Thursday, April 28, 2011
Mabel Camfield Marsh, 27 Dec 1911
Windsor, Ont.
Dec 27th 1911
Dear Aunt Ann:
We received the apples today. The Express Co. sent me a notice and I went right down to the custom office to clear them. Then telephoned to the express office to get them and bring them up. The custom officer said on account of christmas he wouldn't charge me any duty. Many thanks for sending them they are fine. Vera ate ten as soon as she could. So many will last us a long time.
I received the tidy grandma sent and the booklet and doily for Vera. Vera thinks Santa brought them the work is lovely and we appreciate it very much. I am sure she does remarkable give her our love, and tell her I will write to her soon. I sent a box by mail did you get it?
We all had a merry christmas, had a tree and all the fixings. Wishing you all a Happy New Year, and again thanking you, I remain Lovingly, Mabel
I have never seen tidy used as a noun before. I believe it refered to some type of small storage container.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, 1817-1912
Michael Camfield
Marsh, Mabel Camfield (Windsor, Ontario) to “Dear Aunt Ann”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 27 Dec 1911. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Orlando, Florida. 2011.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Mabel Camfield Marsh, 29 May 1911
Windsor, Ont
May 29th 1911
Dear Grandma:-
Your welcome letter received Saturday and you may be sure we were all glad to get such a nice letter from you. Am glad you are so well. how did you like that hot weather we just had? I hope we dont have any more in a hurry.
Vera and I are planning on
page 2
going to South Bend this summer and if we do we will be sure to run over to Buchanan for a day or two I am going to try to get there when the apples are ripe and also the corn. as Vera is a chip off the old block and likes corn on the cob, so tell Uncle Ashley to plant a dozen or two extra hills. How is his health give him my best.
I had a letter from Libby the
page 3
other day. poor thing she has had her troubles. We all get it one way or the other.
I had a letter from Rose Bennette. Mrs Guy Bunkers girl, they are coming to Detroit in June for their vacation Mr Bunker is going to Rochester N. Y. to the chief of Police convention, so they will be over here to see us. I would invite them to stay right here, but haven't the room. I furnished up the up
page 4
stairs rooms for light houskeeping and they have been rented to a young couple since November We have plenty of room left and those extra rooms are bringing us in some cash. I had lots of company last summer and Bunkers were here two years ago.
Wish you were all here to take some boat rides on the river. I think Uncle Ashley and Aunt Ann could come. Bens nephew, Lyle Breeheuser was here a few hours yesterday. Well grandma I must close for this time and will see you soon.
Lots of love to all. Mabel
Mabel was the daughter of Joseph Harrison Camfield and Susan "Rose" Arazina Graham Camfield. The letter was written to her paternal grandmother, Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield. Ben Marsh was Mabel's husband and Vera their daughter.
Uncle Ashley was Isaac Ashley Carlisle and his wife, Aunt Ann, was Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle.
Libby was Elizabeth Warner Camfield, Mabel's sister-in-law.
I have not researched Rose Bennette or Mr. and Mrs. Guy Bunker. They most likely were residents of either South Bend, IN or Buchanan, MI.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, 1817-1912
Michael Camfield
Marsh, Mabel Camfield (Windsor, Ontario) to “Dear Grandma”
[Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield] Letter. 29 May 1911. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Orlando, FL. 2011.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1910-1911,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Monday, April 25, 2011
Early History of Phelps, Phelps Citizen 1889, Part 1
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Three branches of my family were all in Ontario County, New York in the early 1800's, with the Hall's and Glover's settling in the town of Phelps at Oaks Corners. In celebration of the town's centennial the Phelps Citizen ran many pieces about the early history. I have been transcribing items as I have time. Other transcriptions may be found here.
The Phelps Citizen, Thursday, May 2, 1889
Early History of Phelps
The following communication was sent by request to Miss Elmira Northam, of this place, by Mrs. Philomenia Wright, of West Candor, Tioga County, N.Y., a lady about 75 years of age, who spent her earlier years in Phelps, and gives evidence of remarkable powers of memory in a lady of her years:
West Candor, N.Y., April 16, ’89.
My dear Friend; - I am very glad to give any information that I am able to in regard to the early settlement of our town. Ambrose Porter I never knew. Caroline Porter left Oaks Corners before she married, I do not know who she married. Charles married a Miss Caroline Ward, she did not live long in the place, and was not very much known. I do not know when they came into town. It was longer ago than I can remember. Joshua Porter, who I suppose is still living, and father of Mrs. Stephenson, of Phelps, is a nephew of Mrs. Grover’s first husband. The house where your people lived, I have always heard spoken of as the Northam house, and supposed your grandfather built it. The Glover homestead was always the same from my earliest recollections. I do not remember of any house on either place previous to the ones in question, neither do I recollect of any families who occupied either house previous to the Northams and Glovers. I do not know when they came to town, but I can remember them back seventy years ago.
John Taylor owned the farm now occupied by Mr. Cook, about a mile west of Oaks Corners. He was a good citizen, a kind neighbor, very kind to the poor, and the father of nineteen children. His first wife was the mother of seventeen children, and the later wife had two more. Very few of the family located around the old home, but the settled in different parts of the country, and have all passed away years ago.
Dr. Joel Prescott owned the farm adjoining the Taylor farm now owned by Prof. Ezra J. Peck. He was the first physician in town, and the first Justice of the Peace. He died in 1811, in the prime of his life, and in the midst of his usefulness.
My father came into the town seventy-eight years ago. Of course the country was new, and my father and mother knew something of pioneer life, but I think I will leave their history for sister Doolittle to write, she will do them better justice than I can.
I do not know where Nicholas Pullen lived or died. I think he was the father of Mrs. Cortright and Mrs. Spoor.
You remember the little house between your old house and Mr. Burtis’, where old Charely Burnett, as every one called him, lived. I think that place belonged to his farm, probably Mrs. Burnett, who was formerly Mrs. Pullen, had the use of that place her life time. It run in bank [sic], I do not know how far, but the lot the we used to own, was originally bought of the Pullen heirs. John and Charley Pullen’s father was James Pullen, and if I am right, he was the son of Nicholas. Cotton Dickinson, the Rev. Wm. Young and Mrs, Hugh Boyd, were the grandchildren of Nicholas Pullen.
Philander Glover lived on Melvin Hill, His first wife was a Melvin. She left two children, a son and a daughter. The second wife had two sons, Wellington and Livingston. I think Wellington was a lawyer, Livingston became quite a noted minister, a D. D. He died some two or three years ago.
I have just received a copy of the PHELPS CITIZEN containing an article from Mr. Root. Speaking of the Glovers, he said there was one whose name he could not recollect. I think it was Whitfield.
Joel Thayer kept the Oaks Corners Inn, also had a store on the opposite corner, the lot now owned by J. W. Lyon.
Daniel Trowbridge, who was a very prominent man in the church and society at Oaks Corners, lived opposite the cemetery, one-half mile or more west of Oaks Corners. He came from Buckland, Mass., I think in 1816, a young man and a young convert to Christianity, full of zeal for the Master. He organized the first Sunday School, not only at Oaks Corners, but the first in Ontario County. He started the first prayer meeting that was established there years before the church at Oaks Corners and Phelps divided, and when the same ministers supplied the pulpit at both places alternately. Mr. Trowbridge sustained afternoon or evening service at the school house the year round with a full house. He removed to Ohio in 1833, where died a few years ago. The Trowbridge, Mr. Root speaks of, is Samuel Trowbridge, a brother of Daniel.
To be continued.
Amanuensis Monday,
Phelps History
Sunday, April 24, 2011
An Apology
I would like to apologize for my last post. I can not explain why I snapped but I am truly sorry if I hurt or upset anyone.
I would like to thank all those who have offered me their friendship and wise counsel.
I have written a great deal of my family history over the past few years. I can not share that information by making this blog private. I have some transcriptions that I have worked on and will publish them here. Beyond that I will be stepping away from this blog, at least for awhile.
I would like to thank all those who have offered me their friendship and wise counsel.
I have written a great deal of my family history over the past few years. I can not share that information by making this blog private. I have some transcriptions that I have worked on and will publish them here. Beyond that I will be stepping away from this blog, at least for awhile.
Monday, April 18, 2011
A Number of Answers, Phelps Citizen 1889
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Three branches of my family were all in Ontario County, New York in the early 1800's, with the Hall's and Glover's settling in the town of Phelps at Oaks Corners. In celebration of the town's centennial the Phelps Citizen ran many pieces about the early history. I have been transcribing items as I have time. Other transcriptions may be found here.
The Phelps Citizen.
Thursday, April 11, 1889, page 1, column 1
A Number of Answers.
Editor Citizen - In your issue of April 4, I nuts [sic] an article from Mr. Theron VanAuken, making some inquiries about the early pioneers of Phelps, and requesting ansmwers from any persons can give the,
I will give as far as I am able some of the names and their history. There were three Glovers with whom I was acuainted, viz. Philander who lived at Melvin Hill, on the south side and close to the road. Alexander, whose home was, I think, on what is now known as the Ishmael Lane farm. Another was Williamson Glover who learned the trade of sadler of E. D. Redfield, in this village. I recollect that two or three fingers had been cut off one of his hands. In after years he was prominent as singer in the choir of the church at Oaks corners. Since writing the above, I learn that Williamson and Stillman and another brother whose name I don't recollect were brothers of Alexander and Philander.
Abram D. Spoor was a son-in-law of J. Decker Robison, and lived on the Palmyra road, about half mile east of the bridge at Gypsum. The place has since been known as the peer tavern.
Mathew Denniston lived in a small house between the Simmons corner and the cemetery as you come north. Afterwards I was acquainted with a family of Dennistons who lived wast of Oaks Corners, a mile or more. There were three sons. This was probably the same family, having moved from their first location.
Thaddeus Collins lived in the old house on Major Hopkins' farm, in which Enoch Crosby lived for many years. Mr. Collins moved to Wayne county, where his descendants now live, and are prominent people.
W. N. Loomis lived about half a mile north of the Crittenden corner, or the old Indian castle. Years ago a long row of white mulberry trees stood before the house.
Joel Thayer lived at Oaks Corners, and either had a store or kept the Oaks Inn. Afterwards he moved to this village, and in company with his twin brother, Levi Thayer, opened a store, and built the first brick store in the village. It stood about wher Hawks' store is, was long known as Cutler and after as the Joseph Jones store. The firm was long known as J. & L. Thayer. The store was painted yellow.
Lackey Morrow lived on what is known as the James Pritchard farm, about two miles north=east of Orleans, was till his death an elder in the church in Phelps village. He died in Michigan, July 9, 1840, while on a visit to his children. Buried in old cemetery, Phelps.
About 1819 or 1820, John Partridge with his son-in-law, Theodore Paretridge, and Dwight Partridge brother of Theodore, came from Hatfield, ______, to Phelps, and built the long building on the north-east corner of Main and North Wayne street, now owned by Miss Hattie McPherson, and started a store in the front part, and John and Theodore occupied the rear dwelling, and Dwight lived in a house on the south side of the road nearly opposite. Upon the death of Dwight shortly afterward, the store was discontinued, and Theodore entered the service of Bartle, Norton & McNeil, and later went with their branch store to Newark. Went into the insurance business, became Judge Partridge, and went to Richmond, Va.
Mr. Trowbridge lived east of Oaks Corners, two or three miles, and a little north of the old Taylor Inn.
Roswell Baker lived on the farm now owned by Russel B. Cobb, joining the old Kelley farm on the south.
Nathaniel Merrill, a former well known citizen of Phelps. the war of 183 to 1815 found him a resident of Sodus Point, but when the Brotish raided that place, Mr. Merrill was burnt out. He then came to Phelps and for a while lived, I think, in our village, afterward he occupied the house on the north-east corner of the Oaks Corners road and the Seneca castle road. Again he was living in a house on the rise of ground south of the brick school house south of Oaks Corners. The Hammond house now. Afterwards he lived in Geneva, and probably died there.
Cornelius Westfall was the father of the late Albert, Benjamin and Smuel Westfall. Was Captain of a rifle company. Was in the war of 1812 15, and was killed.
Joseph Hall lived in the house long known as the Chester Webster house; He had a tannery and shoe shop.
A man named Howell, yeras ago kept an Inn east of Simmons' corners, on the premises known as the Swift place, but I cannot recall Hollands Inn, mentioned in Mr. VanAuken's communication.
Polodore B. Wisner lived on the high land just north of the Castle Brook bridge, where the Maxwells now live.
Amanuensis Monday,
Phelps History
Saturday, April 16, 2011
Pierce - Surname Saturday
>>Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960; Buchanan, MI
>>>Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929; Edwardsburg, MI - Buchanan, MI
>>>>Daniel Carlisle, 1797-1872; Westmoreland, NH - Buchanan, MI
>>>>>Daniel Carlisle, 1767-1822; Lunenburg, MA - Western New York
>>>>>>Lydia Conant, 1737-1774; Concord, MA - Westmoreland, NH
>>>>>>>Ruth PIERCE, before 1717-1797; ???-Ashburnham, MA
I started this post way back when Randy Seaver posted his PIERCE line and I didn't see a connection to mine. This is another line that I have not looked at in years and in preparing this post I realized that it is a line I imported back before I knew what I was doing. I could leave it sitting in my drafts floder until I get it figured out or I can share what I know while I continue my research.
Ihave had Ruth Pierce as the daughter of John PIERCE and Patience DODSON, and for a source I have an online tree that I can no longer access. FamilySearch, Ancestral File has the same information that I do.
However, I also found this source note in another tree [emphasis mine]
Then I found an abstract of John Pierce's will that lists his daughter as Ruth CORNWELL, so she could not be my Ruth PIERCE. (Unless of course the abstract is incorrect.)
Becky Wiseman also has some information on the Pierce family and has Ruth, daughter of John & Patience PIERCE, married to Stephen CORNELL, as do several other trees.
I then started looking at other trees and found many that have Ruth PIERCE, wife of Ebenezer CONANT, as the daughter of Joseph PIERCE and Hannah MUNROE. Poking around further I found trees that say that Ruth, the daughter of Joseph PIERCE and Hannah MUNROE died at the age of a few months. FamilySearch, Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910, has a record for Ruth PEIRCE, wife of Joseph PEIRCE, died 17 Jan 1711 but does not give a location. An online transcription of Vital Records of Lexington, MA, From Earliest Record to End of 1853, does list Ruth, daughter of Joseph born 8 Apr 1710 but does not list the death of Ruth.
So what do I know? Ruth Pierce was the wife of Ebenezer Conant and died in Ashburnham, MA 19 Nov. 1797, "aged over 80 years."

History of Ashburnham, Massachusetts, from the grant of Dorchester Canada to the present time, 1734-1886: with a genealogical register of Ashburnham families (Google eBook), Ezra Scollay Stearns, Pub. by the town, 1887

So my Ruth Pierce was most likely born about 1712.
She married Ebenezer Conant (but when and where?)
Based on the abstract of the Will of John Pierce, it is unlikely that she was his daughter.
She could well be the daughter of Joseph Pierce and Hannah Munroe. However, in the Peirce Genealogy, by Frederick C Peirce, he does not record a marriage for Ruth.

Another Pierce connection
Backing up - Lydia Conant (1737-1774) was the 1sr wife of Daniel Carlisle (1738-1794). Daniel married 2nd Lydia Pierce (1756-1856). Were Daniel's wives cousins?
Lydia Pierce (1756-1856)
>Benjamin Pierce (??-1793) d. Westmoreland, NH
>>Ebenezer Pierce (1686-?)
>>>Benjamin Pierce (1646-1730)
>>>>Michael Pierce (1615-1676)
>>Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960; Buchanan, MI
>>>Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929; Edwardsburg, MI - Buchanan, MI
>>>>Daniel Carlisle, 1797-1872; Westmoreland, NH - Buchanan, MI
>>>>>Daniel Carlisle, 1767-1822; Lunenburg, MA - Western New York
>>>>>>Lydia Conant, 1737-1774; Concord, MA - Westmoreland, NH
>>>>>>>Ruth PIERCE, before 1717-1797; ???-Ashburnham, MA
I started this post way back when Randy Seaver posted his PIERCE line and I didn't see a connection to mine. This is another line that I have not looked at in years and in preparing this post I realized that it is a line I imported back before I knew what I was doing. I could leave it sitting in my drafts floder until I get it figured out or I can share what I know while I continue my research.
However, I also found this source note in another tree [emphasis mine]
Colonial Dames of America, Volume I.
Chapter X, Page 203-204 PIERCE Captain Michael Pierce, was the son of John Pierce I, who came in the Mary and John, 1630/1 and died August 19, 1661. Captain Pierce lived at Hingham, Mass., from the year 1646 until March 26, 1676, when he was killed in the battle of Pawtucket. He was Captain from 1669 to 1675. His son, John Pierce II, married Patience Dobson, whose daughter, Ruth, married Ebenezer Conant. Their daughter, Hannah Conant, married Josiah Dodge IV, whose son, the Rev. Daniel Dodge, married Letitia Mankin. Their daughter Miriam Dodge, married Jacob Brandt III, whose daughters are: Miriam Brandt; Lenita Brandt Poundstone
Then I found an abstract of John Pierce's will that lists his daughter as Ruth CORNWELL, so she could not be my Ruth PIERCE. (Unless of course the abstract is incorrect.)
Becky Wiseman also has some information on the Pierce family and has Ruth, daughter of John & Patience PIERCE, married to Stephen CORNELL, as do several other trees.
I then started looking at other trees and found many that have Ruth PIERCE, wife of Ebenezer CONANT, as the daughter of Joseph PIERCE and Hannah MUNROE. Poking around further I found trees that say that Ruth, the daughter of Joseph PIERCE and Hannah MUNROE died at the age of a few months. FamilySearch, Massachusetts Deaths and Burials, 1795-1910, has a record for Ruth PEIRCE, wife of Joseph PEIRCE, died 17 Jan 1711 but does not give a location. An online transcription of Vital Records of Lexington, MA, From Earliest Record to End of 1853, does list Ruth, daughter of Joseph born 8 Apr 1710 but does not list the death of Ruth.
So what do I know? Ruth Pierce was the wife of Ebenezer Conant and died in Ashburnham, MA 19 Nov. 1797, "aged over 80 years."
So my Ruth Pierce was most likely born about 1712.
She married Ebenezer Conant (but when and where?)
Based on the abstract of the Will of John Pierce, it is unlikely that she was his daughter.
She could well be the daughter of Joseph Pierce and Hannah Munroe. However, in the Peirce Genealogy, by Frederick C Peirce, he does not record a marriage for Ruth.
Peirce genealogy: being the record of the posterity of John Pers, an early inhabitant of Watertown, in New England ... with notes on the history of other families of Peirce, Pierce, Pearce, etc (Google eBook), Franklin Clifton Peirce, Press of C. Hamilton, 1880
Another Pierce connection
Backing up - Lydia Conant (1737-1774) was the 1sr wife of Daniel Carlisle (1738-1794). Daniel married 2nd Lydia Pierce (1756-1856). Were Daniel's wives cousins?
Lydia Pierce (1756-1856)
>Benjamin Pierce (??-1793) d. Westmoreland, NH
>>Ebenezer Pierce (1686-?)
>>>Benjamin Pierce (1646-1730)
>>>>Michael Pierce (1615-1676)
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Civil War Stories
I have discovered several Civil War stories as I have researched my family history and I'm certain I have others that are yet to be discovered. As the 150th anniversary of the start of the Civil War fast approaches Bill West at West in New England has issued a challenge:
Most of my paternal family was living in Canada or England and I have no idea if or how the Civil War may have affected them. My 2nd great-grandfather, Michael Kelly lived in Adams, Jefferson, New York. I believe he is the Michael Kelly that served in two units of the New York Heavy Artillery. Thanks to Patti Browning of Consanguinity I have a pension file number now I need to convince myself to part with $75 to order the file. I also need to look into the local history of the period and the history of the units he served with.
On my maternal side, serving from the Carlisle family of Buchanan, Michigan were brothers Ashley and Orville Carlisle and their step-mother Hannah. I will be sharing letters written by family members during the war and learning more about the locations that the war took each of them. I was shocked to learn that a fourth member of the family, Arabella Carlisle who was born in 1857, accompanied Hannah to the hospital where she was stationed. The family lost their home during the war and one daughter was forced to work away from home which set her on an interesting course for life. After the war Hannah Carlisle and her step-daughter, Tamerson Carlisle worked for the Freedmen's Bureau as teachers.
My cousin, Abraham Jay Buckles, had been abandoned by his father and was being raised by his grandparents when he enlisted in June 1861 at the age of 14. On 5 May 1864 at Wilderness, Virginia he was wounded several times and lost a leg. After loosing his leg he was forced to find a way to support himself other than by farming. He studied law and ended his career as a Superior Court Judge in California. On 4 Dec 1893 he was awarded the Medal of Honor.
My 2nd great-grandfather, James Madison Graham, had abandoned his family and was living in California in 1860. I very much doubt that he served in the war but at least one of the sons that he left behind did. I'd like to learn more about the service of Luther W Graham and his life after the war. At the end of his life he was living in the National Soldiers Home in Sawtell, California.
My great-grandfather, Joseph Camfield was 14 at the start of the war and his father, Michael Camfield was in his 40's. I have no idea if either served and I have not located the family on the 1860 census. I'd like to know if they moved from New York to Illinois before, during or after the war and if the war affected their decision. Michael's brother-in-law, Anthony B. Wisner, did serve and died of disease at the very end of the war, leaving a widow and at least three daughters. His widow and two of his daughters left Michigan and returned to New York after his death. How different would their lives have been if Anthony had lived?
Then there was a more distant cousin, Edward Carlisle Boynton. He had retired from the military after a distinguished career and was teaching at the University of Mississippi when the war started. He returned to New York and duty as Quarter Master at West Point.
I have only recently started exploring my Virginia Roots. I think it is quite likely that I had cousins who remained in Virginia and perhaps fought for the Confederacy.
I'm looking forward to learning more about the war and my family and also how what I discover compares to the stories shared by others.
Did you have ancestors in America on 12Apr 1861? If so, where were they and what were their circumstances? How did the Civil War affect them and their family? Did the men enlist and did they perish in battle or die of illness? On which side did they fight, or did you have relatives fighting on BOTH sides? How did the women left at home cope, or did any of them find ways to help the war effort? Were your ancestors living as slaves on Southern plantations and if so when were they freed? Or were they freemen of color who enlisted to fight?

On my maternal side, serving from the Carlisle family of Buchanan, Michigan were brothers Ashley and Orville Carlisle and their step-mother Hannah. I will be sharing letters written by family members during the war and learning more about the locations that the war took each of them. I was shocked to learn that a fourth member of the family, Arabella Carlisle who was born in 1857, accompanied Hannah to the hospital where she was stationed. The family lost their home during the war and one daughter was forced to work away from home which set her on an interesting course for life. After the war Hannah Carlisle and her step-daughter, Tamerson Carlisle worked for the Freedmen's Bureau as teachers.

My 2nd great-grandfather, James Madison Graham, had abandoned his family and was living in California in 1860. I very much doubt that he served in the war but at least one of the sons that he left behind did. I'd like to learn more about the service of Luther W Graham and his life after the war. At the end of his life he was living in the National Soldiers Home in Sawtell, California.
My great-grandfather, Joseph Camfield was 14 at the start of the war and his father, Michael Camfield was in his 40's. I have no idea if either served and I have not located the family on the 1860 census. I'd like to know if they moved from New York to Illinois before, during or after the war and if the war affected their decision. Michael's brother-in-law, Anthony B. Wisner, did serve and died of disease at the very end of the war, leaving a widow and at least three daughters. His widow and two of his daughters left Michigan and returned to New York after his death. How different would their lives have been if Anthony had lived?
Then there was a more distant cousin, Edward Carlisle Boynton. He had retired from the military after a distinguished career and was teaching at the University of Mississippi when the war started. He returned to New York and duty as Quarter Master at West Point.
I have only recently started exploring my Virginia Roots. I think it is quite likely that I had cousins who remained in Virginia and perhaps fought for the Confederacy.
I'm looking forward to learning more about the war and my family and also how what I discover compares to the stories shared by others.
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