Mapleton Minn
July 29th 1906
My dear Cousin
I know I have neglected you badly but in the spring just after I got your last letter I was sick for unusual weeks with the grippe and so I got all off the notion of writing and beside the two oldest girls were away from home and I had so much to do I would be too tired even Sunday evening to sit down and write a letter
and on Sunday morning I usually go to church and S.S. right after so I would be late getting dinner and so my days have gone by. Belle has been to Mankato to the summer school to prepare for teaching and will not be home until the last of this week I do not mind my hard work if she only likes teaching after letting her have the chance to get ready for the work she thinks she will not like teaching
If she don’t like it she will not have to stick to it but her father is anxious to have her try.
Harvesting will soon be here some oats will be cut this week but there is not much yet that is ready about
The corn crop look good now too but while they were cultivating it, it would rain about every other day so it did not get as much work in it as some times. I shall soon have sweet corn to eat my garden has been fine this year potatoes are good and promise now to be a big crop.
I suppose your mother is with you again. I don’t remember if I wrote to her or she to me last but I will
try and write to her soon tell her I think of her often and send her my love & would like to see her but cannot get so far away from home but would if I did not have to go through Chicago to get to her.
Well Annie I have not got on glasses yet what do you think of that I must have the Wisner eyes I guess Uncle Henry never has worn them yet and he will be 80 this summer I have never felt the need of them yet
Well I hardly know what to write about next only I am looking some for Hermon & his wife out here soon the GAR have their campment at Minneapolis this year and they said awhile ago that they thought of going & stop to see us but I have not heard lately whether they were coming or not I wish they would
Well I cannot think of any more to write this time so will say Good Bye
Love to all from Cousin Ella

The 1906 GAR Encampment at Minneapolis was held August 16 & 17. I winder if Herman went and if he stopped to see Ella. Annie and Ashley Carlisle and their descendants were very active in the GAR.
Apparently I did not inherit the Wisner eyes.
For more see:
Carlisle - Wisner Letters
Family of William Wisner
Descendants of Maryetta Wisner
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner

McKinnon, Ella Hall (Mapleton, Minnesota) to “My dear Cousin” [Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 29 July 1906. Digital Images 1-6. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Apr – Dec 1906, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]