soldiers. This was the first time most of the kids had ever seen a casket. I looked up in my mirror and my problem student, the one that is always in trouble for saying inappropriate things, picking on younger kids or for being just plain disruptive, this student was standing next to their seat and saluting. Despite the lump in my throat I suggested that anybody that wanted to show their respect for this fallen soldier should stand with their hands over their hearts just like the people standing on the corners were doing. The one student continued to salute and the rest of us placed our hands over our hearts and remained that way until the last of the mourners had been escorted into the funeral home.
If we hadn't had a delay we would not have been there. If I had listened to the news I might have rerouted and we would not have been there. If I had not been running one minute late we would not have been there. I believe that we were meant to be there, with our hands over our hearts.
I now know that we witnessed the very sad homecoming of Army Sgt. Timothy Van Orman. Sgt. Van Orman served in Afghanistan from August 2003 to May 2004 and in Iraq from August 2005 to July 2006. In September he was deployed for the third time. Last week Sgt. Van Orman became a casualty of war, dying at the age of 24. He leaves behind a wife, infant daughter, his parents and three siblings. More on his homecoming can be found here and his obituary here. A memorial for Sgt. Van Orman has been created at Find-A-Grave.
Four of my friends have sons in the armed forces. I have never met Mike, who was wounded in Irag, but his mother is thankful that he is doing well and stationed in the US. Another friend's son is in the Air Force and will probably be deployed again. The other two young men are both in the Army and besides being the sons of friends they are two of "my" kids. Bob has finished basic and is continuing his training and will be deployed soon. Jim is still in basic training. I spent a lot of time today thinking about these four young men.
May 31, 2010. These four young men are all well today. Mike and I have met and he is at Fort Drum. The other three young men continue to serve. Meanwhile the sons and grandsons of other friends have entered the service and I pray that they all return home to their families safely.
Monday, May 31, 2010
With Our Hands Over Our Hearts - Honoring Sgt. Timothy Van Orman
Monday, May 24, 2010
Capt Daniel Carlisle - Pest of Society
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
I found this very interesting letter at Google Books: Town papers. Documents relating to towns in New Hampshire, Volume 13. Capt. Daniel Carlisle was my 4th great-grandfather. He was cashiered from the Army so I found it interesting that he retained the title, Captain. He ran a public house in Westmoreland, New Hampshire so he likely had a good forum for his views. The question was did Westmoreland belong to New Hampshire or Vermont and did New Hampshire have the right to collect taxes.
[11-87] [Statement concerning matters in Town, 1781.]
Westmorland 13 Febr 1781--
Before this reaches you, you will undoubtedly hear of the
disorder in this part of the State, -- I find that people pretend to
be actuated by several motives,--some say that the Court of
New Hampshire are so Arbetary that they ought to brake from
them, some say that New Hampshire had rather confine the
State to the Mason Liine, then have any of the Grants west of
the River; but some more bold Enemies to the State and
States, such as Capt Daniel Carlile of Westmorland who on
the seventh of this Instant before several witnesses,-- Did de-
clare, that for his part, he was for the Convention, not because
he saw what they was after, but the more disorder the better in
order to bring about a Revolution : for says he We must either
be subject of France or Britton and for his part, he chose Great
Britton and if the people would rise and drive the French
from the Continent, he would rise and drive the French
from the Continent, he would go in parson, or contribute one
hundred hard Dollars towards the same ; for says he, the peo-
ple must throw of the authority, and then they could make a
peace, for a peace with Great Britton was what he wanted and
said, I am not, afraid to declare my sentiments before your best
Authority, for said he your Authority is weak and if three
Towns will Combine together, the Authority dare not medle
with them, nor send for any Tax and as for myself says he I will
pay no more Taxes to New Hampshire, for a Revolt, from
Authority is what I want, and susch like conversation, this Capt
Carlile and some other disaffected persons have been very active
by one means or other to lead the people to Act as inconsistant
with and I think as much against their interest and the com-
mon good, as they could have acted; this is not the only Town
for I am well informed that the disaffected persons are all en-
gaged in this new Plan, for seperating from New Hampshire,
as they please to term it; but I believe it is more as Capt Car-
lile desires it to be, to bring on all the disorder possible. He
and some others are grone to be very bold and I wish for heav-
ens sake that Authority might take place and all our domestick
Enemies maight either be subjected to Authority or driven from
us for they are the Pest of Society, and I think they are on the
gaining hand in this part of the State--Sir I thought it my
Duty, to inform your honor of this that you might be ac-
quainted of what persons we have amongst us--
I am Sir
Your Honors most
Obed and Hble Servt
Joseph Burt
The Honble Mesheck Weare
Title Town papers. Documents relating to towns in New Hampshire, Volume 13
Volumes 11-13 of Provincial and state papers, New Hampshire
Town Papers. Documents Relating to Towns in New Hampshire, Isaac Weare Hammond
Authors Isaac Weare Hammond, New Hampshire (Colony) Probate Court
Publisher P. B. Cogswell, state printer, 1884
Original from the University of California
Digitized Aug 7, 2007
Accessed May 20, 2010 at Google Books:
Amanuensis Monday,
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Clarinda Etoly Robinson - 1857-1909
Toley Robinson was a dear friend of my great-grandmother, Anna Camfield Carlisle and while she wasn't a family member, she was important to my family, not just to Anna but to her three children and many other members of the Camfield and Carlisle families in southern Michigan and Northern Indiana. One of Tamerson Carlisle Binn's memories of her childhood was of Toley helping to make Apple Butter.
Through letters I have learned much about her and the Robinson family and have added them to an online tree to share that information. I have connected with a member of the Robinson family who shared a photograph of Toley and just recently found a record of her death. When I wrote What Happened to Etoley Robinson I cleared up some relationships but made at least one incorrect assumption. Rather than a standard index page I have created this time line for Toley. Included are links to letters, the online tree and Find-a-Grave. Hopefully I now have all of the Robinson family relations correct.
Toley - Thank you for being a friend!
1857. Clarinda Etoley Robinson was born to Parker and Clarinda Robinson on October 24th, most likely in Elkhart County, Indiana.
1860. Census. Concord, Elkhart, Indiana. With her parents, six siblings and her paternal grandmother.
1865. The Robinson family moved to Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan.
1870. Census. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. With her parents and three siblings. Next door was her sister, Elizabeth Robinson Voorhees.
1880. Census. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. With her parents. Next door was her sister, Elizabeth Robinson Voorhees. Her friend, Anna Camfield Carlisle lived in the home behind hers.
1887. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan.
1898. Her father, Parker Robinson, died January 29th and was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. Her mother, Clarinda, also died that year, on November 16th and was also buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery.
1899. Toley moved from Buchanan, Michigan to South Bend, Indiana.
1900. Census. South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana. Renting rooms in the home of George Northam that she shared with her niece, Amelia Gosline (daughter of her sister, Sarah Robinson Gosline). She was working as a dressmaker.
1902. Letters written from South Bend, Indiana
1903. South Bend, Indiana.
1905. Not known.
1906. Not known.
1908. Medford, Grant, Oklahoma.
1909. Medford, Grant, Oklahoma.
1909. Death. 26 June, Grant County, Oklahoma. Burial Springdale Cemetery.
Through letters I have learned much about her and the Robinson family and have added them to an online tree to share that information. I have connected with a member of the Robinson family who shared a photograph of Toley and just recently found a record of her death. When I wrote What Happened to Etoley Robinson I cleared up some relationships but made at least one incorrect assumption. Rather than a standard index page I have created this time line for Toley. Included are links to letters, the online tree and Find-a-Grave. Hopefully I now have all of the Robinson family relations correct.
Toley - Thank you for being a friend!
1857. Clarinda Etoley Robinson was born to Parker and Clarinda Robinson on October 24th, most likely in Elkhart County, Indiana.
1860. Census. Concord, Elkhart, Indiana. With her parents, six siblings and her paternal grandmother.
1865. The Robinson family moved to Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan.
1870. Census. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. With her parents and three siblings. Next door was her sister, Elizabeth Robinson Voorhees.
1880. Census. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. With her parents. Next door was her sister, Elizabeth Robinson Voorhees. Her friend, Anna Camfield Carlisle lived in the home behind hers.
1887. Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan.
- Toley is mentioned in a letter, Anna Camfield Carlisle, 3 Feb 1887. She had stayed with her friend, Anna, while Anna's husband was out of town.
1898. Her father, Parker Robinson, died January 29th and was buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, Berrien, Michigan. Her mother, Clarinda, also died that year, on November 16th and was also buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery.
- Sympathy for Toley and her mother was expressed in a letter by Sarah Ann Camfield, 17 Feb 1898.
1899. Toley moved from Buchanan, Michigan to South Bend, Indiana.
- On February 19th Toley was taking care of Anna Carlisle's children and wrote the first of the letters that Anna would save.
- In a letter dated Feb 24, 1899, Daniel Carlisle stated that Toley intended to leave for South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana the following day.
- Also on Feb. 24, Tamerson Carlisle mentioned Toley's planned trip to South Bend and also that they had seen Toley's brother, Abner Robinson.
- A third letter on Feb 24 by Ashley Carlisle also mentions Toley and Abner.
- On Feb 26 Daniel Carlisle confirmed that Toley had left for South Bend.
- Anna Carlisle wrote to Toley on Feb 27. Since Toley had already left for south Bend I assume that Toley never received it and that is why it was with Anna's papers.
- On March 18 Toley was still in South Bend, Indiana when she wrote to Tamerson Carlisle. She mentioned writing to Mrs. Gosline and that her violin had arrived. She mentions her brother, Abner and many other people.
- In a second letter written March 18, Toley mentions her sister, Lib (Elizabeth) and other friends.
- April 27, 1899, Rose G Camfield says she hasn't seen Toley in South Bend, IN and asks if Toley has returned to Buchanan, MI.
- May 7, Toley had moved to E. Washington St and described her new rooms. Lib and Amelia were mentioned.
- Aug 7, 1899, Rose G Camfield mentions that Toley had been to visit her in South Bend, IN a few days earlier and that she seemed well and happy.
- Aug 28, 1899, Mabel Camfield Marsh said that she saw Toley every day and that she didn't think Toley would visit Buchanan, MI that summer.
- Sept 10, 1899, Toley wrote from South Bend, IN about her frustrations with her job. She is concerned about some deeds and said, "I wish you would ask Abb [Abner] if he got those deeds all right."The remainder of the letter talks about a show she saw.
- The year finished out with a letter from South Bend, IN by Toley, Dec 31st, in which she talks about friends and Christmas. As far sa family she said, "I suppose Lizzie has gone to Mays Bell does not seeme to envy May in the least. I have not seen Amelia since she came back". Amelia Gosline was her niece. Lizzie was most likely Toley's siter-in-law, Elizabeth Grady Wilbur Robinson and May was Lizzie's daughter. Belle was most likely Mabel Camfield but I have no idea why she would be envious of May. [Thanks to Chris for figuring out these relationships.]
1900. Census. South Bend, St Joseph, Indiana. Renting rooms in the home of George Northam that she shared with her niece, Amelia Gosline (daughter of her sister, Sarah Robinson Gosline). She was working as a dressmaker.
- Jan 1, Toley wrote from South Bend, Indiana. She mentioned Christmas and several friends.
- Jan 3, Toley wrote from South Bend, Indiana. A short letter, she mentions her nephew, Clint Voorhees. I believe that the letters written Dec 31, Jan 1 and Jan 3 were all mailed together.
- Mar 18, Toley wrote from South Bend, Indiana. Mentioned are family named McComb that I can not place and her nephew, Clint Voorhees and sister, Celia. She also provides the birth dates of her parents and recounts her family's trip from Indiana o Michigan.
- Mar 19, Toley wrote about a show she had seen. I believe this letter was sent with the one written the day before.
- Apr 23, Toley mentioned, Lib Voorhees, Amelia and Ralph Gosline, Lizzie Robinson and May Seavey as well as a family named McComb.
- Aug 14, Toley wrote from the hospital in South Bend, Indiana. She had had a serious gynecological problem and relates her problem and recovery in a long letter. Her apartment is described briefly and her niece, Amelia Gosline, is mentioned.
- Aug 21, Toley was now home in South Bend, Indiana. She mentions her sister, Elizabeth Robinson Voorhees and some friends.
- By 1900 her brother, Woosley, had moved to Grant County, Oklahoma.
- In a letter Jan 7, 1901, Sarah Ann Camfield asks after Toley.
- July 15, Toley wrote to Anna but did not say where she was but the indication is South Bend, Indiana. Mentions Peter, Sarah and Amelia Gosline and Lib Voorhees.
- 20 Sept 1901, Toley. "Sarah, Peater and Cora was here to see us" Sarah and Peter Gosline but who was Cora? Also Walter and Vera Voorhees.
1902. Letters written from South Bend, Indiana
- Jan 5, Toley said she was well and working as a seamstress. She mentioned her niece, Amelia Gosline and nephew, Clint Voorhees.
- March 30, Toley wrote about Easter, work and bills. She mentioned her brother, Abner Robinson.
- Nov 27, Toley wrote of the weather, work and Thanksgiving. Also that she had started taking a class.
1903. South Bend, Indiana.
- Aug 2, Toley had finished her studies and had started a new career as a nurse. She mentions some friends, her sister Lib and bother Abb. Also mentioned is May. She indicates that the Robinson house in Buchanan, Michigan is empty.
1905. Not known.
- Sept 20, Tamerson Carlisle mentioned Toley's nephew, Leland Robinson.
- Sept 27, Anna Carlisle also mentions Leland.
1906. Not known.
- May 18, Sarah Ann Camfield asks if the Robinson house is still empty.
1908. Medford, Grant, Oklahoma.
- Dec 23, Toley wrote from Meford, OK. She told of Christmas and making hair puffs. Mentioned her brother, Woolsey, sister, Sarah and niece, Amelia.
1909. Medford, Grant, Oklahoma.
- Jan 10, Toley said, "I do not think you will have me when the five years are up. you know I did not promise to come back unless I prospered." She again wrote a bout Christmas and mentioned gifts from her sister, Sarah, and niece, Amelia, as well as other friends.
- Mar 26, Toley wrote about having to move and making hair pieces. She mentions her brother, Woolsey and Mae and said that her nephew, Melvin and family started back to their claim.
1909. Death. 26 June, Grant County, Oklahoma. Burial Springdale Cemetery.
- In Jan 1909 Toley wrote of Sarah Ann Camfield, who was then 91, "Am sorry your mother does not become any stronger but it is not surprising. if we should live to be as old as she is we may consider ourselves lucky is we should be strong." Sadly, Toley died just a few months later at the age of 51.
- Chris found Toley's burial information in: The silent cities of Grant County, Oklahoma by Deone K. Pearcy, N. Dale Talkington. 1993.
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Surname Saturday - Nardozza / Nardozzi
A recent wedding on my husband's side of the family has prompted me to share one of his surnames this week. When I first expressed an interest in his family genealogy his sisters told me what they knew and I was given a copy of a privately published genealogy, Fedele - Capadano - Nardozzi, as prepared by Phylis Fedele Fiorica.
My husband's mother was Florence Nardozzi 1919-1968. I learned from both my sister-in-law and Mrs. Fiorica's work that Florence was the daughter of Generino Nardozzi and that after moving to the United States he went by John Nardozzi. It turns out that this information was only partly correct. An uncle mentioned to me that the family name had originally been Nardozza and that the name had been changed "during the war." With that hint things finally started to fall into place and I determined that my husband's immigrant ancestor was Gennaro Nardozza and at some point he did start spelling his name with an i rather than an a. Gennaro had a brother, Antonio Nardozza and his descendants seem to have retained the original spelling however I have found instances of Nardozzi in their line too.
Michele Nardozza and Filomena Capadano lived in Rionero in Vulture, Province of Potenza, Basilicata Region, Italy. The Nardozza surname is quite common there. I have the following six children for them, however they may have had more.
I would like to thank Steve Danko for the help he has given me on this line.
A blog in Italian about Rionero by Francesco.
Rionero in Vulture at Wikipedia
Commune di Rionero in Vulture an Italian web page with history and photos.
Rionero in Vulture on Flickr
Previous posts
Angelina Taddeo Nardozzi - photo
Fannie Cardella 1914-2008
Florence Nardozzi - photo
Florence Nardozzi Grabowski - photo
John Nardozzi 1933-2010
Mary Nardozzi Mere - photo
Nardozzi Genealogy
True Love - Gennaro & Angelina newspaper clipping
My husband's mother was Florence Nardozzi 1919-1968. I learned from both my sister-in-law and Mrs. Fiorica's work that Florence was the daughter of Generino Nardozzi and that after moving to the United States he went by John Nardozzi. It turns out that this information was only partly correct. An uncle mentioned to me that the family name had originally been Nardozza and that the name had been changed "during the war." With that hint things finally started to fall into place and I determined that my husband's immigrant ancestor was Gennaro Nardozza and at some point he did start spelling his name with an i rather than an a. Gennaro had a brother, Antonio Nardozza and his descendants seem to have retained the original spelling however I have found instances of Nardozzi in their line too.
Michele Nardozza and Filomena Capadano lived in Rionero in Vulture, Province of Potenza, Basilicata Region, Italy. The Nardozza surname is quite common there. I have the following six children for them, however they may have had more.
- Gennaro "John" Nardozza / Nardozzi. 1880-1968. Immigrated 1904. Lived briefly in Canandaigua and Auburn, New York before settling in Syracuse, New York where he married Angeline Taddeo and raised eight children.
- Carmella Nardozza. I know very little about her other than that she married a man with the surname Saldicco and had at least one child.
- Antonio "Anthony" Nardozza. 1886-1954. Immigrated 1906. He settled in Rochester, New York and married Theodosia Degosta and they had at least three children. Sometime after 1930 they moved to Los Angeles, California.
- Angelina Maria Nardozza. 1890-1936. Immigrated 1906. She married Philip Fedele and they lived in Auburn, Canadaigua and Rochester, New York. I believe they had a total of 15 children.
- Madeline "Lena" Nardozza. 1893-1962. Immigrated 1906. She married Antonio "Anthony" Furfaro and lived in Newark and Rochester, New York. They had at least nine children.
- Louisa Nardozza. I know very little about her other than she married Carmello Bocchetti and moved to Massachusetts were they had at least five children.
I would like to thank Steve Danko for the help he has given me on this line.
A blog in Italian about Rionero by Francesco.
Rionero in Vulture at Wikipedia
Commune di Rionero in Vulture an Italian web page with history and photos.
Rionero in Vulture on Flickr
Previous posts
Angelina Taddeo Nardozzi - photo
Fannie Cardella 1914-2008
Florence Nardozzi - photo
Florence Nardozzi Grabowski - photo
John Nardozzi 1933-2010
Mary Nardozzi Mere - photo
Nardozzi Genealogy
True Love - Gennaro & Angelina newspaper clipping
Surname Saturday,
Friday, May 21, 2010
Pearl Gardiner Camfield, 14 March 1911
Celeron, N. Y.
March. 14, 1911
Dear Grandmother, Aunt + all,
I wan't to thank you all for the nice presents you sent. We liked them so well. Tell Grandma her quilt will certainly do us good. My mother pieced us a spread too. We got a lovely set of knives and forks from Roys mother and among the presents We Relieved [sic] here we got a set of spoons. A cream ladle and a gravy ladle. A Butter knife and sugar shell. a meat fork. a pickle fork. Salad dishes 2 setts of dinner plates. A Cracker bowl and a beautiful picture. I think we got a nice lot of presents don't you. We are staying with my folks now. Roy tells me so much about his Aunt Anna and grandma that I almost know you all allready. Well I hope you will write to us. We like to hear from you.
page 2
From, Mrs. Pearl Camfield.
Box 78. N.Y.
This letter was sent with the one I shared yesterday from LeRoy Camfield. The picture was drawn below Pearl's signature, however I believe that it was drawn by Leroy after looking at his handwriting and the way he wrote "No. 2" on his letter. It is possible that Pearl was also an artist. See yesterday's letter for more details on the couple.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, Edith Pearl Gardiner (Celeron, NY) to “Dear Grandmother, Aunt + all”
[Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield] Letter. 14 March 1911. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Thursday, May 20, 2010
How Much!? Family Treasure Found
Tonight while searching for my 4th great-grandfather, Capt. Daniel Carlisle, I found a family heirloom for sale. A framed piece of beautiful embroidery called Mourning Picture could be mine for just $4,000. The description:
The antique dealer is in Connecticut and Daniel lived out his life in New Hampshire so there is a small chance this was a memorial to a different Daniel Carlisle. I have spent lots of hours searching and my Daniel Carlisle is the only one I've found that had the title Captain. His granddaughter, Harriet Lincoln Greene lived in Rhode Island so perhaps it was stitched by someone in that line.
Way too expensive for me to even consider but I'm very happy that I was able to see it and to know of it's existence. I'm saddened that it passed out of the family. Perhaps another descendant with the means will buy it.
Mourning Picture. Gold leaf frame; black mat; green; blue; brown; gray and white.. Wood and plaster frame; silk; watercolor; paper.. This framed memorial is done in fine silk embroidery on silk. The sky and clouds are in watercolor. In the center is a stone monument with an urn on top. An inscription, written in script reads, "In Memory of Capt. Daniel Carlisle." A large willow leans over the monument. Additional trees, bushes, flowers, grass and plants all done in silk needlework complete the scene.
The antique dealer is in Connecticut and Daniel lived out his life in New Hampshire so there is a small chance this was a memorial to a different Daniel Carlisle. I have spent lots of hours searching and my Daniel Carlisle is the only one I've found that had the title Captain. His granddaughter, Harriet Lincoln Greene lived in Rhode Island so perhaps it was stitched by someone in that line.
Way too expensive for me to even consider but I'm very happy that I was able to see it and to know of it's existence. I'm saddened that it passed out of the family. Perhaps another descendant with the means will buy it.
LeRoy Eastwwod Camfield, 14 March 1911
Celoron New York
Mar 14 o/11
Dear Aunt and Grandmother
We recieved your presense and hearty congratulations and thank you very much we was very much pleased with them the people here think they are so nice her mother thinks the quilt is so nice she thinks the old fashioned pieces are so nice we also think the world of all of your presents. I can not tell you how much I thank you for your presents I wish you would excuse me for not writing before but I have been running all over and never had a perminant address before so I could not very well corrispond with anyone now I have an address and would like to hear from you at any time I would be very much pleased
No. 2
I suppose you think I am too far away to ever come to see you again but I am comeing out some day and see you all and bring my wife I know you will like her for she is a very nice girl well I cannot think of much to say this time only I would like to hear from you all how is Dan and everyone else I would like to have him write and Grandma I do want you to write me a nice long letter and tell me just how you are getting along and how you feel and if you are well and how you feel and if you are still peasing quilts yet I think the one you sent us was fine I had not forgotten when you promised me one well when we get more pictures we are going to send some out that way so you can see a picture of the wedding we had a fine time and always will I must Close dont forget to write everybody
I Remain as Ever Yours
Roy Camfield Celeron New York
Box 78
LeRoy Eastwood Camfield (1890-1964) was the youngest child of Joseph and Rose (Graham) Camfield. I do not have a wedding date for him and he doesn't give the date here but I assume it was late 1910 or early 1911. His bride was Edith Pearl Gardiner (1893-1966), the daughter of Cornelius and Mary Ann (Wentz) Gardiner.
I have heard a family story that Roy left South Bend, Indiana and was a sign painter for a circus for a time. I have no idea if it is true or not. Celoron is located just west of Jamestown, on the far east shore of Chautauqua Lake in the southwest corner of New York. A few miles west, also on the shore of the lake is the Chautauqua Institution, known for it's arts program and I have always wondered if that was how LeRoy found himself in Celoron. LeRoy was an artist and a drawing of Pearl is included with tomorrows letter.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, LeRoy Eastwood (Celeron, NY) to “Dear Aunt and Grandmother”
[Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield] Letter. 14 March 1911. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Camfield Family Plot - Noble, Michigan
In Libbie's letter that I shared yesterday, she said that her son, Russell, was buried "on the same lot with Grandfather leaving space between for Grandmother."
In a letter dated 29 Dec 1899, Sarah Ann (Grandmother) describes the headstone that she purchased for Mike (Grandather), "O forgot in my other letter to tell you there that I got anice little monument put up at Fathers Grave before I came away so now when you see it is dark marble with white letters x think of it you can think it is marked with his name in large white letters and the date of his birth and death on it." In a future letter, Libbie will talk of purchasing a similar stone for Russell.
I visited Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Noble, Michigan in April 2008 and the type and arrangement of the stones does not agree with what was written. Here is a view of the Camfield plot in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Noble, MI.
The space between Mike and Sarah Ann's stones is certainly large enough for another grave and there is certainly a large space between Sarah Ann's marker and Libbie's. So where is Russell buried? At some later time a monument was put up for Libbie and Russell.
And then there is the mystery of the dark marble headstones. Was the planned headstone actually purchased? Mike and Sarah have matching stone but they certainly do not appear to be marble and the lettering is not white. Were the stones replaced or was Sarah perhaps confused as to the type of stone and perhaps the white lettering has worn away?
At the far end of the plot are Libbie's son and daughter-in-law.
Just in front of the Camfield plot is the Warner plot.
In a letter dated 29 Dec 1899, Sarah Ann (Grandmother) describes the headstone that she purchased for Mike (Grandather), "O forgot in my other letter to tell you there that I got anice little monument put up at Fathers Grave before I came away so now when you see it is dark marble with white letters x think of it you can think it is marked with his name in large white letters and the date of his birth and death on it." In a future letter, Libbie will talk of purchasing a similar stone for Russell.
I visited Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Noble, Michigan in April 2008 and the type and arrangement of the stones does not agree with what was written. Here is a view of the Camfield plot in Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Noble, MI.
L-R. Michael Camfield, Sarah Ann Camfield, Elizabeth Warner Camfield Somerlott/Russell Camfield, W. Mabel Camfield, Cecil Camfield.
The space between Mike and Sarah Ann's stones is certainly large enough for another grave and there is certainly a large space between Sarah Ann's marker and Libbie's. So where is Russell buried? At some later time a monument was put up for Libbie and Russell.
1879 - 1963
1910 - 1911
And then there is the mystery of the dark marble headstones. Was the planned headstone actually purchased? Mike and Sarah have matching stone but they certainly do not appear to be marble and the lettering is not white. Were the stones replaced or was Sarah perhaps confused as to the type of stone and perhaps the white lettering has worn away?
At the far end of the plot are Libbie's son and daughter-in-law.
APR 27 1912
APR 7 1997
Just in front of the Camfield plot is the Warner plot.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Elizabeth Warner Camfield, March 12, 1911
The next letter was written by Libbie to the family back in Buchanan and told in heart breaking detail of the death of her son, Russell Amasa Camfield.
The letter also contained other bits of news. Henry Bogardus was not in Noble, he was spending the winter in either Wisconsin or Illinois. She tells of her parents still being with her and visiting other relatives in Chicago. Also in a note added at the top of the first page she said, "The Powder Mill Explosion reached our house but did no damage". This was a reference to the Explosion on March 9th in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, over 60 miles away.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, Elizabeth Warner (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Aunt and All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 12 March 1911. Digital Images 1-5.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Rec'd Grandma's letter on Earl's birthday all right containing the cards for them both, except our thanks for them. she asked in it if Baby walked yet. no, he never even stood alone but got so he "hitched" around on the floor in one room only. He was sick 3 weeks but not dangerously so until he broke out with measles Thurs. night before he died Mon. morning. complications of thyphus and pneumonia were to much for the weak little body He suffered agonies, especially the last few days. I pray I may never see a human being, or anything suffer so again, but he is past it all now and altho we miss the dear little fellow we cannot wish him back to a life of suffering that has always been his.Of the burial she said, "on the same lot with Grandfather leaving space between for Grandmother."
Am sending a Bronson Journal to Grandma, mention is made in it of many she will remember Altho no mention was made of Fred’s father or my parents coming home with us. We were very glad Fred’s father could go with us, he stayed Tues. night at my brother Lawrence’s, all the family and relatives who attended the funeral stayed to Boltis’ for dinner Wed. There were 3 big sprays of flowers which covered the box, we took a spray of 4 dozen carnations with ferns from here, some of my relatives gave another of white and pale pink and white roses were given by the W. C. T. _ _ + L. T. L. those letters were cut from purple felt and pasted on white chiffon which tied the spray. We could take him home by having the casket put inside of a zinc box which was hermitically sealed in the presence of a city health officer then that box was put into a plainly painted shipping box which could not be opened; but all were so thankful could take him home under any conditions.
The letter also contained other bits of news. Henry Bogardus was not in Noble, he was spending the winter in either Wisconsin or Illinois. She tells of her parents still being with her and visiting other relatives in Chicago. Also in a note added at the top of the first page she said, "The Powder Mill Explosion reached our house but did no damage". This was a reference to the Explosion on March 9th in Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin, over 60 miles away.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, Elizabeth Warner (Chicago, IL) to “Dear Aunt and All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 12 March 1911. Digital Images 1-5.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Monday, May 17, 2010
Heirs of Mary A Kelly
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Mary A. Kelly was my great-great-grandmother. Her husband, Michael Kelly, died sometime between 1870 and 1880. Below is one of many legal notices that appeared in the Jefferson County Journal regarding her estate. I'll share my thoughts of who's who below.
Jefferson County Journal, Adams, NY, June 10, 1902, page 10, col 2
The People Of The State of New York – To Phillip Kelley, George Kelley, James Kelley, Robert McDonald, Charles McDonald, Phillip M Kelley, Albert B Kelly, William D Kelly, Mary E Kelly, Hazel M Kelly, Henry Overton, LG Fish, EJ Seeber, DE Taylor, FG Moore, Alfred Goss, LJ Bullock, The Citizens National Bank, WL Pratt, TP Saunders, WR Brown, VH Legg, Loren Ripley, FJ Garvin, LA Safford, GF Maloney, HH Norton, and Charles Cobb, consisting all of the heirs at law, next of kin, legatees, devisees, creditors and occupants of the real estate of Mary A Kelley, late of the town of Adams, in the county of Jefferson deceased and to all other creditors and persons interested in any manner whatever in the estate of the deceased, send greeting.
You and each of you are hereby cited and required personally to be and appear before our Surrogate of the county of Jefferson, at his office in the city of Watertown, in said County, on the 16th day of June, 1902, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to show cause, if any you have, why the real estate of said deceased should not be mortgaged, leased or sold for the payments of the debts of said deceased and why an order by said Surrogate, authorizing, empowering and directing Daniel Fish administrator of the estate of Mary A Kelley, deceased, to mortgage, lease or sell, so much of the real estate of said deceased as shall be necessary to pay the debts and funeral expenses of said deceased.
And that if any of the persons interested be under the age of twenty-one years, they are required to appear by their guardian, if they have one, or if they have none that they appear and apply for one to be appointed, or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so, a guardian will be appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceeding.
In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of office of said Surrogate to be affixed:
[L. S.] Witness Charles L Adams, Surrogate of said county at the city of Watertown, the -0th day of April, A. D. 1902
C L Adams, Surrogate
A F & T F Saunders
Attorneys for Administrator
Adams, Jeff. Co. N. Y.
On the 1900 census Mary is said to have had seven children, only three of whom were still living. Between the 1860, 1870 and 1880 censuses I have her children as:
- John Kelly b. abt. 1853 Canada, d. 1896 Adams, NY
- Ann Kelly b 1854 Adams, NY. She is found on the 1855 state census but not with the family on any subsequent census so it is assumed she died between 1855 and 1860.
- James C Kelly b. 1856 Adams, NY, d 1936 Canada.
- Phillip Kelly b. abt 1858 Adams, NY, d. abt 1918 Watertown, NY
- Mary A. Kelly b 1860 Adams, NY. I do not know what happened to her after the 1880 census when she was listed as a servent in the home of Fayette Stanley, Adams, NY.
- William Kelly b abt. 1862 Adams, NY, d. 1896 Adams, NY.
- George H Kelly b. 1864 Adams, NY. He is found on the 1900 census of Adams, NY and I have not traced him further.
Phillip Kelley - son
George Kelley - son
James Kelley - son
Robert McDonald - ?
Charles McDonald - ?
Phillip M Kelly - grandson, son of William
Albert H Kelley - Bert Henry, grandson, son of William
William D. Kelley - William Dwight, Sr, son of William
Mary E Kelley - Mamie, daughter of William
Hazel M Kelley - daughter of William
So it appears that her son John (1853-1895) died without issue.
Robert and Charles McDonald must be grandchildren. Since it seems that Mary only had one daughter that lived to adulthood, they must be the children of her daughter Mary b abt 1860. I have been unsuccessful in my attempts so far to locate Robert and Charles in census records or in other newspaper articles from Adams, NY.
Last week I shared the obituary of Florence A Kelly of Adams, NY and remain uncertain if or how she might be related. It is interesting to note that her parents were John E. and Catherine McDonald Kelly.
Clue or Coincidence?
Amanuensis Monday,
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Weekly Rewind
Congratulations to Schelly Talalay Dardashti at Tracing the Tribe! She received The Award of Excellence: Genealogical Methods & Sources from the National Genealogical Society for her article "Ties That Bind: Jewish Research Strategies" published in Family Tree Magazine, September 2009. Announces Its Top 100 Genealogy Sites. I was happily surprised to find Apple's Tree on the list. Congratulations to all of the others on the list! And special Kudos to Bill Smith, at Dr. Bill Tells Ancestor Stories, who visited every single one and left comments on all of the ones he could!
Weekly Reading
Some of these posts may have been posted a while ago but are still great reads!
I am thoroughly enjoying Becky Wiseman's travels across the country at Kinexxions. She takes some amazing photos and I particularly enjoyed Stormy Weather.
A Find-A-Grave request led Joan Hill on a Sentimental Sunday trip down memory lane at Roots'n'Leaves. What were the chances that her first request would be for ... - go read her post for more.
Sharon wrote a lovely memorial for her recently departed mother-in-law, Justina ''Jennie'' Thiessen at Kindred Footprints.
Port Chicago: Tragedy and Travesty by Craig Manson at GeneaBlogie tells a painful story of US history.
Having just recently discovered where in Ireland my Kelly and Minchin came from I was happy to see A Glimmer of Hope for the Irish Genealogist by John D. Reid at Anglo-Celtic Connections.
Who was first, Columbus, the Vikings, The Welch!? Obviously my education was lacking! Check out Dave Tabler's interesting article, They were a people called Welsh and they had crossed the Great Water at Appalachian History.
Nancy wants to know What Happened to this Family? at My Ancestors and Me. Sometimes finding documents and tracing where are lived simply leads to unanswered questions.
Online Trees
Randy Seaver has had an interesting series of posts about online tress and collaboration at Genea-Musings. See, The Future of Genealogy Collaboration?, The Online Family Trees Conundrum and Source citations leave a lot to be desired. Share your thoughts!
To follow up on all the talk of incorrect online trees be sure to read Stephanie Linecum's Am I the Only One...? at Linecum Lineage. She disagrees with all of the other trees she's seen for 4th great-grandfather and shows us why.
Brenda Dougal Merriman also has an interesting post about try to sort out people with the same name, More George Porter, The Carpenter, The Prisoner.
Lisa at Folk Archivist's Blog says, Beware of Ancestry Trees... but this we already knew.
And another in the same vein, at Eastern Kentucky Genealogy, Teresa Martin Klaiber tackles an erroneous genealogy perpetuated on movie fan pages for Dixie Compton.
No one responded to my question. Are we willing to share all we have in one well sourced online tree either at WeRelate, FamilySearch or some other site?
Nuts and Bolts
Have you got a pile of documents that need transcribing? Of course you do! Check out John Newmark's Amanuensis - Why? at TransylvanianDutch and get to work.
Wendy Hawksley shared a research folder she has created for an elusive ancestor at New England Genealogy.
At Granny's Genealogy, Pam will show you how to save an image from Seeking Michigan. Her tip will work on some other sites as well.
Steve Danko got so much positive feedback about his Beginner's Guide to Eastern European Genealogy series that he has made it available as a PDF download at Steve's Genealogy Blog.
Carnivals and Roundups
The April edition of Shades of the Departed Magazine is awaiting your perusal. This edition is packed full of great articles that all relate to the Civil War.
The 19th edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture: A little tribute to Irish poetry was posted by Lisa at Small-leaved Shamrock. She did a very clever job of turning the submission links into a poem! The topic for the next edition is "I speak from experience and you can find all of the details here.
The 28th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern Genealogy: War Stories, was posted at Discovering Latvian Roots. The topic for the next edition is Religion and submissions are due by May 14th.
Jasia posted the 93rd edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: How-To Series! at Creative Gene. The topic for the next edition is The Changing Role of Women.
Check out Randy Seaver's the Best of the Genea-Blogs at Genea-Musings.
John Newmark shared his Weekly Genealogy Picks at TransylvanianDutch.
At Greta's Genealogy Bog, Greta shares what caught her eye with Follow Friday.
At The Ancestral Archaeologist, Liz Haigney Lynch had Links for 5.10.10.
Dan Curtis ~ Professional Personal Historian shared his Monday's Link Roundup.
Julie Cahill Tarr her Friday Finds at GenBlog.
My Week
I having been reading up on the history of Wexford County, Ireland, entering names in my database and searching for records on my Kelly and Minchin lines. I also have started researching for the next COG. I have finally started transcribing letters again and will start off on Tuesday with a very sad one.
My foot is healing well - everything remains lined up as it should, but it's going slowly, so I will have to deal with crutches for another two to four weeks. I can spend most of the day upright however so I have plenty of time for genealogy!
Weekly Rewind
Friday, May 14, 2010
Over Due Thank Yous!

Thank you to:
Miriam at AnceStories
Debra Andrew at The Sum of All My Research
TennLady at Gene Notes
Lisa Swanson Ellam at Faces of My Family
Mary at me and my ancestors
Liz Haigney Lynch at The Ancestral Archaeologist
Tim at Walking the Berkshires
Pam at Granny's Genealogy
Craig at GeneaBlogie
Olive's Granddaughter at Grandma's Stitches
Evelyn Yvonne Theriault honored me with the Blogger's Best Friend Award at A Canadian Family, saying "I’d like to recognize her for her regular feature – the Weekly Rewind - which includes carnivals and such, but also her personal selection of recommended readings for the week." Thank you Evelyn! Again I'm embarrassed as my Weekly Rewind feature abruptly stopped just after I received the award. Weekly Rewind will return tomorrow!
I'm also pleased to announce that Apple's Tree has been included on's Top 100 Genealogy Sites. I see from the list that I am in very good company. There are several sites that are new to me that I will have to check out.
Thank you MyHeritage!
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Yesterday I talked about my aboninable online family tree in response to Randy's post The Online Family Tree Conundrum. If you haven't read his post please do and come back.
Randy asks, "What do you think? Are WeRelate and New FamilySearch on the right track here? Will all of this lead to a One Big Monster Family Tree (OBMFT)? Who will be the first company or organization to "get it right" with the right combination of collaboration, arbitration, judgment, and presentation?"
I'll start with where I left off yesterday, and the trees at From submitted trees they have created OneWorldTree. The quality of the entries here is often questionable. It's a great place to look for hints but it will never "get it right." All of the information is presented, including conflicting information and it is up to the individual researcher to pick and choose what is right. I talked some yesterday about Ancestry's personal member trees and "shaky leaves." As long as it is easy to simply import individuals from other trees to your own, people will do so perpetuating errors. In another post Randy points out that Source citations leave a lot to be desired. This is another reason why OBMFT will never work there. I do want to point out what Ancestry gets right. The trees there are very easy to work with. I can "attach" documents directly to an event line. For example if I find an obituary I can upload a copy and then have it show up up the death event line or add a photo of a tombstone to the burial line. There is also a section for weblinks where I can link to something on my blog that I have written or perhaps a their memorial at Find-a-grave. Another plus is that I can download a gedcom of my trees.
New Family Search
I am intrigued by the possibilities of of OBMFT at Family Search however I do not know a whole lot about it. Randy indicates that there might be some cross linking of documents between Family Search and person pages. I see this as a big draw back for two reasons, 1) working back and forth between two screens is a pain and 2) Footnote already has duplicate person pages so will they be creating a new one or how will they decided which is the one to use? The huge plus for Family Search is that they already have dedicated people on board who will be willing to work with whatever format they choose.
I have put a couple of small gedcoms up at WeRelate and I love that anyone can come along and add to them or revise them. The thing is that nobody ever has. The wiki platform is hard to use for a beginner, at least it was hard for me to figure out how to use the site and I still do not understand all of it. Randy stated that information for some of his earliest ancestors was semi-protected. I went and checked some of mine and didn't run across this. I can still make any edits that I would like. On the plus side if I make an edit others that are interested in the page will be notified and if they feel I was wrong they can change the information back. Because I uploaded my information as a gedcom the format I used for place names does not always agree with format the site uses and I've spent hours trying to clean up my information and could spend hours more. I also do not understand how to correctly add my sources. Overall the site has a clunky, uncomfortable feel for me. I would spend the time to learn how to use it if I could someone to work with me or if this was the platform that the majority of genealogists decided was "The One."
I love the idea of one giant tree that we can all connect to. It would be great to see if anyone else has already paid for ggreat-grandpa's death certificate and I would to love see a picture of him that somebody out there must have! Right now I have trees at Ancestry and WeRelate. A couple of cousins have online trees on their websites. Our information is scattered and duplicated all over the place. I have invited cousins to work with me at WeRelate without success. Many have accepted my invitations at Ancestry, however they look at what I have and maybe make suggestions or point me to information in their trees rather than work together on one tree.
For it to work it needs to be relatively easy to use. There would need to some type of arbitration where there are conflicts. And it would have to be a site where the majority are willing to join in. Pluses would be being able to add images of documents and photos directly to a person's page and a source citation template.
My question is, are we as a group ready for OBMFT? Are we ready to freely share all of the information that we've worked for years to gather? Will we share all of the pictures that we treasure, knowing that they will be there and free for the taking? Will we be willing to spend the time it will take to make all of the information consistent? What about putting in the hours to upload our documents and pictures? Or will we just dump our gedcoms and walk away, leaving to others to clean them up?
Randy asks, "What do you think? Are WeRelate and New FamilySearch on the right track here? Will all of this lead to a One Big Monster Family Tree (OBMFT)? Who will be the first company or organization to "get it right" with the right combination of collaboration, arbitration, judgment, and presentation?"
I'll start with where I left off yesterday, and the trees at From submitted trees they have created OneWorldTree. The quality of the entries here is often questionable. It's a great place to look for hints but it will never "get it right." All of the information is presented, including conflicting information and it is up to the individual researcher to pick and choose what is right. I talked some yesterday about Ancestry's personal member trees and "shaky leaves." As long as it is easy to simply import individuals from other trees to your own, people will do so perpetuating errors. In another post Randy points out that Source citations leave a lot to be desired. This is another reason why OBMFT will never work there. I do want to point out what Ancestry gets right. The trees there are very easy to work with. I can "attach" documents directly to an event line. For example if I find an obituary I can upload a copy and then have it show up up the death event line or add a photo of a tombstone to the burial line. There is also a section for weblinks where I can link to something on my blog that I have written or perhaps a their memorial at Find-a-grave. Another plus is that I can download a gedcom of my trees.
New Family Search
I am intrigued by the possibilities of of OBMFT at Family Search however I do not know a whole lot about it. Randy indicates that there might be some cross linking of documents between Family Search and person pages. I see this as a big draw back for two reasons, 1) working back and forth between two screens is a pain and 2) Footnote already has duplicate person pages so will they be creating a new one or how will they decided which is the one to use? The huge plus for Family Search is that they already have dedicated people on board who will be willing to work with whatever format they choose.
I have put a couple of small gedcoms up at WeRelate and I love that anyone can come along and add to them or revise them. The thing is that nobody ever has. The wiki platform is hard to use for a beginner, at least it was hard for me to figure out how to use the site and I still do not understand all of it. Randy stated that information for some of his earliest ancestors was semi-protected. I went and checked some of mine and didn't run across this. I can still make any edits that I would like. On the plus side if I make an edit others that are interested in the page will be notified and if they feel I was wrong they can change the information back. Because I uploaded my information as a gedcom the format I used for place names does not always agree with format the site uses and I've spent hours trying to clean up my information and could spend hours more. I also do not understand how to correctly add my sources. Overall the site has a clunky, uncomfortable feel for me. I would spend the time to learn how to use it if I could someone to work with me or if this was the platform that the majority of genealogists decided was "The One."
I love the idea of one giant tree that we can all connect to. It would be great to see if anyone else has already paid for ggreat-grandpa's death certificate and I would to love see a picture of him that somebody out there must have! Right now I have trees at Ancestry and WeRelate. A couple of cousins have online trees on their websites. Our information is scattered and duplicated all over the place. I have invited cousins to work with me at WeRelate without success. Many have accepted my invitations at Ancestry, however they look at what I have and maybe make suggestions or point me to information in their trees rather than work together on one tree.
For it to work it needs to be relatively easy to use. There would need to some type of arbitration where there are conflicts. And it would have to be a site where the majority are willing to join in. Pluses would be being able to add images of documents and photos directly to a person's page and a source citation template.
My question is, are we as a group ready for OBMFT? Are we ready to freely share all of the information that we've worked for years to gather? Will we share all of the pictures that we treasure, knowing that they will be there and free for the taking? Will we be willing to spend the time it will take to make all of the information consistent? What about putting in the hours to upload our documents and pictures? Or will we just dump our gedcoms and walk away, leaving to others to clean them up?
online trees
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
My Abominable Online Tree
Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings had a very interesting post, The Online Family Tree Conundrum. Go read what he had to say, along with the comments and then use your back button.
To start, I saw it as an article about the creation of "One Big Monster Family Tree." After reading the comments I see that what most people seem to be taking from is article is that there are family trees online with incorrect information, no sources and that it sucks when someone simply takes the information you worked hard to obtain and claims it as their own. So today I'll address that and save my thoughts on OBMFT for tomorrow.
I agree with all three points! I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want anyone to take your work DO NOT put it online to begin with, either on your blog or an online tree.
Mistakes, I've Made a Few
Let's face it, for some people genealogy is merely a hobby and often one that they quickly lose interest in. I'm sure there are some people that know that taking your research and adding it to their own file without attribution is wrong but they are in the minority. Most people simply do not know any better. I know when I first started out online I didn't. I did have enough sense to record the name and location of where I found a tree but I honestly thought if they put the information online they wanted to share it. I also didn't know better than to import other trees into my own. The version of FTM that I started out with came with several CD's full of gedcoms that I could very simply down load to my tree with a couple of clicks of my mouse. I also have added unproven relationships as a working theory, along with a note that it is just a theory, but who reads notes? After adding thousands of names in this fashion my main file is a mess and probably always will be.
My Abominable Tree
After I had worked on my tree for a couple of years I got the urge to share it. I put it online at Rootsweb for all the world to see. I also didn't know much about the internet so back in 2002 I used an email account that was provided by my internet provider. I ended up having to cancel my cable service and go back to dial up and I lost the email account. Without access to the email account I cannot delete my abominable tree. When took over hosting Rootsweb that tree became part of Ancestry's World Tree Project. If you find something interesting there and try to contact me you will never receive a reply.
So far I have not found any of my pictures or documents that I did not share freely elsewhere on the internet . Should I run across something of that nature I will simply assume the person didn't know better and contact them and ask them to correct their error. I can always look at pilfered pictures and documents as an additional form of back up ;~)
Shaky Leaves
One of the consistent complaints I read about is Ancestry's "Shaky Leaves." I love this feature! Often the suggestions that I get do not apply to the person that I am researching but I have found documents this way that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. And with new documents being added all of the time I do not have to keep repeating searches. I do know that I won't find all there is this way and I do spend time searching page by page, hunting through the catalog and doing creative searches.
The leaves do lead to other online trees. I look over a suggested tree and I do often "link" my tree to another. I do not automatically take and import any and all information that another tree has and often I have more information than they do. So why link, you ask? To take advantage of the Member Connect feature that will let me know when the owner of that other tree finds and adds a new record. I have previously written about Member Connect, why I like it and how to use it.
Public or Private
With so much of my incorrect information floating around cyberspace I am now more cautious about placing my trees online. I took my huge, corrupt master file and broke it down into much smaller and more manageable files that I now have as private trees at Ancestry. If you search for a person in my file they will show up in the search results but you'll have to contact me for the details. I ignore requests that start, "send me your gedcom" but I love ones that start "I think you have this wrong and this is why." It's rare that I do not share whatever I have and most of the time I'll send an invitation to the person to view the tree.
The Big Question
Randy says, "But the big question remains: What about ALL those millions of family trees on, Rootsweb WorldConnect, MyHeritage, GeneaNet, Geni, etc. that stand alone, and are full of errors and inconsistencies?"
Abominable trees will always be out there. There will always be people that are just starting out or just want to see where they come from quickly. Most online tree platforms have a $bottom line$ and need to make it easy to keep the hobbyist interested. I'll point out also that there are plenty of published genealogies out there that have incorrect information and they will remain on library shelves for years to come. Faulty trees have been around as long as people have been recording their genealogy. Ignore them! We can not correct all of the errors out there but we can work to make our personal trees the best they can be. I expect to spend the rest of my life working at it.
Tomorrow my thoughts on One Big Monster Tree.
To start, I saw it as an article about the creation of "One Big Monster Family Tree." After reading the comments I see that what most people seem to be taking from is article is that there are family trees online with incorrect information, no sources and that it sucks when someone simply takes the information you worked hard to obtain and claims it as their own. So today I'll address that and save my thoughts on OBMFT for tomorrow.
I agree with all three points! I've said it before and I'll say it again, if you don't want anyone to take your work DO NOT put it online to begin with, either on your blog or an online tree.
Mistakes, I've Made a Few
Let's face it, for some people genealogy is merely a hobby and often one that they quickly lose interest in. I'm sure there are some people that know that taking your research and adding it to their own file without attribution is wrong but they are in the minority. Most people simply do not know any better. I know when I first started out online I didn't. I did have enough sense to record the name and location of where I found a tree but I honestly thought if they put the information online they wanted to share it. I also didn't know better than to import other trees into my own. The version of FTM that I started out with came with several CD's full of gedcoms that I could very simply down load to my tree with a couple of clicks of my mouse. I also have added unproven relationships as a working theory, along with a note that it is just a theory, but who reads notes? After adding thousands of names in this fashion my main file is a mess and probably always will be.
My Abominable Tree
After I had worked on my tree for a couple of years I got the urge to share it. I put it online at Rootsweb for all the world to see. I also didn't know much about the internet so back in 2002 I used an email account that was provided by my internet provider. I ended up having to cancel my cable service and go back to dial up and I lost the email account. Without access to the email account I cannot delete my abominable tree. When took over hosting Rootsweb that tree became part of Ancestry's World Tree Project. If you find something interesting there and try to contact me you will never receive a reply.
So far I have not found any of my pictures or documents that I did not share freely elsewhere on the internet . Should I run across something of that nature I will simply assume the person didn't know better and contact them and ask them to correct their error. I can always look at pilfered pictures and documents as an additional form of back up ;~)
Shaky Leaves
One of the consistent complaints I read about is Ancestry's "Shaky Leaves." I love this feature! Often the suggestions that I get do not apply to the person that I am researching but I have found documents this way that I probably wouldn't have otherwise. And with new documents being added all of the time I do not have to keep repeating searches. I do know that I won't find all there is this way and I do spend time searching page by page, hunting through the catalog and doing creative searches.
The leaves do lead to other online trees. I look over a suggested tree and I do often "link" my tree to another. I do not automatically take and import any and all information that another tree has and often I have more information than they do. So why link, you ask? To take advantage of the Member Connect feature that will let me know when the owner of that other tree finds and adds a new record. I have previously written about Member Connect, why I like it and how to use it.
Public or Private
With so much of my incorrect information floating around cyberspace I am now more cautious about placing my trees online. I took my huge, corrupt master file and broke it down into much smaller and more manageable files that I now have as private trees at Ancestry. If you search for a person in my file they will show up in the search results but you'll have to contact me for the details. I ignore requests that start, "send me your gedcom" but I love ones that start "I think you have this wrong and this is why." It's rare that I do not share whatever I have and most of the time I'll send an invitation to the person to view the tree.
The Big Question
Randy says, "But the big question remains: What about ALL those millions of family trees on, Rootsweb WorldConnect, MyHeritage, GeneaNet, Geni, etc. that stand alone, and are full of errors and inconsistencies?"
Abominable trees will always be out there. There will always be people that are just starting out or just want to see where they come from quickly. Most online tree platforms have a $bottom line$ and need to make it easy to keep the hobbyist interested. I'll point out also that there are plenty of published genealogies out there that have incorrect information and they will remain on library shelves for years to come. Faulty trees have been around as long as people have been recording their genealogy. Ignore them! We can not correct all of the errors out there but we can work to make our personal trees the best they can be. I expect to spend the rest of my life working at it.
Tomorrow my thoughts on One Big Monster Tree.
online trees
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Trying to Refocus
It has been a long couple of months! Mom is finally home and while she isn't good, she continues to improve. I am almost four weeks out from surgery and much improved. So it's past time that I start to get back on track and take advantage of the time I still need to fully recover.
Last year I was able to really focus on just a few of my maternal lines. The letter transcriptions went well and I learned much about my Carlisle and Camfield lines. I was able to take my Graham line back a couple of generations and discovered my Doughty line. A little more was learned about the Wisner's. It was fairly easy to stay focused.
This year I have beenoverwhelmed very lucky to have made contact with several distant cousins who would like to share information!
I was excited to connect with a Carlisle cousin on Facebook and started really working on cleaning up my online tree. I haven't done as well sharing information as I should because much of what I have is already here, but I need to put what I have on a flash drive and send it out to her. Especially full size copies of pictures and the letters, many of which I have not transcribed yet. I also need to get back to my transcriptions and contact the library in Michigan to get the remaining letters.
When John's uncle passed back in February, several members of his family showed interest in his family history so I put their tree online at Ancestry and invited them to work on it with me. To my surprise some of them did. I spent a good deal of time cleaning up what I had, adding sources and uploading pictures. Shortly after that I was contacted by one of John's distant cousin's and worked on his lines some more. A friend has just offered to help with his line too, so I really need to focus more on these lines and contact more of his family for more information.
I discovered that Brenda (Journey to the Past) and I share Glover ancestors and that discovery reconnected me to our mutual cousin, Pittsburgh, so I have been looking at that line again. Of course that line is tangled up with my Hall line so I've also been playing with that. I have many documents for these lines that I need to share/transcribe.Brenda's post, Sorting Out Henry Glover, was a wake up call for me and I need to re-look at my sources. Most of what I have for the Glover's in New England was discovered back when I really didn't know what I was doing.
I've also been contacted by two different people about my paternal, Kelly line. This is very embarrassing as it a line that I should have made much progress on by now. I've driven to Michigan to obtain letters and documents but I have yet to make the time and short drive north to obtain the records that I need. I'm thrilled that I now know where in Ireland the Kelly's came from and I have spent hours tracking down more information and adding to my tree.
I also have just made contact with someone that may have information on Berry cousins that remained in England. I'm not certain where this will lead but I'm looking forward to learning more.
I have no idea where the next few weeks will take me but I'm looking forward to the journey!
Last year I was able to really focus on just a few of my maternal lines. The letter transcriptions went well and I learned much about my Carlisle and Camfield lines. I was able to take my Graham line back a couple of generations and discovered my Doughty line. A little more was learned about the Wisner's. It was fairly easy to stay focused.
This year I have been
I was excited to connect with a Carlisle cousin on Facebook and started really working on cleaning up my online tree. I haven't done as well sharing information as I should because much of what I have is already here, but I need to put what I have on a flash drive and send it out to her. Especially full size copies of pictures and the letters, many of which I have not transcribed yet. I also need to get back to my transcriptions and contact the library in Michigan to get the remaining letters.
When John's uncle passed back in February, several members of his family showed interest in his family history so I put their tree online at Ancestry and invited them to work on it with me. To my surprise some of them did. I spent a good deal of time cleaning up what I had, adding sources and uploading pictures. Shortly after that I was contacted by one of John's distant cousin's and worked on his lines some more. A friend has just offered to help with his line too, so I really need to focus more on these lines and contact more of his family for more information.
I discovered that Brenda (Journey to the Past) and I share Glover ancestors and that discovery reconnected me to our mutual cousin, Pittsburgh, so I have been looking at that line again. Of course that line is tangled up with my Hall line so I've also been playing with that. I have many documents for these lines that I need to share/transcribe.Brenda's post, Sorting Out Henry Glover, was a wake up call for me and I need to re-look at my sources. Most of what I have for the Glover's in New England was discovered back when I really didn't know what I was doing.
I've also been contacted by two different people about my paternal, Kelly line. This is very embarrassing as it a line that I should have made much progress on by now. I've driven to Michigan to obtain letters and documents but I have yet to make the time and short drive north to obtain the records that I need. I'm thrilled that I now know where in Ireland the Kelly's came from and I have spent hours tracking down more information and adding to my tree.
I also have just made contact with someone that may have information on Berry cousins that remained in England. I'm not certain where this will lead but I'm looking forward to learning more.
I have no idea where the next few weeks will take me but I'm looking forward to the journey!
Monday, May 10, 2010
Florence A. Kelly - Obituary
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
While working at sorting out the Kelly's that lived in Adams, NY I found this obituary. As of right now I do not know how or if Florence and her family fit into my family tree. I did find her presumed cause of death very interesting.
Jefferson County Journal, Adams. N. Y., Wednesday, July 13, 1927; page 1, top of column 5
Florence A. Kelly
Miss Florence A. Kelly, aged 46 years, died at the home of her father, John E. Kelly, on Church Street West, Thursday, July 7, at 10:45 a. m.
Because of ill health she had been making her home with her father and her sister, Mrs. Margaret Cannan, since April 30, coming here from New York, where she had lived for the past twelve years. She was employed by the government during the World war in the manufacture of gas masks, from which she suffered a severe attack of chemical poisoning which left her heart in a weakened condition. She has recently finished a complete course in a beauty culture school and the close application to this work helped to hasten her end.
At 8:30 Thursday morning she came downstairs, took her heart medicine at the usual time and then went to her room to lie down again. At 9:30 her sister entered the room and finding her seriously ill summoned Dr. Hollis, but all efforts to revive here failed.
Florence Kelly was born in Kingston, Ont., the daughter of John E. and Catherine McDonald Kelly, and came to Adams to live when about a year old. She was educated in the Adams schools and was a member of St. Ceclia's church of Adams, where services were held Saturday morning at 9:30, Rev. Father J. R. McClure of Sackets Harbor officiating. Burial was made in Elmwood cemetery.
Miss Kelly was of a very lovable, kindly nature and was always ready with services in illness or trouble. She had many friends who will miss her and her death is a severe loss to her family and friends.
She is survived by her father and the following brothers and sisters: John E. Kelly, Jr., of Watertown, Margaret Cannan of Adams, Mrs. Harry A. Brown, Mrs. John Thornley and Mrs. John F. Collins of Syracuse, Allen R. Kelly of Washington D. C., and Harry A. Kelly of Adams; also an aunt, Mrs. Flora McDonald, of Adams. A sister, Mrs. Harry A. Brown, of Syracuse, was unable to be present at the services as had just undergone a serious operation. Other brothers and sisters with their families were present at the services, also Mrs. Anna Eagan, R. W. Eagan, Geo. F. Kelly and family of Syracuse.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our deep appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes sent at the death of our beloved daughter and sister, and for the many cards and words of sympathy in our loss.
John E. Kelly and Family.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
While working at sorting out the Kelly's that lived in Adams, NY I found this obituary. As of right now I do not know how or if Florence and her family fit into my family tree. I did find her presumed cause of death very interesting.
Jefferson County Journal, Adams. N. Y., Wednesday, July 13, 1927; page 1, top of column 5
Florence A. Kelly
Miss Florence A. Kelly, aged 46 years, died at the home of her father, John E. Kelly, on Church Street West, Thursday, July 7, at 10:45 a. m.
Because of ill health she had been making her home with her father and her sister, Mrs. Margaret Cannan, since April 30, coming here from New York, where she had lived for the past twelve years. She was employed by the government during the World war in the manufacture of gas masks, from which she suffered a severe attack of chemical poisoning which left her heart in a weakened condition. She has recently finished a complete course in a beauty culture school and the close application to this work helped to hasten her end.
At 8:30 Thursday morning she came downstairs, took her heart medicine at the usual time and then went to her room to lie down again. At 9:30 her sister entered the room and finding her seriously ill summoned Dr. Hollis, but all efforts to revive here failed.
Florence Kelly was born in Kingston, Ont., the daughter of John E. and Catherine McDonald Kelly, and came to Adams to live when about a year old. She was educated in the Adams schools and was a member of St. Ceclia's church of Adams, where services were held Saturday morning at 9:30, Rev. Father J. R. McClure of Sackets Harbor officiating. Burial was made in Elmwood cemetery.
Miss Kelly was of a very lovable, kindly nature and was always ready with services in illness or trouble. She had many friends who will miss her and her death is a severe loss to her family and friends.
She is survived by her father and the following brothers and sisters: John E. Kelly, Jr., of Watertown, Margaret Cannan of Adams, Mrs. Harry A. Brown, Mrs. John Thornley and Mrs. John F. Collins of Syracuse, Allen R. Kelly of Washington D. C., and Harry A. Kelly of Adams; also an aunt, Mrs. Flora McDonald, of Adams. A sister, Mrs. Harry A. Brown, of Syracuse, was unable to be present at the services as had just undergone a serious operation. Other brothers and sisters with their families were present at the services, also Mrs. Anna Eagan, R. W. Eagan, Geo. F. Kelly and family of Syracuse.
Card of Thanks
We wish to express our deep appreciation to friends, neighbors and relatives for the beautiful floral tributes sent at the death of our beloved daughter and sister, and for the many cards and words of sympathy in our loss.
John E. Kelly and Family.
Amanuensis Monday,
Saturday, May 8, 2010
SNGF - Matrilineal Line
This week for our Saturday night fun, Randy has challenged us to list our matrilineal line. I did that not long ago with Faces of my mtDNA.
Randy also listed his father's matrilineal line so here is mine.
Isabella White had one granddaughter, who also had a daughter.
Isabella Craig had two other daughters but I do not nelieve either of them had a daughter.
Agnes Adam - as far as I know she had just the one daughter but there may have been others.
To my knowledge no one in my or my father's mtDNA line has had their DNA tested and there a currently no plans to do so.
Randy also listed his father's matrilineal line so here is mine.
- Harvey Gordon Berry, 1926 Syracuse, NY - 2000 Haines City, FL
- Mary Leith Kelly, 1900 Calabogie, Ontario, Canada - 1970 Syracuse, NY. Married Kimberly Powell Berry.
- Isabella White, 1865 Ontario, Canada - 1951 Syracuse, NY. Married James C Kelly.
- Isabella Craig, 1826 Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland - 1908 Dalhousie, Lanark, Ontario, Canada. Married James M. White.
- Agnes Adam, 1802 Paisley, Renfrew, Scotland - 1882 Dalhousie, Lanark, Ontario, Canada. Married John Craig.
- Isobel McDougal, dates unknown, Scotland. Married James Adam.
Isabella White had one granddaughter, who also had a daughter.
Isabella Craig had two other daughters but I do not nelieve either of them had a daughter.
Agnes Adam - as far as I know she had just the one daughter but there may have been others.
To my knowledge no one in my or my father's mtDNA line has had their DNA tested and there a currently no plans to do so.
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