Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
Milantha Hall Marsh was a distant cousin and I have written about her before. She is mentioned in the
Laura Carter Surrogate Record; in
Dining Out I wrote about the things I'd like to ask her about her life and the family; and I transcribed her
100th Birthday Notice that appeared in the Syracuse Herald.
Today I am sharing the remainder of the newspaper clippings I have found for her thus far.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Thursday, February 1, 1912, page 10
Mrs. Milantha Marsh Has Lived 100 Years in Phelps
Centarian, Bright and Active, Observes Birthday with Family - Her History
[Picture of Mrs. Milantha Marsh, her daughter, Mrs. Calista Hull; Mrs. Eugene Helmer, daughter of Mrs. Hull and Miss Catherine Helmer.]
Phelps, Jan. 31. - The 100th anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Milantha Marsh, a life-long resident of the toen of Phelps, was observed to-day at the home of her granddaughter, Mrs. Eugene Helmer. Mrs. Marsh is a most remarkable woman, for one so advanced in years, and is quite active both bodily and mentally. She has also the distinction, believed to be quite rare, of rounding out a full century in the same township where she was born.
The event to[day was attended only by the relatives and a few near friends of the family, which included Rev. Dr. Pierce, of Syracuse, a former pastor of the Phelps M. E. church and Rev. W. H. York, the present pastor of that society.
In February, 1796, John Hall, father of Mrs. Marsh, accompanied by a friend John Salisbury, his wife and family, made their way with oxen and horses into this section from Conway, Mass., and settled at Melvin Hill, two miles southwest of the present village of Phelps. There Mr. Hall purchased a farm from a landowner named Melvin, the man for whom Melvin Hill derives its name, and soon after that he married Miss Serena Swan, who also came to these parts from Conway, Mass. with her mother and brothers. Mrs. Marsh was the youngest of five children and she was born January 31, 1813.
Her grandfather, Seth Swan, was a minuteman in the Revolutionary war and he was killed while throwing up breastworks in the battle of Bunker Hill. He is the only American believed to have been killed in that battle. Soon after her marriage, Mrs. Marsh's mother returned to Conway for a visit and rode the entire distance alone on horseback. Mrs. Marsh was married at the age of 23 years to Samuel Marsh, whose parents came to Melvin Hill from Rutland, Vt. He died 38 years ago. Six children were born to the couple, five of whom are living. They are, Edward F. and E. O. Marsh, Miss Eugenia Marsh, Mrs. Calista Hull and Louise Sweet, all of Phelps. There are also thirteen grandchildren and eighteen great-grandchildren living.
Among the heirlooms now in the possession of Mrs. Marsh is one which she operated until very recently, a hand loom that was hewed out of the virgin forests by her mother's brothers long before saw mills were in operation in this section of the country. Mrs. Marsh began weaving at the age of nine years and that occupation was the means of rendering a great deal of suport to their family during her childhood.
When she was 12 years pf age, her father was killed by a kick from a horse and had it not been for the money she earned from weaving it would have been impossible for the family to complete the work on a large frame house that their father had in course of construction at the time of his sudden death. The house still stands in an excellent state of preservation.
Twelve years ago, after 88 years of continuous residence at Melvin Hill, Mrs. Marsh came to Phelps to ive. She was educated in the school at Melvin Hill, and, when eighteen years of age, she became a member of the Baptist church at that place. After moving to Phelps she united with the M. E. Church, of this village, and is still an honored member.
About the only recreation Mrs. Marsh ever really enjoyed was traveling. After her family had grown up she and Mr. Marsh took no less than ten trips into the Far West, and after her husband died, Mrs. Marsh, with more than four-score years to her credit, made another long journey in company with her daughter, Miss Eugenia. Mrs. Marsh has always been in the best of health and had never cause to call upon a physician on account of illness until after she had passed her 80th year, and since then she has had medical attention but four times. She attributes her long life to her plain and industrious mode of life.

The Lyons Repbulican, Lyons, NY, Friday, February 6, 1914, page 4, col. 2
Mrs. Milantha Marsh of Phelps celebrated her 102d birthday this week. She is in complete possession of her mental faculties and is in good condition physically. She attributes her long life to her plain and industrious mode of living.

Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, Friday, November 13, 1914
No page number shown. Top of columns 1 & 2; includes photo.
Mrs. Milantha Marsh Succumbs to Brief Illness
A Remarkable Woman Who Had Retained Her Health Until a Few Months Ago – Her Father Came to Phelps from Mass. In 1796.
Phelps, Nov. 12 - - Mrs. Milantha Marsh, a life long resident of the town of Phelps, died yesterday in her home in West Main street, aged 102 years. Mrs. Marsh had been in excellent health until a few months ago, when she began to decline. Mrs. Marsh was a descendant of one of the ____ families in this section. Her father, John Hall, came to the town of Phelps from Conway, Mass. In February, 1796 and located on a farm at Melvin Hill. He was married soon after to Miss Serena Swan.
Mrs. Marsh was the youngest of five children. When 23 years old she married Samuel Marsh, whose death occurred thirty-five years ago. She leaves two sons, Enoch G. and Edward F. Marsh, and two daughters, Miss Eugenia Marsh and Mrs. Calista Hull, all of this village. She also leaves several grandchildren, great-grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild.
The funeral will be held from the Methodist Episcopal Church at 2:30 o’clock Saturday afternoon, the pastor Rev. W. H. York officiating. Burial will be made at Melvin Hill.