Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday Morning Fun - Who's Number 1,000?

Randy was having some more Saturday Night Fun but by the time he posted in California I was already in bed here in New York.

It's Saturday night, and I'm sitting here wondering who else is pecking away on his/her keyboard not having any real fun. So, let's play a little game with our genealogy software:

GOAL: Find out who is Reference Number 1,000 in your genealogy software.

Randy has instructions on how to find # 1000 in several different software programs, including Family Tree Maker 16 and FTM 2009. I use FTM 2005 so it should have been easy. Ha!
In Family Tree Maker 16, it turned out to be similar to FTM 2009: [Edit] > [Find Individual] > Search [Reference number] and for = [1000], click [Find Next]. This took less than one second to solve.

It turns out that the creators of Family Tree 2005 see reference numbers as obsolete.
The reference number field allows you to enter any numbers or letters you choose. This reference system stems from the days when genealogy programs used numbers to find someone in the database. Today’s software uses names, but some researchers still prefer to have the reference numbers available. This is useful if you use a unique filing or pedigree reference system. If you do not use such a system, leave the field blank. You may use a combination of letters and numbers not to exceed 11 characters.

Apparently I never had a use for them before this so I had to turn the automatic reference numbers option on so there would be a number to search for!

My results? Number 1000 is Benjamin Bargwell to whom I am not related. He was the father of Matthew Bargewell 1833-1881 who married my 2nd cousin - 3 times removed, Miriam Rogers 1832-1920.

Randy's 1000, William Simonds 1651-1872, is also in my file as William Symonds - #9044. His sister, Judith 1644-1704, was the first wife of my 8th great-grandfather, John Barker, 1645-1709. So Randy and I connect through the Towne line but apparently not through this one.

So what are you doing for fun this morning?

Changing Christmas Traditions

When I was growing up the tree never went up before the 17th. My parents wanted my birthday to be special and separate from Christmas. I held to that tradition for my first two Christmas' after leaving home and then my 20th birthday present, a perfect baby boy, arrived, a day late. So it would have been easy to simply delay putting up the tree by another day. I can't remember when the tree went up the next year. I had a difficult pregnancy and Bean was in no hurry to arrive. She was my Christmas gift that year. Over the years I spent many hours making ornaments and was given many as gifts, so at some point I started putting up the tree the day after Thanksgiving to be able to enjoy it longer.

Mom had a tree, most years. I've seen pictures of my Dad's parent's house with a real tree but what I remember is their artificial silver foil tree. My parents never would have put up the tree just after Thanksgiving even if no birthday had been involved. We always had a blue spruce. When I met John this tradition was changed too, as he is allergic to real trees. We've had several artificial tress over the years, some years I decorated two. I miss the smell of pine in the house but not the mess.

Some years we'd attend church on Christmas Eve and other years not. I can remember singing in the choir a couple of years. Otherwise Christmas Eve was a quite day of anticipation. John's family always got together on Christmas Eve. Ten or more adults and twelve kids made for a loud, boisterous, fun filled day. In the early years his sister Ann always hosted but in later years we traded off. There was always tons of food (usually ham) with an emphasis on sweets. As the kids aged one or two would be missing but then there were spouses and children added to the family. Now most of John's family has given up on New York and moved out of state. But this tradition continues with our children and grandchildren. It's getting harder and harder to maintain however. Often someone has to work or there are conflicts with a spouse's families. I can see this tradition fading and it makes me incredibly sad. As of now I have no idea when or where we're getting together this year but we'll work it out and there will be presents and sweets aplenty on whatever day it is.

Christmas morning always began with stockings. We could open and play with what ever was in our stocking but had to wait until the adults were ready to open presents. Presents were passed out and when everyone had all of theirs the opening frenzy began! These traditions have passed on to my grandkids.

Christmas dinner was always a repeat of Thanksgiving when I was growing up. I was a teenager before I knew you could eat turkey on other days of the year. I think we went to my grandparents house in Syracuse before my grandmother died. In the years after she was gone my grandfather would drive out and buy our turkey for us from Plainville Turkey Farm.

These days John and I have a quiet day together. We open gifts and have a nice breakfast. In years when the weather isn't too bad we'll drive up to my sister's and spend the day with her family and Mom. If we stay home and there are lots of left overs from Christmas Eve we'll reheat them. If there are no leftovers I'll cook a turkey breast. We check in with everyone by phone so the little ones can tell us what Santa brought.

This was written for the 61st edition of the Carnival of Genealogy
, Traditions.

Sarah Ann Camfield, January 1881

Noble January 1881

Dear Children

we received you letter wednesday was glad to hear from you
I have been going to write you but have been butchering has so much to do and Father has had the Dotcor 3 times I have been about worked out again am taking medacine and doing the work have had no girl since september we got aletter from Rosy about Christmas they were well did you get the pictures I sent each of you one and Joseys each one and I have have 5 general and Lady Washington and 3 of the small ones 2 rosies and 1 lilly I think them very nice the 12 pictures and magazine 15 months 1 dollar

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about the coloring I hardly I had escract of logwood and copras you want to desolv it and put it back 2 or 3 times the milk was to keep it from crocking I dont remember about it being scalded it seems to me like milk and water I think we wet the cloth in soapsuds before puting it in the die
we had very cold weather espealy between Christmas and new year we had only that little stove that was in the parlor when you was here every thing froze the milk almost solid in the pantry the potatoes and apples in the cellar
the 8 of january we went to bronson and got a new stove

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it is a round oak it cost 15 dollars and 50 cts we can keep warm now I am siting by the father side of room sweat like a hot day in summer I am raising apet lamb and you cant think what a nuisance it is nor how much trouble it is most 5 weeks old I have got a new dress or wil have if I can ever get it made have it cut and am trying to make it but I dont get any tome to sew we have aman to do chores get 3 meals a day it takes me all the besides waiting on my pet
we expect Mr and Mrs B out next week they came last fall and papered the house and whitewashed overhead the sitingroom and kitchen and both pantries and bedroom

page 4

O how I would like to come and see you all but cannot this winter

write soon
S A Camfield

I have not got anything from Illinois not one of them writs to me I have written 4 letters to Mary Ett since she has written to me I think I will write once more

When I photographed this letter I cut off the top with the date but it was with the 1881 letters and because of the talk of Christmas it seems likely it was written in January.

Sarah mentions talking medicine in many of her letters and I'm very curious as to what she was taking.

Logwood grows in South America and the extract is used to make a reddish dye. Copperas is ferrous sulphate and was used to set the dye. Now if only Sarah had said something about what Anna was making!

If I'd been Sarah I'd have been working on that dress every spare moment but I imagine "waiting on my pet" was more fun.

Mary Ette Wisner Hall was Sarah's sister who lived in Avon, Lake County, IL. I don't know if Sarah ever heard from Mary but Anna did hear from Mary's daughter, Ella, in Feburary. Ella says, "I am almost ashamed to send this after waiting so long before writing to you."

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Hall Family Letters
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble, MI) to “Dear Children” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. January 1881. Digital Images 1-4. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1881, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Solomon Grimes, 13 Dec 1880

Goffs Hotel
Portland Mich Dec 13/80
Dear Bub & Anna,
I want to hear from you ever so much how do you get along? What be at? and how do you like your new home +c +c +c have you succeeded in breaking old mills wind yet? How is Frank? You can’t guess how I would like to pop in and See you. I have had a pretty hard time So far been real Sick and had some very bad Breaths. Snowbound. there is no snow in this part of the county not enough to track _ cut. I will send you an envelope and you must send it as soon as possible or I may miss it. Hope you are all well and happy. I feel Suer you are dear good children

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I go to Lansing __ the morning at 8-22. and from there to Detroit tomorrow night I think. May stop more before I get to Detroit. It is too near the close of the year for my business. all want to wait until after new years so to camce anew. Still I manage to do Something. Prinsply Spend Money. I shall settle up and send men too. Do you have enough to eat? and is it cooked good. if so you ought to eat a little for me. I send you a ser__ written the first night out which I have carried it ever since.
Write me as full particulars as you can, I am not yet homesick but sick another way.

yours very truly

I had a very hard time with the hand writing on this one.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Grimes, Solomon. (Portland, MI) to “Dear Bub and Anna” [Ashley and Anna Carlisle]. Letter. 13 December 1880. Digital Images 1-2. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Friday, November 28, 2008

Frances Baldwin, 9 Dec 1880

Ganges Mich. Dec 9th 1880
Dear Friend:
I received your welcome letter I was very glad o hear from you, But have neglected to answer till now. I am staying at Lucy’s yet. Her and Will are married, on thanksgiving eve. Mrs Plummers daughter Mrs. Weed was found dead in her bed. week ago last sunday morning. they had an examination by Dr. Bronson. it was decided an apoplexy fit. I am going to school now, the teachers name is Miss Hamilton. I think she is a nice teacher. There is a funeral in Plummerville today. a Mrs. Darling. Mr Spafford lives in the shop yet. Little Belle and Lulu have some new playmates now. Mr. White who worked for Mr. Hawley works for Mr. Grimes. Him and. He lives in the

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house you lived in. Lucys wall is most all done they have been a long time building it. Lucy and Mrs. Spafford have made friends again. Mrs. Dornan has been very sick. she is better now. Thier son George and his wife are living with them. Mr. Tappins people are living here yet. We are having nice weather here, no snow here yet. I worked after you moved away all the rest of peach time for Mr. Dornan. Mary Jane left them for some reason, then they came and wanted me back again. Wall White has quite a family to live in the house. His sister and his 2 boys besides his wife. I believe he furnishes thier provision, he stays there nights and boards at Mr. Grimes. Our School is not very pleasant this winter the scholars are so rude it is not like it was last winter.

page 3

There was lots of apples sold out of the orchards here Mr. Plummer and Mr. Dornan’s apples I believe brought a good deal. Butter is 30 cents a lb. here some think it will bring 50 before spring. you will have to excuse me I am not a very good hand to compose letters. I guess I have written all I can think of for this time. from your friend
write often
Miss Frances

Per the 1880 census Frances was the 13 year old daughter of John H Baldwin. Her letter is very chatty and names many of the residents of Plummerville. I doubt that she was writing to Anna since they would have lived close to each other. The date on this letter is the same as the date of Anna's letter. My theory is that Anna offered to take it to the post office with hers and for whatever reason never got there.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Baldwin, Frances. (Ganges, MI) to “Dear Friend” [Intended recipient unknown]. Letter.
9 December 1880. Digital Images 1-3. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

A Rose by any other name....

Lorine at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog has challenged us to share our stories about ancestors with first names that have absolutely nothing to do with the name they were given at birth.

I have adjusted to the fact that many of many ancestors used their middle names rather than their given name or used the two interchangeably. As long as I have the names I simply search for both. Rose is the first that I've found that seems to have either simply picked a name she liked better or perhaps it was a childhood nickname. Arazina Rose Graham Camfield was one of my brickwalls.

Page 2

Joseph H Camfield; married May 8, 1872
Susan Arazina (Rose) Graham
Fred H.; Nile, Mich 1874
Mabel; Blackriver, Mich 1876
Pearl; South Bend, Ind 1886
Ruby; “ “ 1888
Leroy; “ “ 1890

I may have discovered through some other means that Rose's given name was Susan but it might have taken years more. Rose's father abandoned his family to seek his fortune in California prior to her birth. By the 1860 census she and her siblings would be split up.

On the 1870 census Rose was recorded as Zina and when she married Joseph her name was recorded Zena. Rose Arazina had a sister named Xenia Belle. Xenia could easily be misspelled as either Zena or Zina so I have to double check each record however Xenia seems to have always gone by Belle. In letters between Mabel and Ruby they call Belle "A.B." and I've assumed that the"A" was for Aunt but I have wondered about it. Just to add to my confusion Xenia Belle was listed on the 1850 census as either Hinera or Henera. I haven't found any other record for her with this name!

Rose seemed to enjoy calling two of her daughters by other names too. Mabel was often called Annabelle or Belle. Belle I understand but Annabelle? That was a stretch for me and at first I thought there must have been a child I was unaware of. I just finished transcribing a letter that references a baby daughter named Daisy. By looking at the date Daisy must have been my grandmother, Pearl.

I am currently having trouble locating some of Rose's other siblings on various census and other records and I can't help but wonder if they too, went by some nick name or other.

Marsh, Mabel Camfield. Genealogical Notes handwritten.
Enclosed with letter written 2 Jan 1933. “Joseph H. Camfield”
[Page 2]. Digital Image. Privately held by Apple,
[Address for Private Use], New York. 2008.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1929 - 1939,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

Wishing you all a Happy Thanksgiving! My brother, Dallas, and his family have arrived from around the country to surprise Mom so I'm looking forward to a wonderful day spent with family.

Anna Camfield Carlisle, 9 Dec 1880

Ganges, Allegan Co, MI
Dec 9th 1880.

Dear Mother,
You asked me to write when we got settled, so now I will do so. We arrived here all right, had to wait in New Buffalo from 8 until 11.40, when we arrived at Fennsville we found Sol waiting for us, then we had a good long sleighride, took a part of the goods out with us. when we got to Sol’s house it was nearly 7 oclock. We had chicken pie for our Thanksgiving supper. The next day Sol went after the rest of our goods. we stayed there until Saturday morning, then we came here to our own house, they wanted us to stay there over Sunday but

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I wanted to get settled as soon as I could. They gave us a supply of provision allre already cooked to last until I had time to cook some.
If they continue as they have begun we we will have no reason to complain about our provision. Saturday Sol bought a quarter of beef to be divided, and Monday killed a nice fat pig, that was all brought here, and we have plenty of Flour. Meal. Buckwheat. Beens. Potatoes. Apples. Dryed peaches, and Turnips. they make butter for us and we have all the milk we want, and an order to get our own groceries.
Sol went away the Monday after we got here. his family have all been here to see us. Phebe’s health is not very good. Lillie is teaching, and Rosa and Mabel go to school. Mabel is almost as fat as the Wease girl.
The settlement whare we live is called Plumerville. it contains 6 or 8 houses

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a shoe shop and blacksmith shop. the shoe shop is next door to us. One family here used to live in Burr Oak, and knows all our neighbors there. and one family we here used to live in Buchanan but we have not seen them yet and do not know their names. Mrs. Grover the lady that did live in this house has been here, and Mrs. Howard one of the near neighbors I saw at Sols house. that is all I have seen yet. it has been storming all this week and quite cold and windy, the lake is froze out twice the length of the pier.
Frank is writing a letter to Grandma on the slate. he asks whare home is most every day. he thinks Mabel is all right, she was here most all day saturday, and cryes because she cant come over nights after school.
A few days after we got here I discovered that Frank had a back

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tooth just come through. he does not seem quite as well as he was but I suppose the tooth accounts for that. We got a postal from Fannie last night. she is visiting in Osage Mission yet. We found one of our Black berrie canns all broke to pieces and one of the lounge slats was lost that was all that is either broken or lost so I think we was very lucky. Our house is better than Sols, but is not so large, although we have move room than we use. Tell Lillie when we ask Frank whare she is he says Lillie is gone to Sunday School and Grandma is gone to Camp Meeting. I have not time to write any more now so will close.
We hope to hear from you soon.

Ashley + Ann
and Frank

Ashley found work with Solomon Grimes and moved the family from Buchanan to Ganges. I can't determine from the letters what type of work Ashley was to do. At some point Solomon owned the shoe store that Anna mentions and after selling out started an orchard. Some details about Solomon can be gleaned from a short biography of his daughter Lillie. I don't know for sure but I believe that they only stayed in Ganges a year or two. How Ashley met Solomon is also a mystery. Joseph and Rose Camfield lived in Allegen County in 1876 and it is possible that the connection started there.

Fannie was Ashley's sister. Anna received a post card from her just before writing to her mother. I will be transcribing the Carlisle letters sometime next year.

I don't know how this letter ended up in Anna's possession. Perhaps it was never mailed.

[Edited 3 May 2011 to add that Dear Mother referred to Anna's mother-in-law, Hannah Glover Carlisle. The second Lillie mentioned would have been Lillie Dale Warren who was raised by Hannah but according to family notes, never legally adopted. Hannah was known to save letters and that must be how the this letter came to be saved.]

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Anna Camfield. (Ganges, MI) to “Dear Mother” [Sarah Wisner Camfield]. Letter. 9 December 1880. Digital Images 1-4. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Wordless Wednesday - Mr Fisk

Mr Fisk, Buchanan, MI
Possibly Benjamin Fisk
undated (1920's?)

Sarah Ann Camfield, 12 Nov 1880

Noble Nov 12 1880
Dear Children
Now we dont want you to go away off there without comeing to see us now why can you not come this way when you go move you wil go by rail I suppos wil it be so very far out of your way Now we are allready for you Mr and Mrs B have been here and papered and whitewashed our house all up so we are as clean and brite as anew pin they have gone now but wil be back to night and go home in the morning she sends her love and says if you come we must all come to see them
come if you can all of you

page 2

Ashley I mean you and Frank to I dont know howmany jobs Mike has laid up til Ahly come if any thing is said about any thing wants fiscing he says well when Ashley comes we wil have him fix it but we dont want you to come for that we want to see you and want you to see our big calf we have a spring calf that we want to get 30 dollars for about Christmass
and the smartest colt you ever saw about 6 weeks old
without bragging I wish you could see our stock it is not much lik we had in buchanan if it was not for the rent we could have something after while I just sold 18 hogs four 4 dollars ahundred dont get the money

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until wednesday morning when they are weighed Mike thinks they will come to 200 dollars I am afraid not but hope they wil we have paid all the rent that is due but 8 dollars there is no more due until april next

in haste

S A Camfield

write soon

It seems a move is imminent for Anna and Ashley. It will come as no surprise that Sarah did not get her visit.

Tomorrow a letter from Anna.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, 1817-1912
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble, MI) to “Dear Children” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 12 November 1880. Digital Images 1-3. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tombstone Tuesday - David Bogardus

David Bogardus
Feb., 28, 1859
67 yrs & 2

Stone is broken and propped up

Orville Cemetery
Dewitt, Onondaga County, NY
Near Dewitt Community Church

Sarah Ann Camfield, Oct/Nov 1880

You sent pieces of new dresses
while you was in the dress business
why did you not make two or three
I have had only 1 dress made since
you made one for me on the Gates
place Mrs Bogardus made the
calico one she gave me when we
live on the Boil farm that is all
I have had I guess you wil think
I kned a some one to make me some
that dark calico one you made
for me when I was at your house is
my dress up one it has never been
washed it is the only whole one I have

I guess only having a couple of dresses wasn't unheard of but I can't put into words how incredibly sad this made me.

This scrap of paper was found between Sarah's letters om Oct 18 and Nov 12, 1880.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) “You sent pieces of new dresses” to [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Note. Undated, found between letters dated 18 October 1880 and 12 November 1880. Digital Image. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Monday, November 24, 2008

Giving Thanks

Granny Pam has tagged me for Julie's Thanksgiving meme.
Thanksgiving Day is approaching fast. In honor of this day (and coincidentally my mom's birthday) I wanted to take a moment to give thanks to all of those who came before us and built this wonderful country we live in.

I thought I'd start a meme/game of tag to go along with this. The challenge...

1. Write a blog post telling us about 2 things you are thankful for.
2. You can post the Thanksgiving Day banner above in your post if you like.
3. Tag one person to spread the love. Post a comment on their blog so they know they've been tagged.
4. Send me a link to your blog post by 11/25: genblogjulie (at) gmail (dot) com.

I will post all submission on 11/26.

Note: No need to be tagged to play along.

I am thankful that I have health insurance again after being uninsured for five years. I didn't realize how much I took it for granted until it was gone.

I am thankful that both my Aunt Vivian and Great-Aunt Tamerson had the foresight to protect my family's history by donating letters and documents to libraries.

I tag anyone that hasn't already participated. Thanksgiving is just days away. What are you thankful for?

Sarah Ann Camfield, 18 Oct 1880

Noble Oct 18th 1880
Dear Children
we are well I am better than I have been since 1 year ago last july am doing my work alone washing and all we have a man by the month churn 3 time a week I dont churn the men do that but I have the butter to work and pack get 22 cents per pound I got aletter from you last the 8 and apackage ever ever so many thanks for it
this fore noon I have been down to the farther end of the farm hunting for lost pigs did not find them done the work and got dinner and got the work done and so much of this letter and it is 20 minutes to 1 oclock
we did not have as gooa crop as

page 2

wheat as last year only had 527 bushels 167 oats corn about middling we are fattening 26 hogs and had 14 left there is 2 missing this morning we have not sold the wheat yet have drawed most of it to Bronson have 4 loads to draw yet then sell yet for whatever the price is then it is rising every day it is 103 today if it dont fall like it did last year we could have got 135 per bushel thought we would get 150 and sold for 1.18 hogs are 4 and a quarter now they seem to be rising we will sel in 2 or 3 weeks I think I am so glad if Josey and Rozy thought they had a good visit I felt as if they did not enjoy it I suppose they told you what a sick time we had if I could have been as wel as I am now I should have enjoyed it so much more and could have made it so much pleasant

page 3

They had at your house about what a good visit for them. Rozy had agoodeal to say I wish you and Ashley and Frank could have come out here when it has been so pleasant a week or to back are you not comeing this fall I suppose you wont hardly dare on account of your rheumatism if I had the chance I had last fall I should come there
now we have a new milkcow we have a colt 2 weeks old and one 1 year old
do you have any politicks out your way
we sold 15^75 worth of apples this fall and made 4 bbl of cider and 4 gallon jar fully of jelly three gallon boiled cider 3 gallons in / the jelly is made the same way as sorgun syrup we got it boiled at the cidermill you can make it

page 4

you cant make it as nice as they can mine is not as nice as Henrys was one of his 6 gallon jars stands here in the pantry where it stood when you was here ful of jelly it is 2 years old and just as nice as ever 1 barrel of cider will make 4 gallons of jelly I think it has to be boiled the same day the cider is made or it wont jell they

we have had 3 cold wind days before it has been so pleasant it sems rather tough it is very dry that sunday you said it rained it sprinkled alittle here we have had no rainwater in 4 weeks we have not been out before sinc we have been here your mother
S A Camfield

"Fair to middling" is an expression often used in my family.

I think Henry was Henry Bogardus, although in other letters Sarah uses the more formal Mr. B.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, 1817-1912
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) to “Dear Children” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 18 October 1880. Digital Images 1-4. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Sunday, November 23, 2008

8 Things about Apple

Jewelgirl of Sandwiched Mom! and Searching For Family Branches has tagged me for the 8 Things Meme. I've done this before so I'll try come up with new things. Here goes......

Here are the Tag Rules:
1. Each player starts with eight random fact/habits about themselves.
2. People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
3. A the end of your blog post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their name.
4. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged and to read your blog.

  1. I can't dance - but that doesn't stop me!
  2. My home is decorated in a tropical theme. A girl can dream, can't she?
  3. A fun evening for me is sitting around the kitchen table playing cards with friends.
  4. I've been to Hawaii twice and walked to within a few feet of a lava flow.
  5. I once worked as an insurance policy auditor. I was always in trouble for talking too much to my co-workers and distracting them.
  6. My father said I'd never learn how to drive. I believe that was just after I knocked out the support to the barn awning......or maybe it was when I backed into the clothes pole.
  7. I've never said no to chocolate.
  8. I love the Harry Potter series of books almost as much as the Stephanie Plum novels.

On to tagging

1) All My Ancestors
2) Granny's Genealogy
3) Notes of Life
4) Jessica's Genejournal
5) West in New England
6) Family Matters
7) Oracle of OMcHodoy
8) Kinnexions

Sarah Ann Camfield, 20 July 1880

Noble Center July 20th 1880
Dear Children
We are as wel as usual but pretty well tired out we have our harvesting done commenced stacking wheat today our haying is done except some marsh hay if they get time to cut it which I dont think they will the corn wants going through twice yet and then it is plow for corn wheat again and so it goes the year round work and dig all the time our oats is fit to cut now we have had so many Cherries and currants we could not destroy them like the Irismans milk I have had canned 41 quarts and dried near if not quite half a bushel of dried ones there is a good many on the trees yet we had aletter from Rozy she was comeing this fall if they could


Can you not come when they do so as to be here all to gather we would like to have it that way if convenient I am going to write to them and if it is not convenient each come when you can we want you come any way I forgot to tell you I made a carpet for the parlor last spring
I dont think Franks picture looks abit as he did when he was here there is no new as I knows of
S A Camfield

I've never heard the term Irishman's Milk. If you know the term please let me know.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield, 1817-1912
Michael Camfield

Camfield, Sarah Ann Wisner. (Noble Center, MI) to “Dear Children” [Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 2o July 1880. Digital Images 1-2. Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,] Snowville, New York. 2008. [Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1880, Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Irish Linen

Irish Linen is made from flax, an annual flowering plant and the process is very labor intensive and quite interesting. The plant had to be cultivated and then pulled from the ground or carefully cut near the root. The plants then went through a process called retting where plant bundles were soaked in a pond or stream. When the plants were deemed to be at just the right stage of rot the fibers needed to be separated from the rest of the plant by scutching or braking (beating the plants to separate out the fibers.) Then the fibers can be combed and spun. Rachael Kinnison at the Lady's Repository Museum has a very detailed and thorough article, Homespun, about the process with wonderful pictures of the tools used.

A very good but brief history of linen in Ireland see: A History of Irish Linen. From humble beginnings to to an industry fought over in the British Parliament. The growing of flax and it's rotation in fields with potatoes saved the northern part of Ireland from the worst of the potato famine that devastated the rest of the country.

Irish linen was used for more than clothing and table linens. When we take to skies these days we do so in great behemoths made of metal but once the wings of planes were covered with Irish Linen!
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Yankee Ingenuity in the War By Frank Parker Stockbridge

The full page ad below appeared in magazines during the early 1920's.
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Scribner's Magazine ... By Edward Livermore Burlingame, Robert Bridges, Alfred Dashiell, Harlan Logan

To me Irish Linen is synonymous with high quality and is my first choice for cross stitch projects. My first project worked on linen was appropriately my favorite Irish blessing.

May love and laughter light your days
and warm your heart and home
May good and faithful friends be yours
wherever you may roam
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures
May all life's passing seasons bring
the best to you and yours

This was written for the anniversary edition of the Carnival of Irish Heritage & Culture to be hosted by Lisa at Small-leaved Shamrock on Monday, November 24th. Be sure to check out all the articles written "For the love of Ireland."