[Edited with a correction on 23 Dec 2011. See below]

Carlisle & Dressler [Dressler penciled out]
> Dealers in< All Kinds of Bicycle Supplies. Buchanan, Mich., Febuary 26, 1899 I am at home whare I shold bea like any Boy I went to see Jorge Richson he is some beter now Jarey mothenlaw is any beter but geting weeker. Loso sid she could not last long. Cheans foalks are going out of the Darey bisnes soon they have sold some of the Cowes. I went to see Tamerson this after noon all well harey is thare yet the Landlord was held up th other knight or the atemp was made. it rained all knight last knight lordey how it came down the wind did blow and it was very moist this morning I think it will get Coldes before morning. Wall tell Liby I can wash and wipe them all a lone and pare tatos with out help. wall anna if you donot this month dont stop at Liley fore she wont brb at home fore they got along side of page to m___ they dont know hare upside down, top of page uncles you write to her so you can get anrer side ways, top of page I think about half of the potatos are frstd I will cary them out tomorrow along very top of page I A Carlisle Stay as long as y can dont foget that

This stationery is the first I've heard of Ashley having a bicycle repair business. I guess I was a little surprised because so much has been made of the fact that Ashley walked everywhere. I have no idea who Mr. Dressler was.
More joking about doing dishes.
George Richerson, born Oct 1829 and his wife Alozia (?), born Dec 1836. lived behind Carlisle's, on Moccasin Ave.
I have no idea who "Jarey", "Loso" or "Cheans" refer to.
Tamerson is a name that was handed down through the family. In this case, Ashley is referring to his cousin, Tamerson Glover Merrill. She was born February 1843, the daughter of Orville B. Glover and Julia Ann Carr. She married George B. Merrill, born about 1839 and died
before August 18 July 1898, when Tamerson applied for a widows pension. George and Tamerson had two children,
George who died in infancy Jesse B Merrill 1870-1874 and Harrison G. Merrill born February 1876. By the 1900 census he was living in Hyde Park, Chicago, Cook, Illinois and working as a dry goods salesman. He is listed as having been married 2 years, however his wife is not listed with him. In my notes I have her name listed as Lillie Shultz.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Isaac Ashley (Buchanan, MI) to “I am at home”
[Anna Camfield Carlisle]. Letter. 26 February 1899. Digital Image.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2009.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, Jan - Mar1899,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]