
And now it's time for a Call for Submissions! The topic for the next edition of the Carnival of Genealogy will be: "Nobody's Fool" – who in your family was known to have the best common sense, the best sage advice and basically just “kept it together” all the time? Let's hear about them! The next edition will be hosted by Thomas MacEntee at Destination: Austin Family. Thanks Thomas! The deadline for submissions is March 1.

The word prompt for the 11th Edition of Smile For The Camera is brothers & sisters? Were they battling brothers, shy little sisters, or was it brother & sister against the world? Our ancestors often had only their siblings for company. Were they best friends or not? Show us that picture that you found with your family photographs or in your collection that shows your rendition of brothers & sisters. Bring them to the carnival and share. Admission is free with every photograph!

The next edition will be hosted by Diane Rogers of CanadaGenealogy, and the topic for that edition will be on "Women in Central and Eastern European Genealogy. Have you a female ancestor from Eastern or Central Europe you'd like to highlight, or do you have tips specifically for researching women there, or have you found a good article, book or website that assists in historical research about women from Central and Eastern Europe? You don't have to have ancestors from Eastern or Central Europe to participate in this Carnival." The deadline for the submissions will be March 29th, and the edition will be published on the 31st. You can submit your article here.
The 14th edition of the Cabinet of Curiosities, Faerie Edition, can be found at Damn Data. This was a very small but interesting edition. The next edition will be hosted by Tim at Walking the Berkshires on March 16th so dust off some of those family treasures and share them with the rest of us!
While not exactly a carnival, I'm disappointed that my vacation kept me from participating in Scanfest this month! I really enjoy chatting and getting to know other bloggers a bit better while I actually get some scanning done. This month Scanfest moved to a new platform and Miriam has all the details at AnceStories. I look forward to chatting with everyone on March 29th!
Lorine will be hosting the 4th edition of the Canadian Genealogy Carnival at Olive Tree Genealogy.
The next topic for the Canadian Genealogy Carnival is Black Sheep Canadian Ancestors
Do you have a blacksheep ancestor in your family tree? Maybe one of your ancestors was a rogue, a scoundrel, a cad or just someone who done Grandma wrong...
Did great-grandma spend time in prison? Was Grandpa a bigamist? Did Great-Uncle Harry try to set fire to his neighbour's house? Most of us have one or two rebellious ancestors who didn't quite fit the mold. Even if you haven't got a blacksheep Canadian ancestor, tell us about any blacksheep Canadian.
Share the story of your Black Sheep Canadian ancestor in the 4th Edition of the Canadian Genealogy Carnival.
The deadline for submissions is April 26 at midnight EST. Submissions will be posted on April 30.
Weekly Reading

Becky of Kinexxions and Whitley County Kinexxions had surgery earlier this week. Thanks to her blogging buddy Charlotte we know that Becky is doing well and will be back online soon.
Terry of Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi and several other blogs is having a bit of eye trouble and hopes to be back to blogging sometime next week.
Ernie finds himself in ICU for the first time at the age of 87. His daughter, Becky, is posting updates on his condition at both Ernie's Journeys and her blog, Gramma's House.
As I said at the beginning of this post I am still trying to catch up on my reading. As always I looked to Randy at Genea-Musings for his weekly Best of the Genea-Blogs.
Most of us freely share our research with others, if asked. Tex, at All My Ancestors, recently found some pictures of hers posted by someone she'd never corresponded with and is looking for advice on how to deal with the situation. How would you handle it? This is a topic that is never going to go away. Bill Mabray, writing at Blogging Tips, has a timely article on some services that will help you track who is reusing your content.
A new and useful meme has been started at GeneaBlogie by Craig. No tagging required, he asks simply that everyone share the surnames and locations that they are researching. I did this last year and I have a link to both Apple's surnames and John's surnames on my sidebar. I hope everyone participates as I know I must be related to several of you!
I would like to thank everyone that has been reading my family's letters and encouraging me to continue with the project. Sticking with a large transcription project is often hard and your encouragement has kept me going! To finish out this week's edition I'd like to spotlight three other bloggers that have committed to ongoing transcription projects.
Pam has just completed the first book in her Belle's Box series at Granny's Genealogy. Congratulations Pam! I know what a sense of satisfaction you must feel and I look forward to the next book.
Pam's project inspired Cindy to start her own series, Margaret's Envelope, at Everything's Relative.
I am very flattered that John Newmark has found inspiration in my project and has started his own, Amanuensis Monday, at Transylvanian Dutch. He is currently transcribing Dawes Commision documents that are very time consuming but hold a wealth of information. I really hope this catches on as a weekly meme! What documents, letters, cards or other ephemera do you have to share?
My Week
Our week in Florida was wonderful, made better yet by the fact that we were celebrating our 25th anniversary. I read several novels, something that I rarely seem to have time for anymore and a pleasure I truly miss. Coming home to a driveway blocked with snow was not all that much fun. It was also a very tough week at work, the kids weren't all that happy to be back either. I've been trying to get caught up on everything, including blog reading, but feel I've accomplished very little this week. I only have ten more days of letters set to publish so I really need to get working on them again!
Despite the two and a half feet of snow still on the ground here it's time that I start focusing some of my attention on my other passion, gardening. My garden club starts meeting again this month and as newsletter editor I have quite a bit of work that needs to be done this week and then of course there are seeds to start :-)
I also haven't updated The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree and I need to get to that too!
Get well card from Hearts Gardens Free Greeting Cards.