Saturday, January 31, 2009
Weekly Rewind
Jessica has posted the 15th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern Genealogy at Jessica's Genejournal. The next edition will be a Carousel, so you can pick your own topic as long as it refers to Central or Eastern Europe. If you've never participated in a carnival before jump on in! Jessica is also looking for volunteers to host future editions.
Great Reads
Chris is one of those people I run into often at work related things but haven't gotten to know really well. When it comes to SBDI's (School Bus Driver Instructor) there is none better. She works for a neighboring district and I can always count on her when to show up and help at any bus safety event. I didn't know that she also takes history to the classroom. Check out this article from the local paper about how she brought colonial history alive at my elementary school.
John had a round up of things he enjoyed reading at Transylvania Dutch: Around the Genea-Web and they were all great reading.
At Genea-Musings, Randy had his weekly Best of the Genea-blogs. He was kind enough to mention last weeks Weekly Rewind. It's rare that I don't find something I missed here. Thanks Randy! He's also looking for genealogy jokes. Did you here the one about .......
At GenBlog, Julie shared a wonderful letter full of details and hits about her extended family. The letter was found in a family Bible. Julie is working on her DAR application, something that is on my list of things to do someday.
As always, Craig Manson's monthly column, Appealing Subjects, at Shades of the Departed was very interesting.
Cat has some interesting thoughts on menopause and our ancestors at Digging up Dirt. Be sure to check out Sheri's comment while you're there. If my husband happens to read this, well sorry dear, you're a century too late!
At ScanFest there was some discussion about what happens to all of our research when we're gone, a topic that has been around for some time now. Well Sheri Fenleyactually has some answers! Check out what she had to say at the Educated Genealogist in Part 1 and Part 2.
Thomas shared a neat little widget that counts down to your Blogoversary at Bootcamp for Genea-Bloggers.
Bill had an interesting series on his ancestor (and Miriam's too!), Simon Willard, at West in New England. My research is so focused in the 19th century that it was a treat to be taken back to the 17th. Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.
Colleen is looking for help with James O'Rourke at The Oracle of OMcHodoy. Check out her updated research form.
Bill West is still banging his head against the brick wall of John Cutter West (part 2). West in New England turned two this week! Bill has been so diligent in writing about John Cutter West over those two years that it almost feels as if he is one of my brickwalls.
Craig is looking for some help on his Gines line at GeneaBlogie. I wish I had something to offer.
Debbie keeps running into burned courthouses and could use some help at Blanton Family Roots and Branches. Debbie's blog is new to me and I really wish I had something to suggest.
footnote Maven has story about a budding genealogist. You can't read this and not smile!
Jasia got very good news this week! She shares the details at Creative Gene.
Miriam heard from the producer of the Polar Bear documentary and shares her exciting news at AnceStories.
Don't Believe Everything You Read
Nikki-ann details at Notes of Life, the mistakes she found in her great-grandfather's obituary.
At the Desktop Genealogist Unplugged, Terry Snyder found a mistake Etched in Stone.
And Bill followed up on his Simon Willard series with a letter written by Simon - or was it?
My Week
I was approved for an extra day off in February so I spent some time making travel plans! A week long break from the cold - I'm counting the days. I'm also trying to make sure I have posts ready to go for while I'm gone ;-)
I got a dozen letters transcribed in in the queue.
I had fun at ScanFest on Sunday. Thanks to Miriam for hosting! I got 60+ scans done which may be a new record for me. It was great to spend time on a task I don't enjoy while chatting with old friends and getting to meet some of the newer bloggers.
I located a cousin from my Graham line and we've started corresponding. Also on my Graham line, a friend helped me locate some Oklahoma records. Thanks Tex!
Rose Camfield, 16 August c.1889

South Bend aug 16th
Dear Sister I don’t know what you think of me for not writing you before but I have just put it off until now. how do you all get along we are all well Joseph is in the Barber Shop yet and Fredric works in the Boston Store here he gets one dollar and a half a week he is Cash boy we have been thing of coming out to see you this foul some time dont know just when Joe often sees some one from Buchanan so we get we manage to keep posted do you hear from mother we have had 2 letters this Summer from her I often think of them and what a lonely life they lead although they seem to like it better than to have any of us around well we had company from Elkhart last Saterday and Stayed over Sunday and there is hardly a day that some one is not in last week we got a few pieces of new furniture that we needed every day since we are married I wont Say what there are and when you come you can see for your self how does frank get along does Ashley put boots on him yet do you live in the same house you did when we were there
house rent is high here we pay 10 dollars month we live on the east end of watter street close to the new catholic church and the second house from the Sisters School we have eight rooms and of course that is more rooms than we need and more rent than we can pay on the winter so I supose we will move over the river nearer Joes work this foul well anna if I am not careful I will finish this letter without telling you what I commenced to well the Fire men are going to have a Tournoment here in September the 10th 11th and 12th of September and we would like to have you all come and stay a couple of days I will send you the papers that tells all about it and when you write lets us know if you can com you have not been to see us for about 4 years and we begin to think you could come this foul any way write soon and let us know if can come well I must close
love to all and tell Frank he can take his Bird home with him when he comes Rosa Camfield

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham. (South Bend, Indiana) to “Dear Sister”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 16 August c. 1890 Digital Images 1-4.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Undated c. 1850-1899,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Friday, January 30, 2009
Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 4 May 1889

Well I told Orville when he was here if I did not get to work I should come home So I got to work fore a while from three to six weeks at the Sunday Bake is works I wont get any pay untill too weeks from last friday then I will send a post office order or come my self get $3.50 ades so I cant losse the time
page 2
I have got a cold it is beter now did Orvill give you the money I sent you So I dont know how you are geting along if Orvill wants to help paper let him if he wants to paint get the pante and set him at it
the Baby is well and grore alike a pig Bell conts the days when she can goe to see Fred and Frank Josy has got him a new
page 3
fish pole it cost him $5.00 So he will get all of the fish in the ponds I will take diner at Joses to day noon Charley Simones got his fingers cut of on wone hand his rite hand last week. I went to see him the next day thare was three others got hert the same week here. So I will close for this time as ever harbon I A Carlisle
I think Ashley is saying that he found work at Studebaker's. His brother Orville has been released from the hospital. He may be doing work at Ashley and Anna's to repay them for a loan they made him while he was recovering.
Ruby Blanche Camfield must be the baby Ashley refers to.
There were several men from Buchanan, MI with named Charles Simons or Simonds so I have no way of knowing exactly who lost their fingers.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Isaac Ashley. (South Bend, IN) “Well I told Orville”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 4 May 1889. Digital Images 1-3.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Dancing Fool

I think the first time was when I first got internet access and discovered that many of my ancestors had already been well researched. To be able to just sit in front of the computer, wait a half hour for a page to load and have three generations added to my tree was magical. It was probably a year before I learned that everything I had found wasn't quite accurate!
In some of my early research I was floored to learn that some of my ancestors had actually made it into history books. It didn't matter that they didn't get a good write up, only that they were there. I danced again when I discovered that a cousin actually wrote history books.
The most interesting experience I've had that led to the dance was when I was photographing monuments in a cemetery and was approached by the caretaker. He asked if they were my people and when I said, yes they were cousins, he said they were his daughter-in-law's people too. He took my name and phone number and within days I was in touch with previously unknown cousins.
My best dance was last year when I traveled to Michigan to see the letters that my family had donated to the University of Michigan. I was totally unprepared for the size of the collection and the treasures that the letters held. The letters themselves still cause me to get on my feet occasionally as I continue to discover new little bits of my ancestors lives.
Most recently I found myself twirling around the living room when I discovered that another collection of letters, written by my great-grandfather during the Civil War, were donated to Western Michigan University. I will be returning to Michigan in April to retrieve these letters and dance a little more.

This was written for the 65th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: The Happy Dance, to be hosted by Becky Wiseman at kinnexions.
Carnival poster courtesy of footnote Maven.
Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 26 April 1889

Dear Wife and Children
I suppose it shines in Buchanan to day so it dos heere. I went to work this morning did not work so I though it wold bea a good time to say a few words. I have worked fore dayes and half thish week it comes to 15.75 ao I will send you $20 by Orvill on Monday if he coms and I think he will
page 2
how bad Bill and marey goodrige must feel I let Rosey reed the leter she was some what surprised and so was I to. ana bell went to see mamey to day the baby grore like fum it cries some now Rosey dos her one washen now they was fore funrar_ won day thos week will bee wone to morah I hant Joined the union yet do not know when I shall Joe drew a watch in a lotrey this week worth $25
page 3
it cost him 22 dolars fore the ticket so he is a head a little now I may go out in the country work some next week I have jest got home from the funral the man was hurt on the ralroad hed wone leg cut off and the other broke it hapend six week ago he was wone of Jose custmer I have erned since I come heere $29.40 so you see I hant lade still all of the time
page 4
mamey came home with Bell and stade all day heere I lodge with Jose and get my meals with Orson Wood I bought some new stockens last night and got _____ I send it to Tamerson By Orvill. I let Rosey reed the leter. I dont know when I will come home so I will send twenty dollars to yo so do what you think best as evr youre afecant husban I A Carlisle
Orville was Ashley's brother and Mamie was Orville's daughter. Annabelle was Joe and Rose's daughter, Mabel. The baby was Ruby.
Bill and Mary Goodrich were the parents of Anna's friend, Myra Phillips. Myra died in the spring of 1890 so I'm not sure what Ashley is referring to.
Joe Camfield had a barber shop and met lots of people. Spending $22 for a chance on a $25 watch seems a bit reckless to me.
I'm surprised that Rose isn't feeding Ashley. Maybe it was too much with the children or maybe it simply wasn't the way things were done back then but he was her brother-in-law.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Isaac Ashley. (South Bend, IN) “Dear Wife and Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 26 April 1889. Digital Images 1-4.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Wordless Wednesday - c. 1931
Rose Graham Camfield, 1 April 1889

Dear sister and family I will now try to write you a letter as the house is still both babies are asleep and Fred and mabell are spending the evening out and for once every thing is still I don’t know what you must think of me fro not writing before but there is so much to do here all the time Ruby is teething and catches cold so easy I dont think she is quite as strong as the other children, she needs a great deal of care, ther wise we are all well Fred came home a week ago last Thursday he says grand ma says they are not able to board him (of course we clothed him) any longer and he must
page 2
look out for himself. so he is looking for work now, he could have come home long ago for that matter only we supposed they needed him, and I dont see how they stand it there alone for he must have been a great help to them we was not expecting them to send Fred home we supposed they wanted him to stay with them
has your mother returned from her eastern trip yet how are you all I hope you wont take revenge on me by not answering this letter for we want to hear how you all are The children say every day they wish uncle ashley would come over we are hoping to see you all this sumer. how is Tamerson and the boys
page 3
well I must wish you all good by for this time dont forget to write soon
April 3rd Fred got work to day at singers factory he gets 50 ets a day
There was no year on this letter. Rose refers to "both babies" and her two oldest children so I believe this was written in 1889. A 5th child, LeRoy, was born in March 1890 so it is posible that it was written in 1890 and that Rose simple makes no mention of middle child, Pearl.
I'm surprised that Fred was sent home as Sarah counted on him for help and company but 1889 was a very hard year for them financially. At least when he was living with Sarah and Mike he got to go to school. In 1889 he was 15.
"Grand ma" was Rose's mother-in-law and Anna'a mother, Sarah. When Rose asks "has your mother returned" she is referring to Anna's mother-in-law Hannah L Carlisle.
The Singer factory in South Bend, IN manufactured sewing machine cabinets.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Rose Graham. (South Bend, Indiana) to “Dear Sister” [Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 1 April c. 1889 Digital Images 1-3. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Undated c. 1850-1899, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Tombstone Tuesday - Bull
Edwardsburg Cemetery AKA Pleasant Lake Cemetery
Ontwa Township, Cass County, MI
Digital image, 19 April 2008
Privately held by Apple, [Address for private use]
Sarah Ann Camfield, 7 Jan 1889

Dear Children
I suppose you are looking for a letter dy this time so I will try and write a little there does not seem to be any thing to write about we stay rite here I have not seen a woman to speak to since a week before Christmas if it was not for Fred I do not know how I could stand it he goes to school every but is here night and morning for company Father is no more company than a stick of wood and dont say much more I am glad you hear from Illinois some times I do not did Martha say anything about her Father and Mother I think I will write to them once more and see if I can get an answer Freddie sends his thanks for the handker chief he ment to send you something
but time sliped by without some how I send my thanks for my apron but feel as ashamed to excep it because I id not send you any thing
how I wish I could except your kind invitation to come and help fill the house and see you all nothing would please me better I assure you
I think every year we will go next but I dont know as we ever will but I hope to if we live longenoug I hope it will be so you can come here next summer how long is it since you was here
S A Camfield
"Father is no more company than a stick of wood and dont say much more." Grandpa Mike was man of few words I guess!
Another bare bones Christmas has come and gone.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble Center, MI) “I suppose you are”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 7 January 1889. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Monday, January 26, 2009
Memories on Monday - Hospital Waiting Room

The picture above is one of the pictures from the batch I was working on. It was taken in the summer of 1968 in South Bend, IN. Mom had driven us west that summer to visit her family in northern Indiana and southern Michigan. The picture must have been taken by Aunt Ruby in her living room.
Aunt Ruby owned a two family house in South Bend and the upstairs apartment was rented out to Notre Dame students, so in the summer it was vacant and that is where we stayed. My trips to South Bend and Buchanan, MI as a child are all mixed up in my head. I know we visited Notre Dame, went swimming in Lake Michigan, visited Grandma in the nursing home and visited other family members but I don't recall what we did on which trip.
The one thing that I do remember about the trip in 1968 was that my sister took a tumble down the stairs from the apartment. I don't remember how or why she fell but I remember being frightened. Aunt Ruby must have been out because Mom put us all in the car and drove to the hospital. My brother and I were left to sit by ourselves in the waiting room while Mom went with our sister to be seen by the doctor.
They seemed to be gone forever and I remember sitting in the chair and blubbering away. There was an older woman there and she did her best to comfort me even though I'm certain she must have had worries of her own. I know my brother was there but I can't "see" him.
My sister had a concussion but was otherwise fine. I don't remember leaving the hospital or anything else for certain from that trip.
I know that lots of people have very clear memories of their childhoods. All I have are little bright flashes that seem to be all jumbled up.
Events of 1889
- North Dakota, South Dakota, Montana and Washington admitted as U. S. States
- Benjamin Harrison begins his term as President
- The Eiffell Tower opens
- Oklahoma Land Rush
- Johnstown flood
- Great Seattle Fire
- Wall Street Journal established
- Nellie Blye begins her trip around the world
- Flexible flyer sled invented by Sam Leeds Allen
- The Sons of the American Revolution is founded
- Tippecanoe Place completed
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Thomas David Berry
He was born during the Victorian period in England. There were distinct and severe class differences during this period and his family would have been near the bottom in the Agricultural Laborours class. All members of the family would have had to work, the children from the age of about 9. They most likely lived in a rented, two or three room cottage as all the dwellings were owned by the "farm" and leased back to the workers. They would have had a very small home garden in which was grown primarily potatoes and cabbage, so as to discourage self reliance. Near Blockley it seems that the men and boys worked the farms and the women and girls worked in the silk mills. Adults worked 12 hour days and children 10 hours, six days a week. Thomas is listed on the 1861 census as a journeyman miller, a slight elevation in position; however in 1871 he is back to being listed as an agricultural labourer. It was extremely hard to move up in class status. The family probably earned enough for the basics but few luxuries. Historical accounts of Blockley indicate that the men often spent their money in the taverns and were persecuted by the district constable.
The family obviously had very little to loose by emigrating. During this period the English population was expanding at a rate that the country could not sustain. The population was increasing by over 200,000 per year. Emigration societies were organized to help workers leave England for Canada and other colonies. These societies raised monies to provide passage. I have not discovered which society sponsored the family’s travel but they arrived in Ottawa on the ship Prussian on 21 June 1874. Family oral history is that on landing in Canada, Thomas threw his friend "John Barleycorn" overboard and yelled, "We're through!"
The family initially settled in Fitzroy Harbor. In 1881 he was listed as a miller in Gloucester, Russell Co, Ontario. By 1901 they had moved to Ottawa and owned a five room house and he worked as a sexton. He died May 4, 1907 and is buried in Beechwood Cemetery.

This originally appeared at The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From the Tree on 31 March 2006. I have neglected my Berry line and I hope to expand on the family's story. My grandfather, Kimberly Berry, corresponded with a woman researching another branch of the Hollington family and he included what little he had heard of his grandfather, Thomas. Never having heard whiskey referred to as John Barelycorn, I initially thought he had thrown a person overboard!
Sarah Ann Camfield, 5 Dec 1888
Noble Dec 5th 1888
well I dont know what you think is the reason you have not had aletter before I have talked enough about to write a dozen I have been out burning brush for three day but but not all days as I used to but part of each just to help Fred and learn him how Father is grubbing so you see we are all well
we had a snow squall to day but the sun shines now we have no school this week
I intended to send you and Joseph a crock of butter each this fall but it was dry the feed was so short the milk gave out sooner than we expected so it left us short I only make enough for ourselves glad of it
there is no news to write news was we received a paper from you the election
S A Camfield

1888 ended the way it began.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble Center, MI) “well I dont know what”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 5 December 1888. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Weekly Rewind
It was actually last week that footnote Maven posted the 9th edition of Smile for the Camera, Who Are You?, at Shades of the Departed. Lots and lots of mystery photos. The next edition will be Costume. "Costume as in dress in general; especially the distinctive style of dress of a people, class, or period."
At Creative Gene, Jasia posted the 64th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: Winter Photo Essay. I was hoping for more warm weather pictures! Even though I do not enjoy snow I did enjoy reading all of the entries. The topic for the next edition is, "Happy Dance, The Joy of Genealogy," and will be hosted by Becky at kinnexxions. Jasia has also posted the topics for the rest of the year with the exception of the dates she still doesn't have a host for. I'm shocked that all the dates weren't snapped up right away! Remember not to submit your article before the Call for Submissions for each topic.
Tim has another interesting edition of the Cabinet of Curiosities, A Baker's Dozen posted for your enjoyment at Walking the Berkshires. While you're there check out his interesting observation on President Obama's Inauguration Speech, "Our Patchwork Hertitage."
Lisa has posted the the 11th editon of the Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture: My Key to Ireland at Small Leaved Shamrock. I had planned to participate but my keys were lost so well that I couldn't pull it together. I found a few great ideas I can try to help take my lines back to the Emerald Isle and maybe you will too! Next month we'll be celebrating with the second annual online St. Patrick's Parade.
Best Reads of the Week
Lorine has a heartbreaking tale at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog. Later in the week Lorine lost her mother and I offer her my sympathy.
I had never heard of a coffin plate. If you haven't either let Brian enlighten you at Ancestors at Rest.
I learned from Annie at BlogU that my FeedBurner account is moving. Twitter isn't for me right now but I know many of you are trying it out so also check out Annie's post that will tell you how you can add "Twit This" to your posts.
Randy had his weekly Best of the Genea-Blogs at Genea-Musings which led me to Amy at They that go down by the sea and the story of Clock Miller. Other good reads listed by Randy, be sure to check and make sure you didn't miss anything.
Jasia had some great tips and ideas for digital Heritage Albums in her monthly column, Captured Moments, at Shades of the Departed.
They've been clearing the tracks in my area so the account of trains stranded by snow on some of those same tracks in 1902 at The Crooked Lake Review Blog was quite timely. I wonder if my cousin, James Hollington was working on one of the trains?
As far as I know none of my ancestors settled in the "Firelands" of western Ohio but I'm enjoying the reading about those that did at the relatively new Firelands History Blog.
Miriam, at AnceStories, continues her series on how to get more traffic to your blog in Part 3. She also has some tips for ScanFest, which resumes this Sunday, 2:00 pm ET.
Becky at Grace and Glory received a gorgeous Family Quilt that has the actual images of her family.
Cheryl has resumed her series at Two Sides of the Ocean on her trip to Germany where she stayed with a cousin she discovered during her research.
Becky Wiseman is the Queen of scanning! Check out what she has accomplished at kinexxions.
fM has completed her series on the murder of Mamie Kelly, at Shades of the Departed. This is a must read! Part I, Part II, Part IIa, Part III.
Searching in Iowa? Then check out Jerry's post at Free Genealogy.
My Week
Most of my week was taken up with work and family, leaving little time for genealogy. I only transcribed 4 or 5 letters.
I did learn quite a bit about the Cherokee Outlet and land runs in Oklahoma in my quest for more information about James Madison Graham. I requested a look up from the 1890 Oklahoma Territorial Census and I have yet to decide which records to order.
Sarah Ann Camfield, 23 June 1888
Noble June 23rd 1888
well I guess you think you are not going to hear from us any more well it is a shame that I have not written before but I have kept talking about it but did not go at it so it didnot get done there did not seem to be any thing new to write so I kept neglecting it
we are as well as usual I cannot stand it to work as I used but feel pretty well if I do not work to hard Father has complained more than common this spring but is well now he is plowing for buckwheat is going to 2 acres of it we are just working our own place this year he did not put any corn on Bogarduses place this year we have apiece of wheat up there and oats that is all it looks very well now
we have had a verry cold backward spring corn has been looking very backward but the warm weathe we having has set it to growing it seems almost as if we can see it grow
26 Father has sowed some buckwheat today I washed yesterday and to day I have been lopping round not doing much
Fred went fishing yesterday and got 10 nice fish to day he is at school we do not have here on Monday but have saturday what are you going to do the 4th I have not been to Celebration in 8 years I dont know whether we shall go or not they are going to have quite atime to Bronson wheat is kooking pretty wel in these parts ours is winter killed some we did not out any on our place what we have is on Bogarduses place we have about 12 acres but we only have one half of it and it takes most of our share to pay the harvesting abd thrashing
write soon S A Camfield

School Tuesday through Saturday seems unusual to me but it must have worked for the community. I'm betting that Sarah didn;t get to go to the 4th of July Celebration that year either.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble Center, MI) “well I guess you think”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 23 June 1888. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Friday, January 23, 2009
Genealogy in School
Continuing she explained, “They have the opportunity to base their character on an ancestor that may have traveled through Ellis Island. In order to research this valuable information they work with family members. I feel it helps to build familial bonds and develop a sense of family pride. So often, that rich family history is lost as family members pass on and this allows them to be gatekeepers of their family’s past. They can learn about and write this information down to cherish for a long time. Both students and parents loved this aspect of the project.”
At the end of the unit a classroom is turned into the waiting room at Ellis Island, the kids can show up in costume and have to go through several stations as immigrants. Be sure to check out the article for details. I'd love to see this in all schools. Does your school district have a program like this?
Sarah Ann Camfield, 4 April 1888
Noble Apr 4th 1888
well I have going to write to you along time have been putting it off I have 10 little chicks most a week old we are well as usual have just commenced spring work there is no news to write we have no calves yet Fred is going to the postoffice sp I can say no more ata present
love to all
S A Camfield

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble Center, MI) “well I have going to write”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 4 April 1888. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Graham Family - Part 4
Per family records, James Madison Graham was the son of Porter Graham and Susannah Bashford, born in 1826 near Muncie, IN. I believe his birth place is in error and that he was born in Ohio, based on census records and leads I have on Porter Graham.
The first record I have found for him is in the marriage index for Delaware County, Indiana located at Delaware County, Indiana GenWeb. I still need to order the record but this information tracks with the family record.
Graham James M Elizabeth Doughty Aug 22 1844 C2 124
I next find him with his family on the 1850 Census in German, St Joseph, IN. His age of 26 would indicate a birth date in 1824 or 1825.
1850 - Indiana, St Joseph, German
page 51A, dwelling 683, family 683
James M Graham, 26, m, OH, Farmer, ____
Elizabeth A Graham, 25, f, VA, __, 800
Luther Wm Graham, 3, m, IN
Henara Graham, 2, f, IN
Zachary T Graham, 1, m IN
In Part 2 I shared a letter written by James' youngest daughter, Rose, in which she stated that her father had left for California before she was born. In Part 3, James' granddaughter, Mabel Camfield Marsh, said, "(Aunt Rachel was married twice) she had 5 kids, she said she raised the youngest by the loom. her first man went to California in 52 and never came back." I found James living with his brother-in-law, Thomas Buckles, in Vacaville, Solano, CA on the 1860 census.

James M. Graham, age 35, born OH
Martha Graham, age 40, born IN
Who was Martha Graham? James had a sister Martha who was born about 1834 in Ohio and had married Charlie Opfel in 1858 so it is very unlikely that this is her. Was this James' second wife? If so, had he obtained a divorce from Elizabeth? Was she some other relative? I have a lot of unanswered questions here.
The Solano County Genealogical Society has several deed transaction listed in their index that appear to be for James between 1860 and 1866. I did a double take when I saw that he had sold to a James Madison. The 1860 census for Solano County does show a James Madison, age 35 born Norway. There is also one transaction between Martha and James. The index only covers 1840-1870 so I will requesting these deeds and looking for when the properties were finally sold or transferred.
Graham, James M. et al to Johnson, Andrew; Deed 1860/06/04; Book O, page 674
Graham, James M. et al to Madison, James; Deed 1860/06/04; Book O, page 674
Graham, James M. to Madison, James; Deed 1860/06/09; Book O, page 676
Graham, James M. to Johnson, Andrew; Deed 1860/06/09; Book O, page 676
Egbert, Oliver B. to Graham, James M. et al; Deed 1860/07/14; Book O, page 678
Egbert, Oliver B. to Graham, James M.; Deed 1860/10/31; Book P, page 208
Egbert, R. G. to Madison, James; Deed 1864/06/24; Book T, page 155
Graham, Martha M. to Graham, James M.; Deed 1866/01/17; Book U, page 498
In 1870 Martha Graham is still in the same household as Thomas Buckles, however James is not! They are with a family named Mack and as of right now I don't know if they were somehow related or just boarders. Silveyville Township, Solano, CA; page 7.

Jane Mack, 20, IL, at home
James Mack, 10, CA, at home
Josephine Mack, 4, CA, at home
Sophronia Mack, 2, CA, at home
Martha Graham, 53, IN, Domestic
Hosea Mack, 36, IN, Farm Laborer
Thomas Buckles, 45, IN, Farm Laborer
So where was James? I did not find any likely candidates in Solano County, CA. In 1870 there was a James Graham, age 40 b OH living in a hotel in Chillicothe, Livingston Co, MO, bridge builder. This would be the wrong age, our James would have been about 44, however this is the only record that seems likely in the index for James Graham.
There was a J M Graham age 44 b OH living in Northern Reese River Valley, Lander Co, NV. He is the first person listed in dwelling #14 where seven men of various ages and nativities were living together. Occupation: Stock Raiser. This seems like the mostly record for our James as it is not too far from Solano, CA however I'm not confident this is the correct record. (Interestingly, the 1st person on the page is Dougherty, S., an 11 year old female b Iowa. The last entries on page 1 for dwelling 11 are for Higgins, W F age 30 b ME, E. J (female) age 20 b IA, E (f) age 3 b UT, and R (m) age 1 b NV.)
In 1880 Thomas Buckles is still in Silveyville, listed as Neut Buckler, age 53, born OH with wife, Mary Buckler, age 48, born PA. No sign of Martha and again, nothing for James. In 1880 the only James Graham listed without a wife, b 1826 OH, in the index is found in Nebraska City, Otoe Co, NE, age 53 b OH, parents b OH, married, laborer, boarding in the home of Elijah Rutherford.
James' whereabouts at the time of the 1870 and 1880 censuses are clearly in doubt.
In Part 2 Rose's letter also contained this:
I recd a letter from a lawyer in Californie last Saturday informing of the Death of my Father, he died oct 28 at Hoyle, Wood Co, Oklahoma, he was buried one mile from Hoyle P O he left a Claim of one hundred and sixty acres 40 acres in wheat that is looking fine he left no wife nor children there so of course his children here are the Heirs to his property as he left no Will, we will have to get the property the best we can.
Why did Rose receive a letter from a lawyer in California if James died in Oklahoma? At the time of his death Hoyle was in Wood County however the county was divided and Hoyle became part of Major County. Hoyle no longer exists. I have found James' final resting place in Ames Cemetery, Ames, Major County, OK. In the transcription he is listed as James M. Graham, age 71, died October 28, 1897.
I found an index to the 1890 Oklahoma Territorial Census on the Oklahoma Historical Society site. and believe I have found James : Graham, James; IN; Cleveland; 612. Part of the census has been transcribed here. I have requested the information from page 612.
The Oklahoma GenWeb page has an index to the Indian Pioneer Papers, "Interviews that deal with people of all nationalities with first-hand experience of Indian Territory and Oklahoma Territory, not just the Indian population." There is a listing for James M. Graham so that is another item to order.
The Bureau of Land Management allows you to search the Land Patents and download copies of the Patent. On the results page for James M. Graham in the Comments section is the word "HEIRS". The Patent is dated 6 July 1908, well after James' death. I now need to order a copy of the Land Entry Case File from the National Archives and Records Administration. The Southwest Oklahoma Genealogical Society has a listing of what treasure might be in the file here.

This is what I have found for James to date. I have listed many records that I need to order however I cannot afford to order them all at once. I think that the Land Entry Case Files may hold the most information and that they will also be the most costly.
I have no idea where I'll go in Part 5 as I am dealing with a little bit of information overload!
Joseph H Camfield, 23 Feb 1888
South Bend, Ind., Feb 23, 1888
Dear Sister and family
[stained and illegible] for a friend of mine _____ is in the patent medicine buis he wants a good lady agent
I thought perhaps mother Carlisle would like to try it there is big money in it for a good women and I think she would make a success by. I told him I thought so and he wanted me to write and see if she would like to try it
I send a lot of serklers so she can see what it is for frther particulars
she can write to the U G Manningseay or me J H Camfield
1120 so mich st
so Bend
Ps tell Ashley thare is going to be lots of his kind of work here this somer
We are all well here and hope you and yours are the same
Write and let me kno as soon as you can if she will try it. so if she wont he can look for some one else

This letter was written by my great-grandfather, Joseph Harrison Camfield to his sister, Anna Camfield Carlisle. Mother Carlisle was Anna's mother-in-law, Hannah Glover Carlisle. Hannah was against alchol consumption so I wonder if she went for this or if she was even aware that most patent medicines contained a large percentage of alchol?
This is the first reference to the S. Michigan St address that I have run across.
Ulysses G Manning was born 9 Aug 1864 in New Paris, Preble, OH and moved to South Bend, IN about 1873 with and uncle. At the age of 15 (about 1879-1880) he went to work as a clerk in a drug store and continued in that job for about 10 years when "he turn his interests to manufacturing interests as a maker of medical and toilet specialties" which would be about the time he connected with Grandpa Joe. A short biography of Mr Manning is found in A History of St. Joseph County, Indiana, by Timothy Edward Howard, 1907, on pages 582-583.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Joseph Harrison. (Noble Center, MI) to “Dear Sister and family”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 23 February 1888. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]