I just wanted to post something quickly to let everyone know that I won't be posting for the next several days. My April shout out will be delayed and there will be no Weekly Rewind this week.
Late last week, Mom had what we thought was the stomach bug that was going around. By Saturday she sounded better and said she felt much better.
I arrived this morning to find her quite ill. Her doctor had no open appointments so we headed to the ER and as it turns out that is is where she needed to be. We took her in for what we thought was a bowel problem and the triage nurse discovered a problem with her heartbeat. She has had a problem with her heart for years but this is something new. That did not explain the belly pain so a CT scan was done and they did not find what we expected. She has an abdominal aortic aneurysm and has had it for some time. That may or may not explain her pain. When she started feeling ill she stopped taking all of her medications, including those for her heart. Her blood pressure was very high. They spent hours trying different drugs to bring it down.
Three times a charm, they found a drug that is working. It is hoped that her heart rhythm will sort itself out over night. She is still very ill and we haven't received many answers yet. Tomorrow there will be a parade of doctors through to try and figure out what needs to be done to get her back on her feet.
For tonight she is resting - and so am I. I see a very long and emotional week ahead.
Monday, March 29, 2010
I'll Be Away for Awhile
Family Stories
WDYTYA - White Gloves!
Much has been mentioned in various places about the stars of Who Do You Think You Are? not wearing white gloves when they handle documents. It seems gloves were necessary to handle an antique gun from the Civil War. I found this web exclusive on the show's HULU page, where you can view other short clips that didn't make it to the final cut.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Blogging Tip - Let Me Contact You!
While reading this week I ran across a post that I wanted to comment on. The blog owner had been tinkering with their blog and something went wrong! The link to the comment form was not working. I love comments so I thought I'd better let them know that they had a problem! I hunted and searched all over their blog and nowhere was I able to find contact information!
That is only one example of why you want to provide contact information. It has been my experience that people who find me through an internet search either are unfamiliar with the comment feature or uncomfortable with it. Providing my email information has allowed me to make connections I may not have otherwise. If you do not want to use your main email account, that's OK! Simply create an email account to use just for your blog or genealogy contacts in general (but be sure to check it often!)
I use Blogger for all of my blogs but you should be able yo use some or all of these tips with other blog hosting platforms.
The easiest way to provide contact information is on your profile page. To display your profile on your blog go to the "Layout" tab from your dashboard and then "Add a Gadget" and then look for "Profile." Share as much or as little information on your profie page as you want. You can edit your profile page to include whatever email address you choose - it does not have to be the email address that you use for your account. When someone clicks on the email link an email box pops up.
Because not everyone is familiar with using profile pages I have also put my email address on my sidebar where it is easy to find. Since I do not want my email address to be picked up by spammers I choose to display it as a picture. I also do this on my garden club's blog and you will see that I use a different email address there. You can generate your own at Nexodyne.
With the new "pages" feature at blogger you can add a tab for "Contact" or, as I have done, you can simply add your email on your "About" page. Again, I used a picture but you can simply type in your email address or show it this way: Apple194(at)gmail(dot)com. (This does not create a pop-up, I simply had two windows open for illustrative purposes.)
If you want something a little fancier, that involves adding code to your template, Thomas has written about a neat little widget at GeneaBloggers: Visitor Contact - an easy Contact Form Button for Your Blog. Cheryl is using it at Heritage Happens - look for the red tab over on the far left. (Cheryl also provides her email address on her profile page.)
You have to create an account and you get additional options such as adding your phone number or Twitter information. You can also use their auto-response feature or create a contact list. After clicking on the contact tab a pop-up box appears.
So there are several easy ways to provide your readers with a way to contact you. If you use a different method please share it!
That is only one example of why you want to provide contact information. It has been my experience that people who find me through an internet search either are unfamiliar with the comment feature or uncomfortable with it. Providing my email information has allowed me to make connections I may not have otherwise. If you do not want to use your main email account, that's OK! Simply create an email account to use just for your blog or genealogy contacts in general (but be sure to check it often!)
I use Blogger for all of my blogs but you should be able yo use some or all of these tips with other blog hosting platforms.
The easiest way to provide contact information is on your profile page. To display your profile on your blog go to the "Layout" tab from your dashboard and then "Add a Gadget" and then look for "Profile." Share as much or as little information on your profie page as you want. You can edit your profile page to include whatever email address you choose - it does not have to be the email address that you use for your account. When someone clicks on the email link an email box pops up.
Because not everyone is familiar with using profile pages I have also put my email address on my sidebar where it is easy to find. Since I do not want my email address to be picked up by spammers I choose to display it as a picture. I also do this on my garden club's blog and you will see that I use a different email address there. You can generate your own at Nexodyne.
With the new "pages" feature at blogger you can add a tab for "Contact" or, as I have done, you can simply add your email on your "About" page. Again, I used a picture but you can simply type in your email address or show it this way: Apple194(at)gmail(dot)com. (This does not create a pop-up, I simply had two windows open for illustrative purposes.)
If you want something a little fancier, that involves adding code to your template, Thomas has written about a neat little widget at GeneaBloggers: Visitor Contact - an easy Contact Form Button for Your Blog. Cheryl is using it at Heritage Happens - look for the red tab over on the far left. (Cheryl also provides her email address on her profile page.)
You have to create an account and you get additional options such as adding your phone number or Twitter information. You can also use their auto-response feature or create a contact list. After clicking on the contact tab a pop-up box appears.
So there are several easy ways to provide your readers with a way to contact you. If you use a different method please share it!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Weekly Rewind
Scanfest is tomorrow, Sunday, March 28th. I missed the last one so I hope to make this one! Miriam Robbins Midkiff will be our hostess at AncesStories and you can get all the details here.
Weekly Reading
Sharon, at Kindred Footprints, has a wonderful series on Mother Monica and I thoughly enjoyed learning about her and her good works. Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V.
At Creative Gene, Jasia is feeling quite Melancholy. It's very sad what has become of the places that were so important to her family's history. Her tour of the past continued with Melancholy Too and she did a wonderful job with the photos for this!
Caroline M Pointer ponders on the luck of her family at Family Stories with Dancing With the Storms, Pt 1; Pt 2
Do you write down your special memories for your children? At A Day in the Life of the Collins 7, Heather's gift to her son Simon on his birthday was the story of his birth and I am sure he will treasure it when he is my age!
Seems like everyone is talking about the 2010 Census. Amy Coffin, at We Tree, has sent in her form and has a link for you to see how your county is doing - Get Counted in the 2010 Census. However, at Northview Diary, Marianne shares her frustration and says, I'll Probably Go to Jail. For some laughter on the subject check out the video shared by Abba-Dad at I Dream of Genea(logy).
Renee experienced an Elevator Ride of Terror! at Renee's Genealogy Blog. I hope she has recovered from the experience!
At My Ancestors and Me, Nancy has started an interesting discussion on how we feel about tradgeties that our ancestors suffered. Do You Grieve?
In an email, Kathi suggested that I include Following Your Roots From Devonshire England to Minden, Louisiana, by Schelley Brown at The Old Minden Cemetery and I'm glad she did! It's a great story about unexpected finds and the generousity of strangers.
Spring is finally here and that means it is time for Genealogy Spring Cleaning. Denise Levenick has a week's worth of chores for us at The Family Curator. She also shared what she got accomplished each day to help inspire the rest us.
Patricia shared A House to Remember ---- 1240 M Street at Patricia Craig Johnson's Genealogy Blog.
Cheryl shared the painful story of her great-grandmother at Two Sides of the Ocean: From Whence I Came... Mary Anna Rubiz.
Some quick tips from DailyBlogTips: Bloggers These Days...
Carnival's and Roundups
The 27th edition of the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy has been post by Al Wierzerba at Al's Polish-American Genealogy Research. The topic was "the Village of My Ancestors. The next edition will be hosted at Discovering Latvian Roots and the topic will be "War Stories." At Jessica's Genejournal, Jessica is looking for future hosts for the Carnival of Central and Eastern European Genealogy.
Check out John Newmark's Weekly Genealogy Picks at TransylvanianDutch.
Greta's Follow Friday post at Greta's Genealogy Bog is a mini roundup with some great reading suggestions.
At Passing It On, Larry Lehmer has another editon of Five We Like: Another week of family history goodies.
My Week
I don't know how I fit in all that I did this week! Two days at Mom's, a morning spent shopping, a day at Nursery School with Twig as his "special person" - he was too cute! and several doin's at work that took up extra time.
I worked some more on my Glover line and then was distracted when one of my husband's cousins contacted me looking for information on his Nardozza/Nardozzi line. Hadn't looked at that in ages and found some new records there. I even spent a couple of hours working on my blog index - which I have decided will take all year to finish :(
But the really BIG NEWS for me this week is that we bought a home in Orlando! It's really looking like I'll get to be a Snowbird at the end of this year.
With my foot surgery just over two weeks away I'm really starting to feel pressured to get everything done that I feel needs to be done around the house and down at Mom's but once I'm laid up I should have two or three weeks to devote to genealogy :-)
Weekly Rewind
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Fr. Vincent R. Capodanno - Medal of Honor -
In December 2006, following the funeral of John's Aunt Margaret, we all gathered at the John Venditti Post #1 of Italian-Amercian Veterans. One of John's uncles is very involved with the post and we were looking at the various citations and pictures on the walls.
One picture that caught my eye was that of Father Capodanno. I've been told by various people that John is related to him but I have, as yet. not proven the relationship. John's great-grandmother was Filomena Capadano. I know of three of her brothers but nothing that connects to Father Capodanno. I admit that I haven't worked very hard at researching the relationship but I have spent many hours reading about Father Capodanno.
Born February 13, 1929 in Richmond Co, NY, he was the youngest of the nine children of Vincent R. and Rachel Capodanno, Sr. His father died when he was only ten years old and the family struggled to support themselves. I have learned little else about his childhood years.
He attended a year at Fordham University and then entered the Maryknoll Missionary Seminary. His work sent him to Taiwan and later to Hong Kong. He requested to be assigned as a USN Chaplain serving with the US Marines. When his tour was up he requested an extension.
He was known as the Grunt Padre and was respected and revered by those he served with. He was killed September 4, 1967 in Que Son Valley, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam, 30 miles south of Dan Nang. He had been shot in the hand earlier in the day but stayed in the field with his men. Later a mortar shell exploded near him, severely injuring his arm and still he stayed. He ministered to all those that he could get to. His death came from machine gun fire as he tried to help a corpsman. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.
*CAPODANNO, VINCENT R. Rank and organization: Lieutenant, U.S. Navy, Chaplain Corps, 3d Battalion, 5th Marines, 1st Marine Division (Rein), FMF. Place and date: Quang Tin Province, Republic of Vietnam, 4 September 1967. Entered service at: Staten Island, N.Y. Born: 13 February 1929, Staten Island, N.Y. Citation: For conspicuous gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty as Chaplain of the 3d Battalion, in connection with operations against enemy forces. In response to reports that the 2d Platoon of M Company was in danger of being overrun by a massed enemy assaulting force, Lt. Capodanno left the relative safety of the company command post and ran through an open area raked with fire, directly to the beleaguered platoon. Disregarding the intense enemy small-arms, automatic-weapons, and mortar fire, he moved about the battlefield administering last rites to the dying and giving medical aid to the wounded. When an exploding mortar round inflicted painful multiple wounds to his arms and legs, and severed a portion of his right hand, he steadfastly refused all medical aid. Instead, he directed the corpsmen to help their wounded comrades and, with calm vigor, continued to move about the battlefield as he provided encouragement by voice and example to the valiant marines. Upon encountering a wounded corpsman in the direct line of fire of an enemy machine gunner positioned approximately 15 yards away, Lt. Capodanno rushed a daring attempt to aid and assist the mortally wounded corpsman. At that instant, only inches from his goal, he was struck down by a burst of machine gun fire. By his heroic conduct on the battlefield, and his inspiring example, Lt. Capodanno upheld the finest traditions of the U.S. Naval Service. He gallantly gave his life in the cause of freedom.
Father Capodanno is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, West Brighton, Richmond, NY. His memorial at findagrave.com has more than 170 notes.
Several Chapels, a road and a Navy Frigate have been named for Father Capodanno. The USS Capodanno was commissioned in 1973 and blessed by Pope John Paul II on 4 July 1981, the first ship in the US Fleet to receive a Papal Blessing. It was decommissioned in 1993. There are many websites dedicated to his memory. Currently there is a call for Canonization of Father Capodanno. Please visit the website and take a minute to watch the video there, I found it very moving.
When the traveling Vietnam Veterans Memorial Wall was in Syracuse I was fortunate to be able to drive a group of students to see it. I was able to talk to the students on my bus about Father Capodanno a bit and it was nice to find them (and their teachers!) receptive to my commentary.Having a name to look for on the wall made the experience very personal for me.
The above is a slightly edited version that has previously appeared at Apple's Tree on 30 December 2006 and 25 March 2010

Born February 13, 1929 in Richmond Co, NY, he was the youngest of the nine children of Vincent R. and Rachel Capodanno, Sr. His father died when he was only ten years old and the family struggled to support themselves. I have learned little else about his childhood years.
He attended a year at Fordham University and then entered the Maryknoll Missionary Seminary. His work sent him to Taiwan and later to Hong Kong. He requested to be assigned as a USN Chaplain serving with the US Marines. When his tour was up he requested an extension.
He was known as the Grunt Padre and was respected and revered by those he served with. He was killed September 4, 1967 in Que Son Valley, Quang Tin Province, South Vietnam, 30 miles south of Dan Nang. He had been shot in the hand earlier in the day but stayed in the field with his men. Later a mortar shell exploded near him, severely injuring his arm and still he stayed. He ministered to all those that he could get to. His death came from machine gun fire as he tried to help a corpsman. He was awarded the Medal of Honor posthumously.

Father Capodanno is buried in St. Peter's Cemetery, West Brighton, Richmond, NY. His memorial at findagrave.com has more than 170 notes.

The above is a slightly edited version that has previously appeared at Apple's Tree on 30 December 2006 and 25 March 2010
Abraham Jay Buckles - Medal of Honor - 1864

Abraham Jay Buckles was born 2 August 1846 near Muncie, Delaware, IN. He was the second child of Thomas Newton Buckles and Rachel Graham. It appears that about 1852 Thomas, in the company of his brother-in-law, James Madison Graham, succumbed to the lure of California gold. Thomas must have returned at some point, as the youngest child, J. Newton Buckles, was born about 1857, however in 1860 Thomas is found on the census for Vacaville, Solano, CA. Abraham was living with his grandparents, Abraham and Elizabeth Buckles in Centre Township, Delaware, IN. His mother and siblings were living next door.
History of the bench and bar of California:
Abraham Jay Buckles was born in Muncie, Indana, August 2, 1846. He was sent from home to live on a farm at the age of six years. In the winter season he attended school.
When the war broke out in 1861, he enlisted in a company raised at Muncie, under the call of the President for volunteers for three months' service. He was not yet 15 years old, and his grandfather would not permit him to go. When the call for troops to serve three years was made, he enlisted again. June 21, 1861, and, informing his people that he was determined in the matter, they made no further opposition. He went to Washington in Company E, 19th Indiana Infantry, which afterwards became a part of the famous fighting "Iron Brigade" of the Army of the Potomac.
Why he was sent to live with his grandfather, rather than stay with his mother I have no idea but as she was close by I can only imagine at the worry she must have felt at this time. Not only did Abraham enlist, but his older brother, Francis did as well. Francis would not return home.
Abraham's Medal of Honor Citation says very little:

Rank and organization: Sergeant, Company E, 19th Indiana Infantry.Place and date: At Wilderness, Va., 5 May 1864.Entered service at: Muncie, Ind.Birth: Delaware County, Ind.Date of issue: 4 December 1893.
Citation: Though suffering from an open wound, carried the regimental colors until again wounded.
The Medal of Honor was awarded to Abraham for one instance of bravery in a single battle but this barely tells the tale of his Civil War service. Abraham was wounded several times and in the end he lost a leg. The History of Solano and Napa Counties, California gives a detailed and thrilling account of his service:
He was a lad of fifteen years when the tocsin of war called able-bodied men to the defense of the country and in June, 1861, he was among the number who responded to Lincoln's first call for three-year men, being attached to Company E, Nineteenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry. Mustered in at Indianapolis, his regiment became a part in the second Battle of Bull Run. In that engagement he was shot through the thigh and was confined in the hospital for three months, after which he again offered his services and took part in the first and second battles of Fredricksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, being attached to the color guard. It was his ambition to be the color bearer of his regiment and for that reason stationed himself on the left so that he would be next to the bearer and ready to take the colors in case the color bearer was injured. The bearer was wounded in the morning, and young Buckles promptly picked up the colors, which he proudly carried until the afternoon the same day, when he, too, was wounded, having received a shot through the right shoulder. Handing the flag to his comrade next in line, he was taken from field and was confined to the hospital for several months. His anxiety to be in the field of action once more secured his release before his wound was entirely healed, but he was able to resume his old post as color bearer and was serving in this capacity in the Battle of the Wilderness, when he was once more disabled, this time being shot through the body. As before, in spite of his intense suffering, he did not allow the colors to disappear, handing the flag to young Devilbuss, who lost his life soon afterward. At the Battle of the Wilderness the regiment became scattered in the rush through the woods, and inasmuch as he could see no field officer, Color Bearer Buckles led the charge himself, the men promptly following, and in the conflict Mr Buckles received what was thought to be a mortal wound, being shot through the body. In spite of the fact that he was so badly wounded as to be given up for dead, he managed to make his way to the rear, when the ambulance came up he was taken to the temporary hospital. The examining surgeon pronounced his case hopeless and would not even probe the wound, the same being true of his treatment in the field hospital, to which he was removed. Finally, when orders were issued to remove the inmates to Fredericksburg, Buckles sent for the physician and begged not to be left behind. The doctor replied that his orders were strict and as he had been given up to die, could not be removed. He remonstrated that the physicians had said two days before that he would die and that he found himself no worse, and finally obtained the promise that if he could stand when the ambulance came he would be removed to Fredericksburg and receive proper care. To make the promise good, Buckles stood with the aid of sticks for crutches, and was taken to the hospital, and as soon as his wounds were given attention he began to recover. He was able to rejoin his regiment before the Battle of Petersburg, having been promoted and commissioned second lieutentant. During all this time, however, his wound remained open and remained so until early 1870. While on skirmish duty, March 25, 1865, he was again wounded, this time in the right leg, which necessitated amputation seven inches from the body. His honorable discharge followed two months later, May 15, 1865, after the close of the war. He was awarded the medal of honor by congress for meritorious conduct upon the battlefield of the Wilderness, May 5, 1864. He returned home to Indiana, battle scarred and disabled, and as yet a mere boy in years, not nineteen years old.
Abraham returned home and went to school. He work variously as a teacher, a clerk and at other jobs as he could find them. On 5 December 1865, in Delaware County, IN, he married Louisa B. Conn and to them two daughters were born, Lola Bell in 1867 and Addie Jessie in 1868. In his spare time he undertook the study of law and in 1875 was admitted to the bar.
Abraham must have retained a relationship with his father as he moved his family to Solano County, CA in the spring of 1875 were he became quite successful. Again, from The History of Solano and Napa Counties, California:
In the spring of 1875 he was admitted to the bar and immediately thereafter came to California and located in Dixon, Solano county. Opening an office for the practice of his profession, the recognition of his exceptional ability and justice in the handling of legal complications was apparent from the first, and was the forerunner of a large and influential clientele. Substantial recognition of his ability came to him in 1879, when he was elected district attorney of Solano county under the new constitution, and at the close of his first term he was re-elected, serving altogether over five years. In 1884 he received the nomination for the office of superior judge and as the successful candidate he took office in January, 1885, and for over twenty years thereafter he held the office continuously. In April, 1905, he was appointed by Governor Pardee from the superior bench as one of the judges of the appellate court for the third district, and after the close of his term he again took up the practice of law, at this time locationg in Fairfield. As on former occasions he was successful in building on a commendable practice but he was not long allowed to confine his attention to private practice. Judge Devlin, who had been elected superior judge in 1908, held the office just one month and twenty days, when pressure of private business made it necessary for him to resign, whereupon Governor Gillett appointed Judge Buckles to fill the unexpired term.
Abraham remained on the bench until his death 9 January 1915 at a hospital in San Bernardino County, CA. He was buried in Suisun-Fairfield Cemetery, Fairfield, CA. You can visit his memorial at Find-a-Grave.
Abraham was my 1st cousin, three times removed. I was with my 2nd great-grandfather, James Madison Graham, that his father left for California.
This an updated article that originally appeared at Apple's Tree, 25 March 2009
History of the bench and bar of California: being biographies of many remarkable men, a store of humorous and pathetic recollections, accounts of important legislation and extraordinary cases, comprehending the judicial history of the state
By Oscar Tully Shuck
Contributor Oscar Tully Shuck
Edition: reprint
Published by The Commercial printing house, 1901
Original from the University of Michigan
Digitized Feb 20, 2008
1152 pages
pages 672 – 675, viewed at Google Books, 24 March 2009
History of Solano and Napa Counties, California : with biographical sketches of the leading men and women of the counties, who have been identified with its growth and development from the early days to the present time: History by Tom Gregory and other well know writers; Historic Record Company, Los Angeles, California [1912]; viewed at ancestry.com 8 Feb 2009.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
National Medal of Honor Day, March 25th

If you do not have a connection to a hero in your family please write about a recipient from your hometown or state. You can find the names and citations of those who have received the award at both Home of the Heroes and the Congressional Medal of Honor Society, as well as the history of the award.
To designate March 25, 1991, as `National Medal of Honor Day'.
Whereas the Medal of Honor is the highest distinction that can be awarded by the President, in the name of the Congress, to members of the Armed Forces who have distinguished themselves conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of their lives above and beyond the call of duty;
Whereas only a few of the millions of men and women who have served the Nation in war, military operations, or other armed conflicts have received the Medal of Honor;
Whereas the 1st Medal of Honor awards were presented to 6 men on March 25, 1863, by the Secretary of War;
Whereas it is appropriate to honor the heroic recipients of the Medal of Honor;
Whereas public awareness of the importance of the Medal of Honor has declined in recent years; and
Whereas the designation of National Medal of Honor Day will focus the efforts of national, State, and local organizations striving to foster public appreciation and recognition of Medal of Honor recipients: Now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 25, 1991, is designated as `National Medal of Honor Day', and the President is authorized and requested to issue a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe the day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
HJ 652 CPH, 101st CONGRESS, 2d Session, H. J. RES. 652
102d CONGRESS1st SessionH. J. RES. 370
Designating March 25th of each year as `National Medal of Honor Day'.
Mr. CHANDLER introduced the following joint resolution; which was referred to the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service
Designating March 25th of each year as `National Medal of Honor Day'.
Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That March 25th of each year is designated as `National Medal of Honor Day', and the President is authorized and requested to issue annually a proclamation calling on the people of the United States to observe such day with appropriate ceremonies and activities.
The Library of Congress HJ 370 IH
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Doyle Family Story Hits the Stage
I stumbled across this article and just had to share because it is such a great story! "From The Mountains of Mourne to the Mines of Montana" is a play about Irish immigrants. What makes the story great:
You need to check out the amazing website that Ms. Jones created, The Miners of Mourne. If I ever get around to creating a web page for my family I will looking to this page for inspiration!
A Playwright's Inspiration
The playwright Lisa Hayes, discovered her inspiration on a website created by Doyles' granddaughter Fiona Jones, who traced the genealogy and passionately writes about the Miners of Mourne and their journeys. Jones possesses what she calls, a "fierce personal pride" in her Irish roots. "I hope that after watching this play that the audience will have a deeper understanding of the cost to our ancestors paid to provide us with the life we have today," says Jones. Her website is: http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~mourneminers/ .
You need to check out the amazing website that Ms. Jones created, The Miners of Mourne. If I ever get around to creating a web page for my family I will looking to this page for inspiration!
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Weekly Rewind
Thanks to Denise Barrett Olson's post, More Blog Notice, at Family Matters I discovered that, Discovering Family History has a list of 15 Genealogy Blogs You Need to Read. Congratualtions to Denise and the other 14 blogs mentioned!
Carnivals and Roundups

The 7th edition of A Festival of Postcards was hosted by Evelyn Yvonne Theriault at A Canadian Family. The theme was "Light" and it was interesting to see the various ways in which that was interperted by various bloggers. The theme for the next edition is Geography and submissions are due by April 28th.
The March Issue of Shades Of The Departed Magazine is available at Shades of the Departed. The the photographs were beautiful and the articles great this month. I particularly liked Denise Barrett Olson's, The Future of Memories.
The Carnival of Irish Heritage and Culture celebrated St Patrick's day with the 3rd annual St. Patrick's Day Parade hosted by Lisa at Small-leaved Shamrock. There were a wide range of topics celebrating Irish genealogy, hertitage faith and of course, St. Patrick. The topic for the next edition is Irish Poetry and submissions are due by April 26th.
The Premier Edition of the Carnival of African-American Genealogy was hosted by Luckie Daniels at Our Georgia Roots. The topic was Restore My Name, dealing with the sharing and publication of slave records. The topic for the next edition is Grandma's Hand with submissions due by April 12th.
John Newmark shared his Weekly Genealogy Picks at Transylvanian Dutch and as always has links to great posts that I would have otherwise missed.
New (to me) is Dan Curtis ~ Professional Personal Historian. He posted Monday's Link Roundup with some interesting links.
At GenBlog, Julie Cahill Tarr shared her Friday Finds.
Weekly Reading
I really enjoyed Joan Hill's Lunch With Mary Burns McPherson at Roots'n'Leaves.
At Two Sides of the Ocean, Cheryl wrote a lovely biography of her grandmother: From Whence I Came...Ella Anna Helene Wellhausen
Brenda Dougall Merriam did an outstanding job with McFadyen Part 11: The 1776 Dilemma.
Guest author, Camille Giglio shared her family story at California Genealogical Society and Library: It's All Malarkey.
After recieving some information that conflicted with what she had, Kay made some new discoveries at Kay B's Place: Re-Morse.
Craig Manson wrote about the Womens Airforce Serivce Pilots at GeneaBlogie.
At Attic Treasures a neat bit of family trivia was discovered: Paris Blues and my family history...hmmmmm
Jasia is looking for help at Creative Gene: Who's Up on Their Latin Chirch Records?
Lorine has found a group photo that her father amy have been in. Olive Tree Genealogy Blog: Is This My Father?
Barbara Poole, at Life From The Roots could use some help with her template: Monday Madness - - Asking for Help #2. Has anyone else run across the comment problem she mentions? I think I can fix her header for her but by tinkering with her html codes but is there an easier way?
From Debra Osborn Spindle at All My Ancestors I learned that the Oklahoma Territorial Census of 1890 has been reindexed.
John D Reid at Anglo-Celtic Connections tells us that we can now Browse the Ottawa Citizen Achive. Using his trick I would think that you should be able to do this with any newspaper at Google.
Greta has been exploring Footnote's Pages Feature at Greta's Genealogy Bog.
At Taneya's Genealogy Blog, Taneya has discovered more NARA Compiled Service Records @ Internet Archive, this time for the Revolutionary War. Also read her post, Open Library Just Made My Week.
Following that, John Warren, at New York History, posted State Library Puts Revolutionary War Materials Online.
C-Span Video Library - Not All Politics, who knew? John Newmark at TransylvanianDutch found another great resource I never would have checked out on my own! Also check out John's thoughts On the Census and the American Community Servey.
Update your bookmarks! Joe Beine is moving some of his directories. Find the details at Genealogy Roots Blog: Online Genealogy Records Directories - Moving.
Denise Barrett Olson has started a series at Family Matters, The Personal Archive.
Larry Lehmer asks, Will your cyber life end at the same time as your real life? at Passing It On.
Both Gena and Patricia Geary have written about the new online classes available at Family Search. Free Online Classes at Family Search at Greta's Genealogy and Family Search Genealogy Classes Offered On-Line at Computer Tips and Tutorials.
My Week
Spring has finally arrived in Snowville! This is the earliest I have ever had crocuses here! I've been out without a jacket and my husband has begun shoveling the garden beds that are still snowbound. I've only had time to get one garden bed cleaned up with lots left to do.
I had an incredibly busy week, kid's night here, Mike had a band concert. a garden club meeting and I worked a bus safety event. Throw in a couple of meetings, a flat tire and a trip to the doctor with Mom and I'm happy the week is over!
Weekly Rewind
Surname Saturday - Glover
Early this month, Brenda, at Journey to the Past, posted her Surname Saturday - Glover. Through the comments we discovered that we are cousins. That got me back to looking at my Glover lines and I reconnected with another cousin, in Pittsburgh. (She doesn't have a blog, but she writes very well and should start one!)
Here is my line:
Thomas Glover, 1569-1619, Lancashire, England
> Henry Glover, 1603-1655, Lancashire, England > Norfolk County, MA
>>Henry Glover, c. 1641-1714, Norfolk County, MA
>>>Edward Glover, 1641-1745, Norfolk County, MA
>>>>Henry Glover, 1732-1800, Norfolk County, MA
>>>>>David Glover, 1775-1852, Norfolk County, MA > Cass County, MI
>>>>>>Louisa Lambert Glover, 1801-1851, Norfolk Co., MA > Cass Co., MI
>>>>>>>Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929, Cass Co, MI > Berrien Co, MI
>>>>>>>>Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960, Berrien Co, MI
My Cousins:
Thomas Glover
>Henry Glover
>>Henry Glover
>>>Henry Glover
>>>>Thomas Glover
>>>>>Alexander Glover
>>>>>>Samuel Stillman Glover
Their lines diverge here.
Their ancestor, Alexander Glover, and my ancestor, David Glover were second cousins. Both lived in Conway, Hampshire, MA at the same time and both moved to Phelps, Ontario, NY about the same time. Many descendants of both men moved further west to Michigan.
I would be happy to connect with any other Glover cousins.
My previous posts on the Glover family:
Hannah Lewis Glover Carlisle
Tamesin Hall Glover
Tombstone Tuesday - David Glover
Tombstone Tuesday - Orville B Glover
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Some Cass County, MI burials
Need a Wife? Send for a Glover!
Laura CARTER - Surrogate Record
Tamesin Hall married David Glover
Ruhama Hall married Philander Glover
Memories on Monday - Winter Sidewalks (Jay Glover)
A twentieth century history of Cass County, Michigan (1906), by Lowell H Glover
Alexander & Sarah (Salisbury) Headstone
Alexander and Sarah (Salisbury) Glover Family @WeRelate
David and Tamesin (Hall) Glover Family @WeRelate
Glover DNA Project
Glover Family Genealogy Forum
Glover Memorials and Genealogies, By Anna Glover @ Google Books
Glover Memorials and Genealogies, By Anna Glover @ Internet Archive
Glover Message Board
Linkpendium Glover Family
Mt Hope Cemetery Records, Rochester, NY
Quarter Century Memorial, By Livingston Maturin Glover
The Glovers of LaSalle Co., Illinois
The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 68
Dorchester First Baptist Church Records
Here is my line:
Thomas Glover, 1569-1619, Lancashire, England
> Henry Glover, 1603-1655, Lancashire, England > Norfolk County, MA
>>Henry Glover, c. 1641-1714, Norfolk County, MA
>>>Edward Glover, 1641-1745, Norfolk County, MA
>>>>Henry Glover, 1732-1800, Norfolk County, MA
>>>>>David Glover, 1775-1852, Norfolk County, MA > Cass County, MI
>>>>>>Louisa Lambert Glover, 1801-1851, Norfolk Co., MA > Cass Co., MI
>>>>>>>Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929, Cass Co, MI > Berrien Co, MI
>>>>>>>>Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960, Berrien Co, MI
My Cousins:
Thomas Glover
>Henry Glover
>>Henry Glover
>>>Henry Glover
>>>>Thomas Glover
>>>>>Alexander Glover
>>>>>>Samuel Stillman Glover
Their lines diverge here.
Their ancestor, Alexander Glover, and my ancestor, David Glover were second cousins. Both lived in Conway, Hampshire, MA at the same time and both moved to Phelps, Ontario, NY about the same time. Many descendants of both men moved further west to Michigan.
I would be happy to connect with any other Glover cousins.
My previous posts on the Glover family:
Hannah Lewis Glover Carlisle
Tamesin Hall Glover
Tombstone Tuesday - David Glover
Tombstone Tuesday - Orville B Glover
Lather, Rinse, Repeat
Some Cass County, MI burials
Need a Wife? Send for a Glover!
Laura CARTER - Surrogate Record
Tamesin Hall married David Glover
Ruhama Hall married Philander Glover
Memories on Monday - Winter Sidewalks (Jay Glover)
A twentieth century history of Cass County, Michigan (1906), by Lowell H Glover
Alexander & Sarah (Salisbury) Headstone
Alexander and Sarah (Salisbury) Glover Family @WeRelate
David and Tamesin (Hall) Glover Family @WeRelate
Glover DNA Project
Glover Family Genealogy Forum
Glover Memorials and Genealogies, By Anna Glover @ Google Books
Glover Memorials and Genealogies, By Anna Glover @ Internet Archive
Glover Message Board
Linkpendium Glover Family
Mt Hope Cemetery Records, Rochester, NY
Quarter Century Memorial, By Livingston Maturin Glover
The Glovers of LaSalle Co., Illinois
The New England historical and genealogical register, Volume 68
Dorchester First Baptist Church Records
Surname Saturday,
Friday, March 19, 2010
Mary Frances Carlisle, 26 Nov 1910
Five weeks after Raymond's birth, Mamie finally had time to write again to her mother-in-law, Anna Carlisle. This time it was quite a long letter and full of woe.
Raymond had been born with a cleft lip and pallet and had trouble nursing. When he was only a day old he was taken to the hospital and his lip was repaired. It was anticipated that he would need at least five more surgeries. His health was not all that the Carlisle's had to worry about.
All of this would have been enough for any family to deal with but there was more trouble for the family.
How can a fire burn through the wall of the house and yet cause no real damage! I'm sure Mamie was trying to minimize the situation.
The rest of the letter is chatty news about the three older children and the odd jobs that Frank has been picking up to supplement his salary as a Baptist preacher.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Carlisle, Mary Frances (Fort Wayne, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 26 November 1910. Digital Images 1-8.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Raymond had been born with a cleft lip and pallet and had trouble nursing. When he was only a day old he was taken to the hospital and his lip was repaired. It was anticipated that he would need at least five more surgeries. His health was not all that the Carlisle's had to worry about.
Aside from all the suffereing it will cause him it will cost so much we do not see how we can do it at all. It must be done right away in order that his speech will be alright so the only way I know is to just shut my eyes + plunge in. We have not been able to anywhere meet our bills so I guess a few more dont matter. The surgeon here is fine. He says he does what is necessary whether he expects pay or not.If this wasn't enough stress for the family, Mamie then tells of how she was taken ill before the birth and told that she should be prepared for the baby not to live. She was relieved that he lived but overwhelmed by the care he needed. Things had taken a toll on Frank as well.
All of this would have been enough for any family to deal with but there was more trouble for the family.
last Sun. Frances discovered the house was on fire when she started up stairs to the bath room. Frank was cooking breakfast while I was feeding baby. I called him + he nearly got __ in the attic. It is a regular fire trap any way. He finally found the wire __ + kicked it out. There were three fire dept's here so they soon put it out. Noone can see what started it as it was away from the chimneys and fire of any kind. It burned thro the rear wall of house + made conciderable mess but no real damage. There wasn't a thing burned up + no one hurt so we think we were very fortunate. There was the usual excitement + one of the neighbors fainted away but no serious trouble. Several of the ladies staid + cleaned up for me. All the things in attic I had out away were wet + I have _____ drying upstairs. It will take some time to get everything done.
How can a fire burn through the wall of the house and yet cause no real damage! I'm sure Mamie was trying to minimize the situation.
The rest of the letter is chatty news about the three older children and the odd jobs that Frank has been picking up to supplement his salary as a Baptist preacher.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Carlisle, Mary Frances (Fort Wayne, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 26 November 1910. Digital Images 1-8.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Carlisle family letters
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Mary Frances Carlisle, 19 October 1910
The next letter is actually a very short note from Mamie, in Fort Wayne, IN, announcing the birth of a baby boy on October 17th.
She says that the woman she was counting on to help "had Failed" her and that she was looking for someone else to come in and help.
This was Frank and Mamie's fourth child, Raymond.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Carlisle, Mary Frances (Fort Wayne, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 16 September 1910. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Baby weighed six lbs. + is real plump + nice. Alfully good, too. Trust you are all well. Will write more when I am stronger.
She says that the woman she was counting on to help "had Failed" her and that she was looking for someone else to come in and help.
This was Frank and Mamie's fourth child, Raymond.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Carlisle, Mary Frances (Fort Wayne, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 16 September 1910. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Carlisle family letters
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Etoley Robinson - A Photograph
My great-grandmother had a very dear friend, Etola Robinson, and saved many of her letters which I shared over the course of a year. The letters have been found here by Chris, who is researching her husband's family. I am thrilled that her family now knows of the letters and that Chris contacted me! She was also kind enough to share a photograph of Toley with me and to give me premission to share it with all of you who have been following her story.
She was very beautiful! We know from the letters that she was a dress maker and stayed up with the latest fashions, often making over older things to update them. And she also made hair pieces.
I still do not have an ending for Toley's story. Chris believes she was still alive in 1926. Stay tuned........
She was very beautiful! We know from the letters that she was a dress maker and stayed up with the latest fashions, often making over older things to update them. And she also made hair pieces.
I still do not have an ending for Toley's story. Chris believes she was still alive in 1926. Stay tuned........
Francis Ashley Carlisle, 15 Sept 1910
Fort Wayne, Ind
Sept. 15th. 1910
Dear Mother And All,
Your letter of a few days ago recieved but have been so buisy that have not found time to write before.
The bill of lading did not say what road the things would come on to Fort Wayne and if you can find out it will save me much time going to the various freight houses in the city to look it up.
I enclose a check for two dollars which will cover the $1.25 expense you mentioned and pay to have the automobile hauled back to the old saw mill as it still belongs to Dr. Garland. I have not the means at present to have it repaired. You might ask the Dr. if he has any other place for it. That is left over is Fathers.
I enclose a letter to Arlin which I would be glad to have you give to his mother to mail to him as I do not know his address.
We are all well but I am working so hard that I have time for little else.
We recieved the paper you sent with the announcement of Tamersons marriage in it. Let us hear from you as soon as convinient.
As Ever,
824 Huestis Ave.
Ft. Wayne Ind.
P.S. Lillie brought the baby home a week ago last Saturday as Tom has bought a farm near Allegan and the have moved on it. She is as fat as a pig and looks nice and we are tickled to have her home that the extra work does not seem to count.
Lillian M Carlisle was Frank's sister-in-law and she was married to Thomas O. Ghrist. I have in my notes that they had a daughter but I have no name or birth date. I assume that when Frank says, "She is fat as a pig and looks nice" that he is talking about the baby and not Lillian! Tom and Lillian had two older sons, Glenn H Ghrist who was born in 1894 and John C Ghrist who was born in 1902. By the 1920 census Lillian and Tom had seperated. Glenn was married and living with his wife and children. Lillian and John were living together in Chicago. I have yet to find Tom on the 1920 census. So did the baby mentioned in the letter die young or was she living with Tom?
Arlin may have referred to Arlin B. Clark who was living in Buchanan, MI at the time of the 1900 census.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Carlisle, Francis Ashley (Fort Wayne, IN) to “Dear Mother And All”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 16 September 1910. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Carlisle family letters,
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Tombstone Tuesday, Sarah Ann Camfield
Sarah A. Camfield
1817 - 1912
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield
Pleasant Hill Cemetery, Branch County, Michigan.
Tombstone Tuesday,
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Sarah Ann Camfield - The Final Years
When I first "met" Sarah Ann it was 1876 and she was 59 years old. She and Mike were living in Burr Oak, Michigan and she was writing to her daughter, Anna, a week before Anna's marriage to Ashley Carlisle.
My first impression was that she was a little brusk! But as I worked my way through the letters Sarah Ann's story began to unfold.Burr Oak Sept 26 1876
Dear Anna do just as you like as far as we are concerned it makes no difference as I know of if you are coming so soon I can not tell any news in fact there is nothing to tel only Charley starts today for california I suppose he left here with that intention
From your affectionate Mother
In 1877 it appears that Sarah Ann and Mike were sharecropping in Burr Oak, Michigan and they, along with several others, were forced to move and lost the wheat crop that they had planted the previous fall.
wel this place was sold Monday all that Sutherlands mortgage covered he bid it in for $10,000 dollars we all loose our wheat Parker 20 Franke Graves 25 acres Robison 7 Scurvin 20 our 40 all goes with the place the 80 and the wood lot is to be sold in about 5 weeks we dont know what we are going to do yet or where we are going but suppose we shall find aplace some where
How heart breaking that that their lives could be so upset by the decisions of others! They did find another place to live in Burr Oak but did not stay long before they moved to Noble, Michigan where they rented a farm from Henry Bogardus, who Sarah Ann would have known from her childhood. They seemed to have a good relationship with the Bogardus' and Sarah Ann often mentioned them. Mike worked long days in the fields often taking his dinner with him and Sarah Ann felt isolated and lonely. Loneliness is a theme that carried throughout Sarah Ann's letters. Several times she mentioned not having seen another woman for weeks at a stretch.
Money was always an issue for Mike and Sarah Ann and there were periods of incredible poverty and some of her letters just broke my heart. In 1880 she had only one "whole" dress:
You sent pieces of new dresses while you was in the dress business why did you not make two or three I have had only 1 dress made since you made one for me on the Gates place Mrs Bogardus made the calico one she gave me when we live on the Boil farm that is all I have had I guess you wil think I kned a some one to make me some that dark calico one you made for me when I was at your house is my dress up one it has never been washed it is the only whole one I have
Because Mike had had no education, keeping track of the finances fell to Sarah Ann and she recorded both the cost of goods and what they were able to make from their labors. Mike worked the fields and raised horses. Sarah made butter to sell and raised lambs, sometimes keeping them in the house as pets. There was fruit to dry and food to be canned, cooking, sewing and work of some sort or another that never seemed to end. Being in their sixties and suffering from various illnesses off and on there was often more work than they could manage on their own and their finances would take a hit when they had to hire help both for Mike in the fields and Sarah Ann in the house. Off and on during the early 1880's their oldest grandchild, Fred Camfield, would stay with them which was added work for Sarah Ann but he was also company and she adored him.
They continued to save every penny that they could and I was excited by Sarah Ann's letter of 17 October 1884:
Wel I have been going to write you every day since we bought our farm but have put it off til now which was 4 weeks last tuesday we bought a 74 acre farm in Indiana three and one half mile east of Orland is 5 miles south of here so we will be 5 miles south and 3 ½ east of here I cannot describe it you wil have to come and see it we are to pay 18 hundred dollars for it it looks like a big job for a couple of old folks but if our life and health is spared we hope to be able to do it it is in Stueben CO Millgrove township Fawn River is the south line of the farm there is some marsh down by the river good mowing marsh and a good for fish they say
Alas, it was not to be! I'm not certain what happened but instead of the farm in Indiana they bought a 40 acre farm in Noble, Michigan, not far from where they had been living. It was located on the south east corner of the Bronson-Orland Road and what is now Slisher Road, 4 miles south of Bronson, Michigan. I wonder how much has changed in 125 years?
The buildings on the farm were in need of lots of work and a stable had to be constructed for the animals before the next winter which left little money for repairs to the house. In an uncharacteristic splurge, Sarah Ann paid someone to wallpaper the parlor:
I got the prettiest wall paper that could be and got the rom papered and my best carpet down and I did feel proud of it we got windows with 4 glass in a window it cost 2 dollars and 1 shilling to get the paper put on and it is all cracked to pieces come loose fromtop to bottom you never saw any thing like it I feel so bad about it but that dont help it
Sarah Ann and Mike never could seem to get a lucky break! They finally had a place of their own but life continued with the same tedious rhythm of work and want that they had known for years. She was often frustrated with Mike and I assume he with her. At one point she complained to Anna, "Father is no more company than a stick of wood." Their grandson Fred came to live with them full time in the late 1880's and was a great help to them and company for Sarah Ann. She loved to visit with her neighbors and travel to visit her children and grandchildren but the demands of the farm and the cost of travel made visits few and far between.
As Mike and Sarah Ann aged they had more and more trouble working the farm. She tells of him being unable to work because his shoulder was lame and complained that writing and chores were painful due to her lame hands. Gradually Fred took over responsibility of the farm. When he married Libbie Warner in 1897 Mike and Sarah Ann rented out their farm and moved with the newlywed couple to a farm in Batavia, Michigan. In early 1899 Mike and Sarah Ann both became seriously ill. Mike did not have the strength to recover and he died there on the 18th of February. Sarah Ann did recover and lived a while longer with Fred and Libbie but soon her care became too much for the couple. I don't know how the arrangement was decided on but she would spend the remainder of her years living winters in South Bend, Indiana with her son Joe and summers in Buchanan, Michigan with her daughter, Anna.
It was only in these final years that Sarah Ann seemed truly happy.
Dec 29 1899
Dear Children and grand Children
I will try to write once more to let you know that I have not forgotten you we are all well as usual and trying to be happy as we can I have every thing I kneed to be comfortable I have my bed here in the front room and agood coal fire in the other room night and day Joseph sleeps on the couch by the stove so I am not alone we have plenty to eat and why not be happy and content and I am..........
She was being cared for by her children and grandchildren and her worries were few. She was able to make calls on the neighbors and attended church as often as she felt up to it. Even though her hands were crippled she could not sit idle and so she spent countless hours piecing quilts and sewing carpet rags. In 1960 her granddaughter, Tamerson Calisle Binns, wrote of the years that Sarah Ann spent in Buchanan:
Grandmother Camfield never interfered in anything + was a model grandmother. Read her Bible, sang hymns + knit + made quilts which mother + I quilted.
Sarah Ann lived a very long, hard life and I'm glad that her final years were happy ones. She died in 18 February 1912 at the age of 94 and was laid to rest beside her husband, not far from where they had lived in Noble.
This is the fourth and final installment in a series written for the 91st edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: A Tribute to Women!

Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield Timeline
Sarah Ann Wisner, The Early Years
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, Marriage, Children and Migration
Sarah Ann Camfield, The Final Years
Also see:
Family of William Wisner
Badgley and Wisner Deed Abstracts, Onondaga, NY
Henry Bogardus, Shirt Tail Cousin
Thanks for the poster fM!
Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Burr Oak, MI) to “Dear Anna”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 26 Sept 1876. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2008.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1875 - 1876,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Burr Oak, MI) to “Dear Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 21 March 1877. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2008.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1,Correspondence, 1877 - 1879,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) “You sent pieces of new dresses” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Note. Undated, found between letters dated 18 October 1880 and 12 November 1880. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1,Correspondence, 1880,
Bentley Historical Library,University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) “letter no1”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 17 October 1884. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1884 - 1886,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield, Sarah Ann. (Noble Center, MI) “I suppose you are”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 7 January 1889. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1887 - 1889,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield, Sarah Ann (South Bend, IN) to “Dear Children and grand Children”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 29 December 1899. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Apr - Dec 1899,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Binns, Tamerson Carlisle. (Buchanan, MI) to “Dear Vivian”
[Vivian Carlisle LaValle]. Letter. 28 October 1960. Digital Images 1-9.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] New York. 2008.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Genealogical Papers,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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