My Week
I spent some time digging for more information on Adam and Ananias Wisner. I've been down this road before but sometimes a fresh look yields a new clue. No luck so far but I do hope to get what I do know posted soon in hopes that someone else has a piece of the puzzle I can use.
I don't know what happened to me with the letters. I really need to get some work done there! They should return next week.
After taking a holiday break, ScanFest returns tomorrow from 11-2 PST. Our hostess will be Miriam at AnceStories and I'm looking forward to chatting and getting some scanning done. If you've never joined in on the fun, read Miriam's post to learn more.
John Newmark shared his Weekly Picks at TransyvanianDutch and all but a couple were new to me!
At Genea-Musings I also found several interesting articles listed in Randy's Best of the Genea-Blogs.
Larry had another Five We Like: Another week of family history goodies at Passing It On.
At the Genealogy Insider, Diane posted her Genealogy News Corral.
Weekly Reading
Never before have I read a rant that was just delightful! The Two Kingdoms (A Cautionary Tale) by Steve Danko at Steve's Genealogy Blog tells of his frustration with FB. He has been locked out of his account and the powers that be continue to ignore his requests for help.
Another great piece by David Parmer, A Hero In The Hedgerows, has been posted at Orlando, West Virginia.
Nancy had a very nice tribute to her great-grandmother, Elizabeth, at My Ancestors and Me.
Chris at Statts Place said, "So we didn’t get what we came for, but what we got was far better, and even more irreplaceable, as it could only have ever happened once." Read more: Of Fiddles, Folklore and Family History.
Tipper has shared the 5th of the Civil War letters written by W.C. Penland at Blind Pig & The Acorn.
Anyone who is looking to get children interested in family history should read Diana's, What I Did On My Christmas Vacation at Random Relatives.
Sheri is looking for the Heller Brothers of San Francisco at The Educated Genealogist. In both Part 1 and Part 2 she shares some excellent resources. Does anyone else think it's funny that Sheri would be searching for Heller's?
At The Genealogy Gals, Judy wrote, The Sheep and the Tar Baby or A Woman’s Work is Never Done. A well written look at the trials her ancestor faced.
At Life From The Roots: Cemeteries and More, Part 1 and Part 2, Barbara gives some great tips on how to find cemeteries and how to follow up and get the information you need.
T.K. shared Wednesday Matinee: How Records Were Made (1942) at Before My Time.
Randy wrote, Using the Library of Congress "Chronicling America" Site and then followed up with some of his finds at Genea-Musings. John at TransylvanianDutch read that and followed with his post, Minnie Van Every and The Happyhammers. I have found some neat little tidbits like these for my husband's family. You never know what you'll find in old newpapers!
I'm not good at "cold calling" to contact distant realtives but it certainly worked out for Sharon at Kindred Footprints: How I Broke Thru The Wall.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Finding the Original Pays Off!
Yesterday I posted my transcription of Adam Wisner's Revolutionary War pension application. I had previously seen a transcription of this document in: The Wisners in America and their kindred: a genealogical and biographical history, by George Franklin Wisner, 1918. The book is now available online at Google Books. The following is a snip of a portion of the transcription found on page 131.

It says, " In the month of March, 1813, I removed to the town of Coshocton, in the County of Coshocton, in the State of Ohio, and resided there until 1819."
Here is a crop of the image found at

And my transcription of the same section with the difference bolded:
In the month of March 1813 I removed to the town of Andrus (now Dewitt) in the County of Onondaga and State of New York at which place I resided until 1817. On the 15th day of September 1817 I left the County of Onondaga and Removed to the town of Coshocton in the County of Coshocton in the State of Ohio and resided there until 1819.
These few lines may be a huge find for me! I don't understand the reference to "Andrus," as Dewitt was called Orville. But the important thing is that Dewitt is mentioned. Dewitt was part of the town of Manlius until 1835.
My 3rd great-grandfather, William Wisner was born 27 March 1783. Some records list his place of birth as Pennsylvania and others as New York. The earliest record I have found for him is a land purchase on 29 Oct 1812 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York.
William Wisner was the only Wisner I could place in Manlius during this time period, until now. Was Adam his father, uncle or cousin? I'm not sure but I'm betting there was some relationship. Now I just need to dig deeper and find out what it was...........
It says, " In the month of March, 1813, I removed to the town of Coshocton, in the County of Coshocton, in the State of Ohio, and resided there until 1819."
Here is a crop of the image found at

And my transcription of the same section with the difference bolded:
In the month of March 1813 I removed to the town of Andrus (now Dewitt) in the County of Onondaga and State of New York at which place I resided until 1817. On the 15th day of September 1817 I left the County of Onondaga and Removed to the town of Coshocton in the County of Coshocton in the State of Ohio and resided there until 1819.
These few lines may be a huge find for me! I don't understand the reference to "Andrus," as Dewitt was called Orville. But the important thing is that Dewitt is mentioned. Dewitt was part of the town of Manlius until 1835.
My 3rd great-grandfather, William Wisner was born 27 March 1783. Some records list his place of birth as Pennsylvania and others as New York. The earliest record I have found for him is a land purchase on 29 Oct 1812 in Manlius, Onondaga, New York.
William Wisner was the only Wisner I could place in Manlius during this time period, until now. Was Adam his father, uncle or cousin? I'm not sure but I'm betting there was some relationship. Now I just need to dig deeper and find out what it was...........
Monday, January 25, 2010
Pension Application of Adam Wisner
Amanuensis: A person employed to write what another dictates or to copy what has been written by another.
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
The following Revolutionary Pension application may offer clues as to the parents of my 3rd great-grandfather, William Wisner. I have a line by line transcription however I have made adjustments here to make it easier to read. I have no idea why the pages at Footnote are number as they are. The three pages were found in the order that I have transcribed them. There are other pages in the file that are not included here. I haved bolded the names and places mentioned.
Revolutionary War Pension application of Adam Wisner: found at, December 2009
Page 42
State of New York -County of Livingston
On this 27th day of January - 1840 personally appeared in open Court before the Court of Common Pleas of Livingston County now sitting Adam Wisner a resident of the town of Geneseo in the County of Livingston and State of New York, aged Eighty [three crossed out] four years on the 27th day of April past. Who being first duly Sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benifit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. ----- That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated: That during the Revolutionary War (until the month of July 1778 as herein stated) he resided in the town of Northumberland, in the County of Northumberland in the State of Pennsyvania. That from the commencment of hostilities, So long as he resided in the State of Pennsylvania. he always stood as a minute man. and. as such. whenever drafted went in Service in the Militia of that State. As a minute-man he was called Every Monday (with the exception of five Mondays and with the exception of the town service hereinafter Specified) to appear on parade. and actually did so together with the company to which he was attached. At the commencement of the War he remembers well taking the oath of allegiance to the United States before one Thomas Hewitt, who was then a Justice of the Peace in the County of Northumberland; at which time he received from said Thomas Hewitt a certificate of haveing taken said oath and also a copy of the oath. These papers are now destroyed, having been burned at the destruction of his house by fire hereinafter stated but he remembers that the oath read Substantially as follows- "I Adam Wisner renounce all allegiance to George the third his heirs and Successors and Solemnly swear that I will make known all conspiracies which I now know or hereafter may know against the United States" __ Besides being called on the parade as before stated he can now specify the following tours of service which he performed in the State of Pennsylvania - viz- That he was drafted and went into the service as a Militia man in the month of December 1775 as a private in a company there commanded by one Captain Wrong whose given name he cannot now remember and continued without intermission in the service until the month of March thru that ensu[ ] and was then discharged- During the time he was with the company for the three months aforesaid, they, together with the Regiment to which they were attached, lay at Reading and Northumberland and small detachments were often sent out from the Regiment as frontier Scouts. for the purpose of intercepting the Tories and Indians. The Colonel of the Regiment was one James Murray of the Regiment was attached to a Brigade or Division commanded by General Potter he remembers the following named persons who were, during said three months privates in the same company with him - viz - his brother Annanias Wisner - Henry Doughtery - Samuel King - Joseph Coven and William Clark. Afterwards in November 1776 he again went into the service as as a drafted Militia man and served three months – cannot remember the name of the Captain under whom he did this service – but remembers well that one Charles Clark was the Lieutenant of the Company and that the same Colonel Murray & General Potter were the commanding officers. Remembers well that Charles Clark was Lieutenant from the fact that said Clark commanded a Small Scouting detachment which went out to a place called White Marsh where they had a Skirmish with the enemy and Clark was taken prisoner + was gone three Years before he returned. During this three months they lay at Reading Except
Page 91
when detached on Scouting parties. The following persons he remembers were privates in the company at the time – viz – Timothy Livingston – John Gray – Israel Barrett – and Annanias Wisnar -remembers being discharged at the end of three months in February next ensuing the time of his going into service. The next service which he can now definitely recollect was in the month of May 1778, at which time he went in Company with a person by the name of John Coats, to conduct and guard a Spy, who had been captured, to the city of Philadelphia. The Spy gave his name as Nicholas Pickard and was a Tory. They delivered him at Philadelphia and afterwards heard that he was hung. This is the only service for which he ever received any pay – The Governor of Pennsylvania paid him for this – and also gave him a pass, Signed with his own hand, to enable him to get home. This pass he kept until 1825., when it was burned at the destruction of his house by fire as herein -after stated. Soon after the destruction of Wyoming by the Indians and British a general alarm prevailed through the section of Pennsylvania where he resided and most of the inhabitants abandoned their homes and sought various places of refuge – And he, the said Adam Wisnar, left then and went to the County of Ulster in the State of New York in which County he resided until after the proclamation of Peace. Remembers that he left Northumberland on the 3rd day of July 1778, and arrived in Ulster County in the latter part of the same month. From the best estimate he can make he thinks he served In all, as a drafted Militia man, in the New York Militia, Six months. The two following are all the tours of service which he can now Specify – viz – In the fall of 1778 – recollects of forming one of a party of six. And going under Ensign David Wisnar to waylay a pass in Orange County for the purpose of intercepting a body of tories – and was gone at this time three days__ In May 1779. went on a scouting party to a place on the Delaware River, then called Pin Pack, beyond Neversink, in a company Commanded by Captain John Newkirk. The company was attached to a Regiment Commanded by Colonel Jacob Newkirk. Remembers the ensign of the Company whose name was Daniel McHenry. And remembers the following privates – viz – John Sears_ a man by the name of Criss – Benjamin Sears – Samuel Sears – James Sears and James Rogers – The company went on a Scouting Party but had no Skirmish – was in the Service at this time two weeks – And the said Adam Wisnar Says that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory + of his Papers by fire (which occurred at the township of White Water, in the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio in the Spring of the Year 1825. at which time his house and nearly all of his Effects were burned) He can give no more definite Statement than is above set forth of his Service, but he always has And still does believe that during the war he Served two years – As to the service he has Specified his recollection id distinct. The Mondays which he spent for three years (with the Exception aforesaid) in appearing on parade in the State of Pennsylvania – he claims would amount to four months. which added to the other three tours of service done in Pennsylvania, would make the whole time which he served in Pennsylvania and which he can now remember and Specify. ten months and ten days – which with the two weeks at one time, and three days at another time. Which he can now remember and Specify as having Served in the State of New York, makes in all ten months and twenty seven days actual service by him performed, which he can now recollect. During all of which time he served as a private – And said Adam Wisnar further Says that he has no documentary evidence – And that he knows of no person whose
Page 116
Testimony he can prcure who can testify to his service. That Since the fall of 1836 He has spent much of his time in fruitless and un__aiting search to find some person who Knows of his service. During which time he has traveled more than thirteen hundred miles In various parts of the States of Pennsylvania and New York. But has been unable to find Any one who knew him, or knew of his service in the Revolutionary War. He hereby relinquishes Every claim whatever to an annuity or pension, except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any Agency of Any State.
In answer to the interrogatories propounded by the Court the declarant answers As follows –
1 - I was born at Goshen, in the County of Orange and State of New York, on the 27th day of April 1755
2 – I have a Record of my age in my Bible now in my possession.
3 – When first called into service I lived in the town of Northumberland in the County of Northumberland in the State of Pennsylvania, at which place I continued to reside, and did service as before Stated until the 3rd day of July 1778. when I left there and removed to the County of Ulster in the State of New York, where I performed the service above specified. In 1784, after the proclamation of peace I returned to Northumberland in the State of Pennsylvania, where I continued to reside until December 1800. when I removed to the town of Leicester which was then in the County of Genesee(now Livingston) and State of New York, where I resided until 1813. In the month of March 1813 I removed to the town of Andrus (now Dewitt) in the County of Onondaga and State of New York at which place I resided until 1817. On the 15th day of September 1817 I left the County of Onondaga and Removed to the town of Coshocton in the County of Coshocton in the State of Ohio and resided there until 1819. In February 1819 I removed to White Water township [crossed out- in White Water township] in the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio and resided there until the Spring of 1835, when my house together with the papers aforesaid, and most of my Effects were destroyed by fire – In the Spring of 1825 I removed to the County of Bartholomew in the State of Indiana and resided there until near the close of the month of August 1836. when I returned to the State of New York (on my way back passing through the State of Pennsylvania for the purpose of ascertaining if I could
find any witness to prove my service by) and have since resided with such my relatives + friends who were willing to keep me in the Counties of Onondaga, Seneca and Livingston, until the month of June last, when, having Exhausted the Charity of my connections + friends, having no property, and from old age and infirmity, being unable to labour I entered as a pauper the Poor House of Livingston County in the State of New York, where I have Since, to the date hereof continued to reside. I was always drafted when called into the service. The names of the officers whom I can now recollect were, in Pennsylvania General Potter Colonel James Murray, Captain ____Wrong Lieutenant Charles Clark – And in the State of New York Captain John Newkirk, Colonel Jacob Newkirk and Ensign Daniel McHenry. I can give no other account of the circumstances of my service than as above stated.
I never received a written discharge from the Service Adam Wisner
To and subscribed the day and Year aforesaid
Amanuensis Monday, hosted by John Newmark at Transylvanian Dutch.
The following Revolutionary Pension application may offer clues as to the parents of my 3rd great-grandfather, William Wisner. I have a line by line transcription however I have made adjustments here to make it easier to read. I have no idea why the pages at Footnote are number as they are. The three pages were found in the order that I have transcribed them. There are other pages in the file that are not included here. I haved bolded the names and places mentioned.
Revolutionary War Pension application of Adam Wisner: found at, December 2009
Page 42
State of New York -County of Livingston
On this 27th day of January - 1840 personally appeared in open Court before the Court of Common Pleas of Livingston County now sitting Adam Wisner a resident of the town of Geneseo in the County of Livingston and State of New York, aged Eighty [three crossed out] four years on the 27th day of April past. Who being first duly Sworn according to law, doth on his oath make the following declaration in order to obtain the benifit of the act of Congress passed June 7, 1832. ----- That he entered the service of the United States under the following named officers, and served as herein stated: That during the Revolutionary War (until the month of July 1778 as herein stated) he resided in the town of Northumberland, in the County of Northumberland in the State of Pennsyvania. That from the commencment of hostilities, So long as he resided in the State of Pennsylvania. he always stood as a minute man. and. as such. whenever drafted went in Service in the Militia of that State. As a minute-man he was called Every Monday (with the exception of five Mondays and with the exception of the town service hereinafter Specified) to appear on parade. and actually did so together with the company to which he was attached. At the commencement of the War he remembers well taking the oath of allegiance to the United States before one Thomas Hewitt, who was then a Justice of the Peace in the County of Northumberland; at which time he received from said Thomas Hewitt a certificate of haveing taken said oath and also a copy of the oath. These papers are now destroyed, having been burned at the destruction of his house by fire hereinafter stated but he remembers that the oath read Substantially as follows- "I Adam Wisner renounce all allegiance to George the third his heirs and Successors and Solemnly swear that I will make known all conspiracies which I now know or hereafter may know against the United States" __ Besides being called on the parade as before stated he can now specify the following tours of service which he performed in the State of Pennsylvania - viz- That he was drafted and went into the service as a Militia man in the month of December 1775 as a private in a company there commanded by one Captain Wrong whose given name he cannot now remember and continued without intermission in the service until the month of March thru that ensu[ ] and was then discharged- During the time he was with the company for the three months aforesaid, they, together with the Regiment to which they were attached, lay at Reading and Northumberland and small detachments were often sent out from the Regiment as frontier Scouts. for the purpose of intercepting the Tories and Indians. The Colonel of the Regiment was one James Murray of the Regiment was attached to a Brigade or Division commanded by General Potter he remembers the following named persons who were, during said three months privates in the same company with him - viz - his brother Annanias Wisner - Henry Doughtery - Samuel King - Joseph Coven and William Clark. Afterwards in November 1776 he again went into the service as as a drafted Militia man and served three months – cannot remember the name of the Captain under whom he did this service – but remembers well that one Charles Clark was the Lieutenant of the Company and that the same Colonel Murray & General Potter were the commanding officers. Remembers well that Charles Clark was Lieutenant from the fact that said Clark commanded a Small Scouting detachment which went out to a place called White Marsh where they had a Skirmish with the enemy and Clark was taken prisoner + was gone three Years before he returned. During this three months they lay at Reading Except
Page 91
when detached on Scouting parties. The following persons he remembers were privates in the company at the time – viz – Timothy Livingston – John Gray – Israel Barrett – and Annanias Wisnar -remembers being discharged at the end of three months in February next ensuing the time of his going into service. The next service which he can now definitely recollect was in the month of May 1778, at which time he went in Company with a person by the name of John Coats, to conduct and guard a Spy, who had been captured, to the city of Philadelphia. The Spy gave his name as Nicholas Pickard and was a Tory. They delivered him at Philadelphia and afterwards heard that he was hung. This is the only service for which he ever received any pay – The Governor of Pennsylvania paid him for this – and also gave him a pass, Signed with his own hand, to enable him to get home. This pass he kept until 1825., when it was burned at the destruction of his house by fire as herein -after stated. Soon after the destruction of Wyoming by the Indians and British a general alarm prevailed through the section of Pennsylvania where he resided and most of the inhabitants abandoned their homes and sought various places of refuge – And he, the said Adam Wisnar, left then and went to the County of Ulster in the State of New York in which County he resided until after the proclamation of Peace. Remembers that he left Northumberland on the 3rd day of July 1778, and arrived in Ulster County in the latter part of the same month. From the best estimate he can make he thinks he served In all, as a drafted Militia man, in the New York Militia, Six months. The two following are all the tours of service which he can now Specify – viz – In the fall of 1778 – recollects of forming one of a party of six. And going under Ensign David Wisnar to waylay a pass in Orange County for the purpose of intercepting a body of tories – and was gone at this time three days__ In May 1779. went on a scouting party to a place on the Delaware River, then called Pin Pack, beyond Neversink, in a company Commanded by Captain John Newkirk. The company was attached to a Regiment Commanded by Colonel Jacob Newkirk. Remembers the ensign of the Company whose name was Daniel McHenry. And remembers the following privates – viz – John Sears_ a man by the name of Criss – Benjamin Sears – Samuel Sears – James Sears and James Rogers – The company went on a Scouting Party but had no Skirmish – was in the Service at this time two weeks – And the said Adam Wisnar Says that by reason of old age and the consequent loss of memory + of his Papers by fire (which occurred at the township of White Water, in the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio in the Spring of the Year 1825. at which time his house and nearly all of his Effects were burned) He can give no more definite Statement than is above set forth of his Service, but he always has And still does believe that during the war he Served two years – As to the service he has Specified his recollection id distinct. The Mondays which he spent for three years (with the Exception aforesaid) in appearing on parade in the State of Pennsylvania – he claims would amount to four months. which added to the other three tours of service done in Pennsylvania, would make the whole time which he served in Pennsylvania and which he can now remember and Specify. ten months and ten days – which with the two weeks at one time, and three days at another time. Which he can now remember and Specify as having Served in the State of New York, makes in all ten months and twenty seven days actual service by him performed, which he can now recollect. During all of which time he served as a private – And said Adam Wisnar further Says that he has no documentary evidence – And that he knows of no person whose
Page 116
Testimony he can prcure who can testify to his service. That Since the fall of 1836 He has spent much of his time in fruitless and un__aiting search to find some person who Knows of his service. During which time he has traveled more than thirteen hundred miles In various parts of the States of Pennsylvania and New York. But has been unable to find Any one who knew him, or knew of his service in the Revolutionary War. He hereby relinquishes Every claim whatever to an annuity or pension, except the present, and declares that his name is not on the pension Roll of any Agency of Any State.
In answer to the interrogatories propounded by the Court the declarant answers As follows –
1 - I was born at Goshen, in the County of Orange and State of New York, on the 27th day of April 1755
2 – I have a Record of my age in my Bible now in my possession.
3 – When first called into service I lived in the town of Northumberland in the County of Northumberland in the State of Pennsylvania, at which place I continued to reside, and did service as before Stated until the 3rd day of July 1778. when I left there and removed to the County of Ulster in the State of New York, where I performed the service above specified. In 1784, after the proclamation of peace I returned to Northumberland in the State of Pennsylvania, where I continued to reside until December 1800. when I removed to the town of Leicester which was then in the County of Genesee(now Livingston) and State of New York, where I resided until 1813. In the month of March 1813 I removed to the town of Andrus (now Dewitt) in the County of Onondaga and State of New York at which place I resided until 1817. On the 15th day of September 1817 I left the County of Onondaga and Removed to the town of Coshocton in the County of Coshocton in the State of Ohio and resided there until 1819. In February 1819 I removed to White Water township [crossed out- in White Water township] in the County of Hamilton and State of Ohio and resided there until the Spring of 1835, when my house together with the papers aforesaid, and most of my Effects were destroyed by fire – In the Spring of 1825 I removed to the County of Bartholomew in the State of Indiana and resided there until near the close of the month of August 1836. when I returned to the State of New York (on my way back passing through the State of Pennsylvania for the purpose of ascertaining if I could
find any witness to prove my service by) and have since resided with such my relatives + friends who were willing to keep me in the Counties of Onondaga, Seneca and Livingston, until the month of June last, when, having Exhausted the Charity of my connections + friends, having no property, and from old age and infirmity, being unable to labour I entered as a pauper the Poor House of Livingston County in the State of New York, where I have Since, to the date hereof continued to reside. I was always drafted when called into the service. The names of the officers whom I can now recollect were, in Pennsylvania General Potter Colonel James Murray, Captain ____Wrong Lieutenant Charles Clark – And in the State of New York Captain John Newkirk, Colonel Jacob Newkirk and Ensign Daniel McHenry. I can give no other account of the circumstances of my service than as above stated.
I never received a written discharge from the Service Adam Wisner
To and subscribed the day and Year aforesaid
Amanuensis Monday,
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Sorting Families By Address
My husband has German ancestors that settled in Syracuse, NY. The spelling of the surnames can vary widely and the first names are repeated every generation. One of the surnames I am researching is Grabowski and there seems to have been two separate groups or families by name that settled in Syracuse in the late 1800's, one from Poland and the other from Germany. Both families frequently used the same first names but, with a couple of exceptions, the Polish families settled on the west side and the German families on the north side of the city.
Knowing who lived where and with whom has given me clues to figuring out some of the family relationships. As I've written before, with the various spellings I often have an easier time searching newspapers by address. And searching by address has led me to the married names of several women and the names of some children.
To keep the information straight I have created a simple database.

I have a column labeled "wife" but I also put in information such as the name of a parent. I have a column for the years they resided at an address and a notes column where I record anything that I think might help later. Because I never print this out, it does not matter how many or how wide the columns are.
Since I am from Syracuse I know which addresses are on the north side and which are on the west. If I was not familiar with the city creating a google map would be helpful. The database also helped me figure out street names that changed over time. Lock St was changed to N. State St. I have had a bit of trouble where the numbering of a street changed but at least I have the same grouping.
Be sure not to jump to conclusions using a database like this! My husband's grandfather rented a flat from his uncle at one point.
Knowing who lived where and with whom has given me clues to figuring out some of the family relationships. As I've written before, with the various spellings I often have an easier time searching newspapers by address. And searching by address has led me to the married names of several women and the names of some children.
To keep the information straight I have created a simple database.
I have a column labeled "wife" but I also put in information such as the name of a parent. I have a column for the years they resided at an address and a notes column where I record anything that I think might help later. Because I never print this out, it does not matter how many or how wide the columns are.
Since I am from Syracuse I know which addresses are on the north side and which are on the west. If I was not familiar with the city creating a google map would be helpful. The database also helped me figure out street names that changed over time. Lock St was changed to N. State St. I have had a bit of trouble where the numbering of a street changed but at least I have the same grouping.
Be sure not to jump to conclusions using a database like this! My husband's grandfather rented a flat from his uncle at one point.
Me, Myself and I
Randy's challenge for SNGF this week is to write about our interests beyond family history.
- I spend a lot of time with my family. We visit Mom a couple of times a week. Monday is Kid's Night and we have as many grandkids as care to come for dinner. Nikki and Liz ride with me to school and then I run over to the pre-K a couple of days a week to walk Sprout in.
- In the summer months I love to be out in the garden. In the winter I like to browse gardening books and catalogs for ideas.
- I like to read novels but rarely have the time these days. I have a very hard time putting a book down and like to read a book straight through. Some of my favorite authors are Janet Evanovich, Jonathon Kellerman, James Patterson, Stuart Woods and Faye Kellerman.
- I do spend more time than I care to admit watching TV shows, often on my computer. My favorite shows are Survivor, The Amazing Race, White Collar, Burn Notice and Legend of the Seeker.
- I love to travel and explore new places.
- I really enjoy sitting around the kitchen table playing a game with good friends.
Saturday Night Fun
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Weekly Rewind
Carnivals and Roundups
The 88th edition of the Carnival of Genealogy: Volunteerism, is up at Creative Gene. This was the first edition to be published under the new format and Jasia has done a wonderful job. She highlighted several submissions. She also selected one article as the Feature Article. Stop by to see which author hit a home run this edition. The topic for the next edition is, Ode to My Family History! Submissions are due by February 1. (Poster by fM)
Check out Best of the Genea-Blogs - January 10-16, 2010 by Randy at Genea-Musings. There are still a couple there that I want to go back and read.
John had his Weekly Picks at TransylvanianDutch and picked up on a couple of good ones I had missed.
Diane posted her Genealogy News Corral: Jan. 18-22, at Genealogy Insider.
Weekly Reading
Donna has a great series going at What's Past is Prologue about discovering her relationship to a man listed on a War Memorial she visited in Germany. She takes her search beyond names and dates and delves into history too. Cousins, Countries and War, Bavarian Military Rosters, Josef Bergmeister’s WWI Military Record, The Great War and the Homefront, and Bergmeister Family Tree.
Craig Manson is not well and I hope he is back on his feet very soon! Meanwhile he has shared three previously written posts that are well worth reading again at GeneaBlogie. Finding Dr. King's Roots in Slavery, The Dream, and The Genealogy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do you suffer from OCFRD? I'm betting you do! See TennLady's humorous post, True Obsessive Compulsive Family Research Disorder at GeneNotes.
I love stories about how reading someone else's post leads one to make a new discovery in their own research. That happened for T.K. at Before My Time and she shares her experience with Emma Krintz McArthur.
In another case of blogging pays, Tim was contacted by someone who read a post he'd written two years ago. He tells about it at Walking the Berkshires - Lost and Found Burial Gorund of My Williman Ancestors and "The White House" / Williman Cemetery: The Plot Thickens.
The weather has been awful out west! At The Family Curator, Denise has composed "and the rain was upon the Earth." I hope she sees the sun shine soon!
Greta lost her uncle and wrote a very nice tribute to him at Greta's Genealogy Bog: Billy Jack Brinlee, 1934-2010.
Chery Kinick had not posted anything at Nordic Blue in many months so I was surprised and pleased to see that she is writing again. With The Best Laid Genealogical Plans she tells us about discovering her birth father saying, "I had almost given up trying. Instead, the search has, remarkably, gone somewhere, but not in the direction I'd hoped."
Irish Mason has a very nice tribute to her step-mother at Portals to the Past. NOT the "Wicked" Stepmother.
Vickie has started a blog, The Journal, where she is transcribing the journal of James Madison Hall. She follows up on one of the entries at BeNotForgot with Nellie miscarries while Sam is in jail, showing just how valuable the journal is to her family history.
"What on earth do the Saints and their Superdome have to do with graveyards?" Find out at NOLA Graveyard Rabbit: The 'New Orleans Saints Curse'.
I enjoyed Pat's post, Cutting Wood for the Mississippi Steamboats, at The Genealogy Gals. It made me think of my grandfather's travels as a young man.
Math is rarely fun for me but I enjoyed John's, How a Genealogy History can Determine Your Age - 2010, at TransylvanianDutch. I did take me longer than a minute but fun none the less.
Barbara has a letter that ends with, "Burn up this letter"! I'm glad it was not burned so she could share it with us at Life From the Roots: Erastus Cross was Murdered.
At I Dream of Genea(logy), Abba Dad wants to know, Genealogy - What's the Point?
Valerie shared a good tip for dealing with poor image quality at at Begin with 'Craft': Image Oddities.
My Week
A very bright spot in the week was connecting with a Carlisle cousin on FaceBook. My first FB success. We have begun corresponding via email and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better and learn more about my California cousins.
Personally, my year has gotten off to a less than stellar start and I've shared a jug of Apple Whine. Family illness and stress at work basically shut me down this week. I occupied my time with things that didn't require much thought, such as uploading and labeling a couple of hundred pictures. Two days of sunshine has brightened my mood and I'm looking forward to a better week.

Check out Best of the Genea-Blogs - January 10-16, 2010 by Randy at Genea-Musings. There are still a couple there that I want to go back and read.
John had his Weekly Picks at TransylvanianDutch and picked up on a couple of good ones I had missed.
Diane posted her Genealogy News Corral: Jan. 18-22, at Genealogy Insider.
Weekly Reading
Donna has a great series going at What's Past is Prologue about discovering her relationship to a man listed on a War Memorial she visited in Germany. She takes her search beyond names and dates and delves into history too. Cousins, Countries and War, Bavarian Military Rosters, Josef Bergmeister’s WWI Military Record, The Great War and the Homefront, and Bergmeister Family Tree.
Craig Manson is not well and I hope he is back on his feet very soon! Meanwhile he has shared three previously written posts that are well worth reading again at GeneaBlogie. Finding Dr. King's Roots in Slavery, The Dream, and The Genealogy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
Do you suffer from OCFRD? I'm betting you do! See TennLady's humorous post, True Obsessive Compulsive Family Research Disorder at GeneNotes.
I love stories about how reading someone else's post leads one to make a new discovery in their own research. That happened for T.K. at Before My Time and she shares her experience with Emma Krintz McArthur.
In another case of blogging pays, Tim was contacted by someone who read a post he'd written two years ago. He tells about it at Walking the Berkshires - Lost and Found Burial Gorund of My Williman Ancestors and "The White House" / Williman Cemetery: The Plot Thickens.
The weather has been awful out west! At The Family Curator, Denise has composed "and the rain was upon the Earth." I hope she sees the sun shine soon!
Greta lost her uncle and wrote a very nice tribute to him at Greta's Genealogy Bog: Billy Jack Brinlee, 1934-2010.
Chery Kinick had not posted anything at Nordic Blue in many months so I was surprised and pleased to see that she is writing again. With The Best Laid Genealogical Plans she tells us about discovering her birth father saying, "I had almost given up trying. Instead, the search has, remarkably, gone somewhere, but not in the direction I'd hoped."
Irish Mason has a very nice tribute to her step-mother at Portals to the Past. NOT the "Wicked" Stepmother.
Vickie has started a blog, The Journal, where she is transcribing the journal of James Madison Hall. She follows up on one of the entries at BeNotForgot with Nellie miscarries while Sam is in jail, showing just how valuable the journal is to her family history.
"What on earth do the Saints and their Superdome have to do with graveyards?" Find out at NOLA Graveyard Rabbit: The 'New Orleans Saints Curse'.
I enjoyed Pat's post, Cutting Wood for the Mississippi Steamboats, at The Genealogy Gals. It made me think of my grandfather's travels as a young man.
Math is rarely fun for me but I enjoyed John's, How a Genealogy History can Determine Your Age - 2010, at TransylvanianDutch. I did take me longer than a minute but fun none the less.
Barbara has a letter that ends with, "Burn up this letter"! I'm glad it was not burned so she could share it with us at Life From the Roots: Erastus Cross was Murdered.
At I Dream of Genea(logy), Abba Dad wants to know, Genealogy - What's the Point?
Valerie shared a good tip for dealing with poor image quality at at Begin with 'Craft': Image Oddities.
My Week
A very bright spot in the week was connecting with a Carlisle cousin on FaceBook. My first FB success. We have begun corresponding via email and I'm looking forward to getting to know her better and learn more about my California cousins.
Personally, my year has gotten off to a less than stellar start and I've shared a jug of Apple Whine. Family illness and stress at work basically shut me down this week. I occupied my time with things that didn't require much thought, such as uploading and labeling a couple of hundred pictures. Two days of sunshine has brightened my mood and I'm looking forward to a better week.
Weekly Rewind
Monday, January 18, 2010
What Happened to Etoley Robinson?
For those that have not been following along with the letter transcriptions, Etola Robinson was a friend of my great grandmother's and many of her letters have been transcribed here. So many that I've come to see her as part of the family. Yesterday I finished labeling the letters from the fourth group and there was only one more letter from Toley, an undated one, found near the very end of the batch. It was from a folder of letters dated c. 1900 - 1940 and written from South Bend, prior to Toley's heading west to Oklahoma.
Did she stop writing? Did she die? Or did she write but her letters were not saved?
The last letter that I have was dated 26 March 1909, Medford, OK. In that letter she mentioned that she had thought about going to Caldwell, Kansas but had changed her mind. Also in her letter she said:
In another case of rushing I did not look up the information I have gathered on Toley's family. Woolsey's was not a surname, she was referring to her brother, Woolsey Robinson and his family. Woolsey was married to Martha E Cromwell and they had at least two children, Melvin and Cleo. I'm guessing that Martha went by Mae. Melvin Robinson married about 1906 and had two children by 1910. So it appears that Toley followed her brother to Oklahoma. By 1910 Wooley and Melvin had moved to Kay County, OK.
I have searched the 1910 census six ways to Sunday and I can not locate Toley. I tried both nationwide searches and by guessing where she might be. I used every variation of her name that I have.
I found an old message board posting by Steve Robinson, who seems to have information on Melvin's family. The email account associated with that post is no longer any good. I have also used member connect at Ancestry to contact someone who may have more information. I have added what I have found about the family to a public tree there too.
I spent several hours yesterday trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Toley. I have other projects that need my attention and so I will reluctantly set this aside - for now. I am hoping that if I post what I know about her and her family here that someone will stumble across this post with the answer.
I have found her name listed as Clarinda A. Robinson, Lourinda E. Robinson, Louola Robinson, Etola Robinson, Etoley Robinson, Toley Robinson. She was born about 1858 in Indiana to Parker Robinson and Clarinda.
Other children of Parker and Clarinda Robinson:
Did she stop writing? Did she die? Or did she write but her letters were not saved?
The last letter that I have was dated 26 March 1909, Medford, OK. In that letter she mentioned that she had thought about going to Caldwell, Kansas but had changed her mind. Also in her letter she said:
Woolsey's have all had the grip and are not well yet have not seen Mae since the holidays. Melvin and family started back to their claim last friday. I am glad I do not half to go out their.
In another case of rushing I did not look up the information I have gathered on Toley's family. Woolsey's was not a surname, she was referring to her brother, Woolsey Robinson and his family. Woolsey was married to Martha E Cromwell and they had at least two children, Melvin and Cleo. I'm guessing that Martha went by Mae. Melvin Robinson married about 1906 and had two children by 1910. So it appears that Toley followed her brother to Oklahoma. By 1910 Wooley and Melvin had moved to Kay County, OK.
I have searched the 1910 census six ways to Sunday and I can not locate Toley. I tried both nationwide searches and by guessing where she might be. I used every variation of her name that I have.
I found an old message board posting by Steve Robinson, who seems to have information on Melvin's family. The email account associated with that post is no longer any good. I have also used member connect at Ancestry to contact someone who may have more information. I have added what I have found about the family to a public tree there too.
I spent several hours yesterday trying to solve the mystery of what happened to Toley. I have other projects that need my attention and so I will reluctantly set this aside - for now. I am hoping that if I post what I know about her and her family here that someone will stumble across this post with the answer.
I have found her name listed as Clarinda A. Robinson, Lourinda E. Robinson, Louola Robinson, Etola Robinson, Etoley Robinson, Toley Robinson. She was born about 1858 in Indiana to Parker Robinson and Clarinda.
Other children of Parker and Clarinda Robinson:
- Sarah Robinson, born abt 1837, Indiana. Married Peter B. Gosline. They lived in Buchanan, MI and South Bend, IN. Both are buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery, Buchanan, MI. Their children were: Ralph C. Gosline, Amelia G. Gosline and Edward Robinson Gosline.
- William Robinson, born May 1839, Indiana. He may have married Matilda and had children: Daniel Robinson and Dora E. Robinson. They lived in Berrien County, Michigan.
- Woolsey Robinson, born July 1843, Indiana. He married Martha E Cromwell in 1880. By 1900 they lived in Hickory, Grant, OK. in 1910 and 1920 I found them in Tonkawa, Kay, OK. Their children: Melvin Robinson and Cleo Robinson. (Possibly Melvin Woolsey Robinson.) By 1930 Melvin was living in Turlock, Stanislaus, CA.
- Daniel Robinson, born abt 1846, Indiana. He married Mary Alice Wilson. In 1880 they were living in Dowagiac, Cass, MI and I haven't found them for certain after that date. Children: Mabel Robinson, Viola Robinson, Clarence Robinson and possibly others.
- Celia Robinson, born abt 1850, Indiana. She married Jefferson Dalrymple in 1873. In 1880 they were living in Benton, Berrien, MI. I did not find them after that. They had at least one child: Rosco Dalrymple.
- Abner Robinson, born abt 1852, Indiana. He married Elizabeth and they lived in Dowagiac and Buchanan, MI. I think they were living in Baldwin, Alabama in 1920. Children: Leland A. Robinson and Nellie E. Robinson.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Correction to Annie Smith letter
Sometimes I rush when I shouldn't and mistakes are made. On January 14, 2010 I published a letter from Annie Smith, Dec 14, 1909. I knew the letter was from Julia Auria Warner Smith but without stopping to really think about it, I "saw" Annie (and it certainly didn't look like Auria) so that is how I attributed the letter. In my notes for the letter I referred to her as Aurie. Sometimes I am thick and you have to bop me on the head!
I have been trading emails with G.M., a Warner descendant, and he said that he had never heard her called anything other than Aunt Aurie. I went back and enlarged the section of the letter with the signature. Once I had enlarged it enough, it clearly says Aurie.
Normally I would simply make a correction to the original post, with a notation that it had been corrected. In this case the title of the post had the error and being unable to change the link, I instead have deleted the original and created a new, corrected post, along with this explanation.
I have been trading emails with G.M., a Warner descendant, and he said that he had never heard her called anything other than Aunt Aurie. I went back and enlarged the section of the letter with the signature. Once I had enlarged it enough, it clearly says Aurie.
Normally I would simply make a correction to the original post, with a notation that it had been corrected. In this case the title of the post had the error and being unable to change the link, I instead have deleted the original and created a new, corrected post, along with this explanation.

Camfield letters,
Aurie Smith to Sarah Ann Camfield, Dec 14 1909

Bronson Mich
Dec. 14 1909
Mrs. S. A. Camfield
Buchanan Mich
Dear Sister in Christ.
I received your ever welcome letter some time ago a few days after we laid little Viva at rest near her papa. She had been failing for over a year & we knew there was no help for her. Now dear grandma don't feel sad of course we will always miss her for she was so sweet & good but she was ready to go & longed to go. It was God's will so we must think of the tome we will
page 2
go to her. It wont be long when you get there & meet Masy & Mr. C - Mrs. Bogardus you will no doubt find her near her papa. When I 1st knew I must give her up it came to me papa will have one & you one he had waited over 6 yrs for her so I must not be selfish Yes I praise God for his goodness & mercy to us. I expect to go to see Libbie before long. if it's God's will. after I get back I don't know what I will do will wait for God to open the way then walk in it. I often think tho if I could only have some money left after debts were
page 3
paid after I go Hence. I'd tell them to start a fund in the Mennonite church with it towards helping support Christian widows with children to support so they could stay at home with them & care for them. For I know what it is if I could wash iron or sew for a living I could but nursing is all right for me alone but not good for the children. But I don't expect that time will ever come if I have enough to bury me I'll be thankful. We are having grand meetings when its so we can get to them But the Christians
page 4
are digging down deeper. Yes Mr. Bogardus nieces were here & took care of her for some time. She was buried by the North church in Gilead. I sent his address to Libbie & I think her obituary to Libbie & expect you have them by this time. He couldn't see to read but as he lives with his niece or nieces they can for him. Thank you for the cards to the girls & Gladis encloses a little keepsake for you some of her own work. she makes them quite a bit larger or sells them single as anyone wishes Must
your ___ present she says
top of page 1
close & get to bed Love from all. In haste Good bless you is the wish of your friend
Aurie Smith

I originally published this letter as being from "Annie Smith." That post has been deleted and replaced with this. The explanation can be found here.
Julia Auria "Aurie" Warner Smith was the daughter of Marshall and Laura (Rupel) Warner. She was the widow of Mannasses "Masy" Smith. His death certificate can be found on the Seeking Michigan site here. Their daughter, Viva L. Smith, was born 10 September 1900 and died 20 Nov 1909. Her death certificate can be viewed here. In 1922, Aurie would marry again to Frank Newberry. She died in 1937 and is buried in Pleasant Hill Cemetery.
More sad news that Sarah Ann's old friend, Mary B. Bogardus had also died. It took me quite some time to find her death certificate. It was misindexed as Borgerdns and can be found here. From the death certificate I learned that she was born 8 Feb 1825 in Maine, the daughter of Perrin Chapin and Sarah Wright. She died in Noble, Branch, MI on 13 Oct 1909. The informant was Mary A. Conibear of Morten, IL. She was most likely the neice mentioned. In 1910 Henry Bogardus wass still living Noble, MI, a boarder in the home of Orville and Lucinda Pinney.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield
Henry Bogardus, Shirt-tail Cousin

Smith, Julia Auria Warner (Bronson, MI) to “Dear Sister in Christ”
[Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield] Letter. 14 Dec 1909. Digital Images 1-4.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Weekly Rewind
Weekly Reading
Footnote Maven has published the January Edition of the Shades of the Departed Magazine at Shades of the Departed. I hope to be able to read my copy this weekend.
As anyone who has been following my blog for any length of time knows, my mother's family lived in Buchanan, Michigan. My buddy, Jasia, recently visited there and shared her day on her blog Discovering St. Joseph. On my last too trips I took many pictures of cemeteries but none of the town!
At FamHist Blog I found "Lost" Garden Varieties Grown By Ancestors. A very welcome post for me as I long to be out in my garden!
On a sad note, Debra Osborn Spindle has had to face The End of an Era with the sale of her family's farm at All My Ancestors.
Joe Beine shared How I found Some Genealogy Records for My German Ancestors at Genealogy Roots Blog. Now I have to do some research on he churches in the area where my husband's family lived.
A family treasure lost and found story, Gram's Christmas Present, was a wonderful read at They that go down to the sea.
Last year I wrote about the Apple Butter my family made and my attempt to make it myself and it was fun. Tim is trying something similar at Genealogy Reviews Online but I think he will have more fun than I did! Diary of a Home Wine Maker.
A few lucky bloggers were invited to Genealogy Media Day by Randy Seaver has been linking to the individual posts they all have written at Genea-Musings.
I have a few Scottish ancestors so I found John D Reid's post, at Anglo-Celtic Connection, National Library of Scotland Digital Archive, very interesting.
Lori at Family Trees May Contain Nuts, Needs Your Opinion. What is free came and what is not? Lots of opinions shared so far, both pro and con. Go weigh in with yours.
Another interesting post that should be generating some discussion is, Is taking photos of microfilm a good or bad practice, what do you think? at Virginia Genealogy. Kevin Lett has asked, so tell him what you think.
Lorine's, Olive Tree Genealogy has been on the web now for 14 years! It was one of the first sites I discovered and was invaluable to my search for my early New York ancestors. She tells more about the history of the site and a give away she is having at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog.
Amanda Aquard wrote about Google Personalized Results at A Tale of Two Ancestors. She notes it can be both a help and a hindrance. I'm hoping for more help!
I like the format for the timeline that Nancy has used at My Ancestors and Me: Every Scrap of Evidence. She can easily she what she has, where there are gaps and can easily update when more information is found.
Daniel Hubbard has some great tips for visiting cemeteries with Grave Portents at Personal Past Meditations.
Without cable TV, I am always looking for good shows that I can watch on my computer so I was very excited to see Sherri's post at CanadaGenWeb's Blog, Reminder: Ancestors In The Attic Returns Tomorrow. She shared a link to where you could view the episodes online. Alas, when I clicked on the link I received the message, "Sorry! This video is not available in your country." Ah, the disappointment! They have several other shows I'd love to watch too. If you live in Canada be sure to check them out.
Donna Pointkouski has posted Donna's Picks at What's Past is Prologue.
You can find last weeks Best of the Genea-Blogs by Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings.
John Newmark shared his Weekly Genealogy Picks at TransylvanianDutch.
Julie Cahill-Tarr, at GenBlog, shares her picks with Friday Finds.
At Passing It On, Larry Lehmer shares Five We Like: Another week of family history goodies.
My Week
I'm back to working on the letters. I finished transcribing the Camfield letters from the 3rd batch of images and started working on finding the applicable letters in the 4th batch. Of course I can't just skim and label when one looks interesting, so I've been lost in reading ahead a bit too.
I've also been working on another project I have of sorting my husband's family by addresses and hope to write about that this week.
The indexing of this blog is going very slowly as I am indexing the Hall series of letters right now. I am enjoying rereading them however. I urge all of the newer bloggers to concider creating some type of index now and making it an ongoing effort rather than waiting until you have 900 posts and can't find what you're looking for!
Beyond genealogy, I aced my annual defensive driving test at work! We also had our state mandated refresher on distracted driving. I made great progress on getting some housework caught up at Mom's. Usually when I go to her house we get to visiting and her dust bunnies take advantage. We had a slight warm up this week but very little sunshine so it was mostly a week spent on the computer or watching old movies.
Footnote Maven has published the January Edition of the Shades of the Departed Magazine at Shades of the Departed. I hope to be able to read my copy this weekend.
As anyone who has been following my blog for any length of time knows, my mother's family lived in Buchanan, Michigan. My buddy, Jasia, recently visited there and shared her day on her blog Discovering St. Joseph. On my last too trips I took many pictures of cemeteries but none of the town!
At FamHist Blog I found "Lost" Garden Varieties Grown By Ancestors. A very welcome post for me as I long to be out in my garden!
On a sad note, Debra Osborn Spindle has had to face The End of an Era with the sale of her family's farm at All My Ancestors.
Joe Beine shared How I found Some Genealogy Records for My German Ancestors at Genealogy Roots Blog. Now I have to do some research on he churches in the area where my husband's family lived.
A family treasure lost and found story, Gram's Christmas Present, was a wonderful read at They that go down to the sea.
Last year I wrote about the Apple Butter my family made and my attempt to make it myself and it was fun. Tim is trying something similar at Genealogy Reviews Online but I think he will have more fun than I did! Diary of a Home Wine Maker.
A few lucky bloggers were invited to Genealogy Media Day by Randy Seaver has been linking to the individual posts they all have written at Genea-Musings.
I have a few Scottish ancestors so I found John D Reid's post, at Anglo-Celtic Connection, National Library of Scotland Digital Archive, very interesting.
Lori at Family Trees May Contain Nuts, Needs Your Opinion. What is free came and what is not? Lots of opinions shared so far, both pro and con. Go weigh in with yours.
Another interesting post that should be generating some discussion is, Is taking photos of microfilm a good or bad practice, what do you think? at Virginia Genealogy. Kevin Lett has asked, so tell him what you think.
Lorine's, Olive Tree Genealogy has been on the web now for 14 years! It was one of the first sites I discovered and was invaluable to my search for my early New York ancestors. She tells more about the history of the site and a give away she is having at Olive Tree Genealogy Blog.
Amanda Aquard wrote about Google Personalized Results at A Tale of Two Ancestors. She notes it can be both a help and a hindrance. I'm hoping for more help!
I like the format for the timeline that Nancy has used at My Ancestors and Me: Every Scrap of Evidence. She can easily she what she has, where there are gaps and can easily update when more information is found.
Daniel Hubbard has some great tips for visiting cemeteries with Grave Portents at Personal Past Meditations.
Without cable TV, I am always looking for good shows that I can watch on my computer so I was very excited to see Sherri's post at CanadaGenWeb's Blog, Reminder: Ancestors In The Attic Returns Tomorrow. She shared a link to where you could view the episodes online. Alas, when I clicked on the link I received the message, "Sorry! This video is not available in your country." Ah, the disappointment! They have several other shows I'd love to watch too. If you live in Canada be sure to check them out.
Donna Pointkouski has posted Donna's Picks at What's Past is Prologue.
You can find last weeks Best of the Genea-Blogs by Randy Seaver at Genea-Musings.
John Newmark shared his Weekly Genealogy Picks at TransylvanianDutch.
Julie Cahill-Tarr, at GenBlog, shares her picks with Friday Finds.
At Passing It On, Larry Lehmer shares Five We Like: Another week of family history goodies.
My Week
I'm back to working on the letters. I finished transcribing the Camfield letters from the 3rd batch of images and started working on finding the applicable letters in the 4th batch. Of course I can't just skim and label when one looks interesting, so I've been lost in reading ahead a bit too.
I've also been working on another project I have of sorting my husband's family by addresses and hope to write about that this week.
The indexing of this blog is going very slowly as I am indexing the Hall series of letters right now. I am enjoying rereading them however. I urge all of the newer bloggers to concider creating some type of index now and making it an ongoing effort rather than waiting until you have 900 posts and can't find what you're looking for!
Beyond genealogy, I aced my annual defensive driving test at work! We also had our state mandated refresher on distracted driving. I made great progress on getting some housework caught up at Mom's. Usually when I go to her house we get to visiting and her dust bunnies take advantage. We had a slight warm up this week but very little sunshine so it was mostly a week spent on the computer or watching old movies.
Weekly Rewind
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
More Happiness

Denise Levenick at The Family Curator
Cathy at Detour Through History
Irish Mason at Portals to the Past
Ten things that made me happy in the last week:
- Top marks on my defensive driving test
- Having my trainee solo and do an excellent job
- Hot coffee
- Chocolate
- A sunrise - the sun actually peeked through for 10 whole minutes this morning!
- Completing the third folder of Camfield letters
- Listening to Liz and another girl sing at the top of their lungs all the way to school this morning.
- Kids night
- Getting out of my meeting early on Tuesday
- A nice dinner out
Mary Frances Carlisle, Oct 19, 1909
The next letter was from Anna's daughter-in-law, Mamie, in Royal Centre, IN. She was enjoying having Tamerson visit. She had bought a "rat" and Tamerson had fixed into her hairdo and they were having a good laugh.
She shared the following family news:
Mani a? Couldn't really make this part out.
Belle was Mamie's sister, Clara Belle Carlisle Sewell. By the 1910 census she had moved from Georgia to Nashville, TN.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Mary Frances (Royal Centre, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 10 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
She shared the following family news:
Dorothy is walking all over and thinks it great fun. She can run after the kitty which is her chief amusement. Mani a has moved back to Fort Wayne and likes it there ever so much. Belle is getting on nicely. Wish she could come home again this year. Our church recalled Francis for another year, increasing his salary $200.00 and Promising to remodel the church after some plans he drew which will cost nearly a thousand dollars. He has wanted very much to go to Porto Rico this fall but I will not go. We are afraid the urls are going to win in the Local Option deal next month. There are as caloous here and we dread there coming in so much. I was alfully disappointed not to go to the Convention. It has made me real homesick to have been up twice and Tamerson come down. We are having a real good time. Frances is doing fine in school this year. Sewell is asking such questions that no one can answer. They talk constantly of their visit to Buchanan and think they have told us every time any one sneezed surely all the rest. It was a great thing for them.Dorothy Jeanne Carlisle was born 5 July 1908, Chicago, IL.
Mani a? Couldn't really make this part out.
Belle was Mamie's sister, Clara Belle Carlisle Sewell. By the 1910 census she had moved from Georgia to Nashville, TN.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Mary Frances (Royal Centre, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 10 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Camfield letters,
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Tamerson L Carlisle, October 9, 1909
Rather than return home to Buchanan, Tamerson's travels continued. In her last letter she mentioned that her brother, Frank, and family would be visiting South Bend. It seems they did and that she returned to Royal Centre, IN with them.
She spends a lot of time complaining about the stores in Royal Centre and Logansport, IN. She was doing some sewing for her niece, Frances Carlisle. The rest of the letter tells of her trip to Logansport and the little, inconsequential things that she is doing to fill her time. She still is unsure when she will return home.
There was very little news of family and friends:
She had mentioned Mrs. Joseph Vorhees in her last letter.
Etola Robinson's sister, Sarah, married Peter Gosline. "or didn't she have them yet." I'm not certain what exactly Tamerson means. What little I have on the Gosline family can be found here.
Sarah Ann always loved to have a new dress!
The mention of the view cards brought back memories for me as the stereopticon viewer was still in the parlor of the Carlisle family home in the late 1960's when we visited. I remember I fascinated by it and my mother kept admonishing me to be careful with it as it was very old.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson Louisa (Royal Centre, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 19 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
She spends a lot of time complaining about the stores in Royal Centre and Logansport, IN. She was doing some sewing for her niece, Frances Carlisle. The rest of the letter tells of her trip to Logansport and the little, inconsequential things that she is doing to fill her time. She still is unsure when she will return home.
There was very little news of family and friends:
O. I forgot to say I met Carrie Voorhees in S.B. and she didn't know me but perhaps I told you in my letter from there. Does Mrs. Gosline look any better or didn't she have them yet. Frank was over anxious to hear what you had to say and stated he had written to you yesterday. Also he was very sorry he did not think to send grandmother a card on her birthday. Am glad she had a good time that day. would have liked to have seen the new dress and rest but suppose there will be a chance for part of it. She still manages to get a few cards + letters each year. I have some view cards of Logan and 4 of here I will bring home for you folks to see.
She had mentioned Mrs. Joseph Vorhees in her last letter.
Etola Robinson's sister, Sarah, married Peter Gosline. "or didn't she have them yet." I'm not certain what exactly Tamerson means. What little I have on the Gosline family can be found here.
Sarah Ann always loved to have a new dress!
The mention of the view cards brought back memories for me as the stereopticon viewer was still in the parlor of the Carlisle family home in the late 1960's when we visited. I remember I fascinated by it and my mother kept admonishing me to be careful with it as it was very old.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson Louisa (Royal Centre, IN) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 19 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-6.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
John's Ahnentafel
This is my husband's Ahnentafel. As you can see I have very little information on his lines prior to his ancestors immigration. I am always happy to share what I do have. As I work on my blog index I will link to what I have on each individual.
1. John
2. Harold Francis Grabowski; 1918-1980, Syracuse, NY
3. Florence Nardozzi; 1919-1968, Syracuse, NY
4. Frank James Grabowski, Sr; 1890-1972, Syracuse, NY
5. Mary M. Niemann; 1891-1978, Frankfort, Germany
6. Gennaro Nardozza aka John Nardozzi; 1880-1968, Rionero in Vulture, Italy
7. Angeline Taddeo; 1893-1967, Italy
8. August Grabowski; 1863-1943, Germany
9. Augustina Kleist; 1869-1943, Germany
10. Carl Niemann; unknown, Germany
11. Maria Klotz; abt 1854-1931, Germany
12. Michele Nardozza; unknown, Italy
13. Filomena Capadano; unknown, Italy
14. Bennie Taddeo; unknown, Italy
15. Maria unknown
16. Andrew Grabowski; 1832-1916, Millborg, Germany
17. Helena Schonafski; 1836-1920, Millborg, Germany
18. Martin Kleist; 1835-?, Germany
19. Florentine Justina Peters; 1833-1919, Germany
20-31. Unknown
32. August Grabowski; unknown, Germany
1. John
2. Harold Francis Grabowski; 1918-1980, Syracuse, NY
3. Florence Nardozzi; 1919-1968, Syracuse, NY
4. Frank James Grabowski, Sr; 1890-1972, Syracuse, NY
5. Mary M. Niemann; 1891-1978, Frankfort, Germany
6. Gennaro Nardozza aka John Nardozzi; 1880-1968, Rionero in Vulture, Italy
7. Angeline Taddeo; 1893-1967, Italy
8. August Grabowski; 1863-1943, Germany
9. Augustina Kleist; 1869-1943, Germany
10. Carl Niemann; unknown, Germany
11. Maria Klotz; abt 1854-1931, Germany
12. Michele Nardozza; unknown, Italy
13. Filomena Capadano; unknown, Italy
14. Bennie Taddeo; unknown, Italy
15. Maria unknown
16. Andrew Grabowski; 1832-1916, Millborg, Germany
17. Helena Schonafski; 1836-1920, Millborg, Germany
18. Martin Kleist; 1835-?, Germany
19. Florentine Justina Peters; 1833-1919, Germany
20-31. Unknown
32. August Grabowski; unknown, Germany
Monday, January 11, 2010
Tamerson L Carlisle, Oct 9, 1909
The next letter is from Tamerson, written to let Anna know that she would not be returning home as soon as planned. She was visiting with someone named Minnie who had a baby daughter and a husband named John. Tamerson gave a few other clues as to the family's identity.
Initially I searched the 1910 census for Minnie with a husband named John in South Bend. I found one possible match but it just didn't seem right. I next searched for the surname Gage and that led me to the family of Eben Gage at 816 W. Jefferson St. Two families later, at 916 W. Jefferson, were John and Minie Naght or maybe Wight [?] with daughter Dorothy M, age 1m. I can't explain why Dorothy is listed as only 1 month old. There was no livery stable near by, however that could have been a sideline. I wish I could make out the family's name better. Since they are listed two places after Gage's I assume that the numbering on the census is incorrect.

Tamerson also mentions several other people in her letter.
In family news she tells Anna that her cousin, Ruby Camfield, is still going with "her Doctor" and Tamerson expects to be invited to the wedding. Family oral history says that Ruby was jilted; she never married. Tamerson also says that her brother, Frank, his wife, Mamie, and their daughter, Dorothy, were expected in South Bend for a visit. Mamie's sister, Lillie Carlisle Ghrist, who lived in or near South Bend was also mentioned

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson Louisa (Noble, MI) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 10 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-8.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Minnie has a dandy place. a flat with upstairs a poarch, hall 3 bed rooms with closets and a nice bathroom and downstairs a parlor large dining room with open stairway a good sised kitchen and pantry and big cellar with furnace. Gas and water furnished and the rent $18.00 with a car line a few doors away. John goes to work about six or seven and comes back about 9 for breakfast. He works whatever hours he wants. The people next door own a livery stable and take her out riding and those across the street have an auto and take her out too so she has it fine. The Gages that used to live in B. live second door and like all the neighbors run out + in so I know all of them.
And: "If you write send my mail 820 Jefferson St"
Initially I searched the 1910 census for Minnie with a husband named John in South Bend. I found one possible match but it just didn't seem right. I next searched for the surname Gage and that led me to the family of Eben Gage at 816 W. Jefferson St. Two families later, at 916 W. Jefferson, were John and Minie Naght or maybe Wight [?] with daughter Dorothy M, age 1m. I can't explain why Dorothy is listed as only 1 month old. There was no livery stable near by, however that could have been a sideline. I wish I could make out the family's name better. Since they are listed two places after Gage's I assume that the numbering on the census is incorrect.
Tamerson also mentions several other people in her letter.
Belle Norris has a 5 months baby. Haven't seen it yet but they say it is thin and not very well. Haven't seen Cora Smith yet and don't suppose I will. Saw Mrs. Jos. Voorhees with Almon + Em Case and she didn't know me. Almon knew me at once + and didn't speak to Em. Saw Carrie Martin and she didn't know me but seemed very glad to see me when she did and wanted me to call. She is on Marietta St. but I don't know where that is. Reba + some girls are over and having a gay time. most too gay perhaps.
In family news she tells Anna that her cousin, Ruby Camfield, is still going with "her Doctor" and Tamerson expects to be invited to the wedding. Family oral history says that Ruby was jilted; she never married. Tamerson also says that her brother, Frank, his wife, Mamie, and their daughter, Dorothy, were expected in South Bend for a visit. Mamie's sister, Lillie Carlisle Ghrist, who lived in or near South Bend was also mentioned
We went to moving pictures Thursday night and the theatre Indiana Friday night Friday P.M. went to the park and saw the balloon go us and also saw Lillie. She had a b__ when she found how long I had been here and not called to see her. Promised to go Monday morning as she said she wanted to see me specially so I suppose I am in for hearing all her troubles. Will not tell her Mamie is coming. She had lost sight of Glen and was hunting for him.

For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Carlisle, Tamerson Louisa (Noble, MI) to “Dear Mother”
[Sarah Ann Camfield Carlisle] Letter. 10 Oct 1909. Digital Images 1-8.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
Apple's Ahnentafel
This is my Ahnentafel through my 9th great-grandparents. In creating it I see I have many missing, persons, dates and locations. If I have created an index page for an individual I have linked to it. Links will be added as pages are created. There are undoubtedly errors, especially in the earlier generations. Corrections welcome. If you see a connection let me know!
1. Apple - Syracuse, NY
2. Harvey Gordon Berry, 1926-2000, Syracuse, NY
3. Mom - Buchanan, MI
4. Kimberly Powell Berry, 1900-1984, Ottawa, Canada
5. Mary Leith Kelly, 1900-1970, Calabogie, Canada
6. Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960, Buchanan, MI
7. Pearl Vivian Camfield, 1886-1972, South Bend, IN
8. Joseph Berry, 1871-1903, Blockley, England
9. Charlotte Teresa Kate Hollington, 1873-1942, Ottawa, Canada
10. James Kelly, 1856-1936, Adams, NY
11. Isabella White, 1865-1951, Ontario, Canada
12. Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929, Edwardsburg, MI
13. Sarah Ann Camfield, 1853-1930, Onondaga County, NY
14. Joseph Camfield, 1847-1927, Onondaga County, NY
15. Susan Arazina "Rose" Graham, 1853-?, Muncie, IN
16. Thomas David Berry, 1829-1907, Blockley, England
17. Jane Rawlings, 1830-1914, Burton on the Hill, England
18. James Hollington, 1845-1923, Quebec City, Canada
19. Sarah Ann Ross, 1848-1882, Quebec City, Canada
20. Michael Kelly, abt 1822- between 1870 & 1880, Ireland
21. Mary unknown, 1830- abt 1901
22. James M. White, 1824-1907, Dalhousie Twp., Canada
23. Isabella Craig, 1826-1908, Paisley, Scotland
24. Daniel Carlisle, 1797-1872, Westmoreland, NH
25. Louisa Lambert Glover, 1801-1851, Dedham, MA
26. unknown
27. unknown
28. Michael Camfield, 1815-1899, Prussia
29. Sarah Ann Wisner, 1817-1912, Onondaga County, NY
30. James Madison Graham, abt 1825- 1897, Ohio
31. Elizabeth Doughty, 1826-1880, Fort Comfort, VA
32. Abraham Berry, abt 1803- aft 1841, Blockley, England
33. Anne, Blockley, abt 1803-1882, England
34. William Rawlings, abt 1781-1867, Bourton on the Hill, England
35. Mary unknown, abt 1781- aft 1861, Stourton, England
36. James Hollington, abt 1805-1891, Suffolk, England
37. Eliza Ewing, 1815-1897, Ireland
38. Richard Ross, 1821-1899, Kent, England
39. Sarah Ann Lower, 1823-1895, Sussex, England
40-43. unknown
44. John White, abt 1806-?, Scotland
45. unknown
46. John Craig, 1802-1873, Scotland
47. Agnes Adam, 1802-1882, Paisley, Scotland
48. Daniel Carlisle, 1767-1822, Lunenburg, MA
49. Zipporah Wheeler, 1772-1831, Shrewsbury, MA
50. David Glover, 1775-1852, Dedham, MA
51. Tamesin Hall, 1778-1843, Conway, MA
52-55. unknown
56. John Camfield, Prussia
57. unknown
58. William Wisner, 1783-1877, unknown
59. Elizabeth Ann Badgley, 1791-1877, Albany, NY
60. Porter Graham, 1795-1871, New Hampshire?
61. Susannah Bashford, abt 1804- aft 1880, Ohio
62. Littleton Doughty, 1799- bef 1842, Northampton, VA
63. Susannah Smith, abt 1799-?, Virginia
64-68. unknown
69. Mary, England
70 - 77. unknown
78. Henry Lower, abt 1795 - ?, Sussex, England
79. Lydia unknown
80-93. unknown
94. James Adam, Scotland
95. Isobel McDougal, Scotland
96. Daniel Carlisle, 1738-1794, Harvard, MA
97. Lydia Conant, 1737-1774, Concord, MA
98. Solomon Wheeler, 1747-1822, Shrewsbury, MA
99. Zipporah Harrington, 1749-1831, Shrewsbury, MA
100. Henry Glover, 1732-1800, Milton, MA
101. Hannah Lewis, 1732-1807, Dedham, MA
102. William Hall, abt 1740-1822, Lyme, England
103. Ruhamah Andrews or Andrus, abt 1745-1821
104-117. unknown
118. Anthony Badgley, 1750-1829, Clinton, NY
119. Mary Elizabeth Bookhout, 1753-1820, NY
120-121. unknown
122. John Bashford, 1770-1846, Anne Arundel, MD
123. Elizabeth Heuston, abt 1770 - bef. 1846, unknown
124. Thomas S Doughty, abt 1770-?, Northampton, VA
125. Susanna Turner, abt 1770 - bef 1833, Northampton, VA
126-127. unknown
128-155. unknown
156. Jonathan Lower, 1763-?, Sussex, England
157. Martha unknown
158-187. unknown
188. Hugh Adam
189. Agnes Fleming
190-191. unknown
192. David Carlisle, 1702-1769, Ireland
193. Leatis unknown, abt 1705-1791, Ireland?
194. Ebenezer Conant, 1698-1794, Beverly, MA
195. Ruth Pierce, abt 1712-1797, MA
196. Cyrus Wheeler, 1717-1782, Marlborough, MA
197. Lois Wheelock, 1710-1799, Marlborough, MA
198. Isaac Harrington, 1709-1782, Marlborough, MA
199. Miriam Eager, 1712-1801, Marlborough, MA
200. Edward Glover, 1681-1745, Milton, MA
201. Sarah Gill, abt 1690-1740, MA
202. Ebenezer Lewis, 1705-?, Dedham, MA
203. Hannah Gill, abt 1705- bef Aug 1732
204 -235. unknown
236. Anthony Badgley, 1721-1810, Flushing, NY
237. Sarah unknown, 1721-1805
238. John Buckhout or Bookhout, abt 1713- abt 1770, Bushwyck, NY
239. Margaret Way, abt 1713- bef 1771
240-243. unknown
244. John Bashford, 1748-1818, Anne Arundel, MD
245. unknown
250. John Furbush Turner, abt 1735-1803, Northampton, VA
251. Bridget unknown
252-255. unknown
256-311. unknown
312. Henry Lower
313. Elizabeth
314-387. unknown
388. Roger Conant, 1669- abt 1745, Beverly, MA
389. Mary Raymond, 1671-?, Beverly, MA
390. John Pierce, abt 1660-1738, Scituate, MA
391. Patience Dodson
392. John Wheeler, 1695-1747, Marlborough, MA
393. Mary Hapgood, 1694-1759, Marlborough, MA
394. Samuel Wheelock, 1664-1756, Medfield, MA
395. Lydia Rice, 1668-?, Sudbury, MA
396. Daniel Harrington, 1684-1724, Watertown, MA
397. Elizabeth Warren, 1673-1774, Watertown, MA
398. Zerubbabel Eager, 1672-1746, Cambridge, MA
399. Hannah Kerley
400. Henry Glover, abt 1641-1714, Norfolk County, MA
401. Hannah unknown, abt 1640-1720
402. Moses Gill, 1656-1690, Salisbury, MA
403. Sarah Esty or Easty, 1660-1749, Topsfield, MA
404. John Lewis, 1671-1718, Lancaster, MA
405. Ann Whiting, 1672-1749, Dedham, MA
406-471. unknown
472. Anthony Badgley, 1695-1732, Flushing, NY
473. Phebe Haight, 1701-1732, Flushing, NY
474-475. unknown
476. John Buckhout, abt 1683-?, Bushwyck, NY
477. Hester Fyn, abt 1696-?, Bushwyck, NY
478-511. unknown
512-775. unknown
776. Lot Conant, abt 1624-1674, Nantasket, MA
777. Elizabeth Walton, 1629-?, Seaton, England
778. Thomas Raymond
779. Mary unknown
780. Michael Pierce, 1615-1676, England
781. Persis Eames, abt 1621-1662, England
782. Anthony Dodson
783. Mary Williams, abt 1629-1695, England
784. John Wheeler, 1661-1721, Concord, MA
785. Elizabeth Wells, 1666-1729, Concord, MA
786. Thomas Hapgood, 1669-1764, Sudbury, MA
787. Judith Barker, 1671-1759, Concord, MA
788. Gershom Ralph Wheelock, 1634-1684
789. Hannah Stodder
790. Henry Rice, abt 1619-1711, Stanstead, England
791. Elizabeth Moore, 1628-1705, Sudbury, MA
792. Daniel Harrington, 1657-1728, Watertown, MA
793. Sarah Whitney, 1654-1720, Watertown, MA
794. John Warren, 1622-1703, Nayland, England
795. Michal Jennison, 1640-1713, Watertown, MA
796. Willliam Eager, abt 1640-1690
797. Ruth Hill, 1640-1680, Malden, MA
798. Henry Kerley, abt 1643-1713
799. Elizabeth Ward, 1643-1710, Sudbury, MA
800. Henry Glover, 1603-1655, Rainhill, England
801. Abigail unknown
802-803. unknown
804. John Gill, 1628-1690, England
805. Phebe Buswell, abt 1625-1670, England
806. Isaac Esty or Easty, 1627-1712, England
807. Mary Towne, 1634, Norfolk, England
808. William Lewis, abt 1610-1671, England
809. Amy Weld, abt 1615-?, England
810. Nathaniel Whiting, abt 1609-1683, England
811. Hannah Dwight, abt 1625-1714
944. Anthony Badgley, abt 1660-?,
945. Elizabeth unknown
946. Sanuel Haight or Hoyt, 1647-1712, Windsor, CT
947. Sarah Noble
952. Pieter Buckhout
953. Elizabeth Pater, ?-bef1700, Brazil
954. Johannes Fyn
955. Anna Verchuer
1023. unknown
1024. unknown
1552. Roger Conant, 1591-1679, England
1553. Sarah Horton, abt 1595-1677, England
1560. Richard Pierce, 1590-1666, England
1561. Martha unknown,
1562. Anthony Eames, abt 1592-1686, Fordington, England
1563. Margery Pierce, abt 1598-1662, England
1568. Thomas Wheeler, 1633-1686, Cranfield, England
1569. Hannah Harwood or Harrod, abt 1624-1697, London, England
1570. Thomas Wells, abt1636-?
1574. John Barker, 1646-1710
1575. Judith Symonds, 1645-1704, Woburn, MA
1576. Ralph Wheelock, 1600-1683, Dorington, England
1577. Rebecca Wilkinson, 1607-1680
1578. John Stodder, ?-1661
1579. Hannah unknown
1580. Edmund Rice, 1594-1663, England
1581. Thomasine Frost, abt 1600-1654, England
1582. John Moore
1583. Bridget
1584. Robert Harrington, 1614-1707, Somerset, England
1585. Susanna George, 1632-1694
1586. John Whitney, 1624-1692, England
1587. Ruth Reynolds, abt 1624- aft 1692, Aylesford, England
1588. John Warren, 1585-1667, Nayland, England
1589. Margaret Bayly, 1587-1662, Middlesex, England
1590. Robert Jennison
1591. Grace unknown
1592. Shadrach Hapgood, abt 1643-1675, England
1593. Elizabeth Treadway, 1646-1714, Watertown, MA
1596. William Kerley, abt 1615-1670, England
1597. Ann unknown, ?-1658
1598. William Ward, abt 1603-1687, England
1599. Elizabeth Hall, abt 1613-1700, England
1600. Thomas Glover, 1560-1619, Rainhill, England
1601. Margery Deane, 1573-1654, Prescot, England
1602-1607. unknown
1608. Thomas Gyll, 1586-?, England
1609. unknown
1610. Isaac Bushwell, 1592-1683
1611. Phebe unknown
1612. Jeffery Esty, 1587-1657, Ipswich, England
1613. Margaret Pate, 1590-?, Ipswich, England
1614. William Towne, 1599-1685, Norfolk, England
1615. Joanna Blessing, abt 1599-1675, England
1892. Nicholas Hoyt, 1622-1655, Upway, England
1893. Susanna unknown, abt 1626-1655
1904. Jan der Nosper von Bocholt, abt 1625-?, Leiden, Holland
1905. Hannah
1906. Jan Pater
1907. unknown
2047. unknown
2048. unknown
3114. Richard Conant, abt 1548-?, Budleigh, England
3115. Agnes Clark, 1548-?, East Budleigh, England
3124. Thomas Eames, abt 1548-1618, England
3125. Millicent Brewster, abt 1552-1614, England
3136. George Wheeler, 1605-1637, Cranfield, England
3137. Katherine Pin, 1609-1684
3138. John Harwood, 1595-1653, London, England
3139. unknown, possibly Dorothy
3148. Francis Barker, abt 1620-1655, England
3149, unknown
3150. William Symonds, abt 1611-1672, England
3151. Judith Phippen, 1618-1689, Stepney, England
3152. John Wheelock, 1563-1639, England
3153. Elizabeth Rogers
3162. Edward Frost, abt 1560-1616, Glemsford, England
3163. Tomasine Belgrave, abt 15651-1616, Leverington, England
3168. John Harrington, abt 1595-1653, Bath, England
3169. Ann Clinton, 1596-?, New Castle, England
3170. John George, abt 1590-1647, England
3171. Hannah unknown
3172. John Whitney, abt 1599-1673, England
3173. Elinor unknown, abt 1605-1659
3174. Robert Reynolds, ?-1659
3175. Mary unknown, ?-1663
3176. John Warren
3177. Mary Scarlet
3178. William Bayly
3179. Ann unknown
3184. Thomas Habgood
3185. unknown
3186. Nathaniel Treadway, 1615-1689, Smeley, England
3187. Suffrance Haynes, 1620-?, Sashton, England
3202. Thomas Deane, England
3203. Catherine Aldridge, England
3216. uknown
3218. unknnown
3224. Christopher Este, ?-1621, England
3225. Anne Arnold, 1565-1623, England
3230. John Blessing
3231. Joan Preaste
3794. Simon Hoyt, 1590-1657, Upway, England
3795. Deborah Stowers, 1593-1634, Dorchester, England
4095. unknown
1. Apple - Syracuse, NY
2. Harvey Gordon Berry, 1926-2000, Syracuse, NY
3. Mom - Buchanan, MI
4. Kimberly Powell Berry, 1900-1984, Ottawa, Canada
5. Mary Leith Kelly, 1900-1970, Calabogie, Canada
6. Daniel Michael Carlisle, 1885-1960, Buchanan, MI
7. Pearl Vivian Camfield, 1886-1972, South Bend, IN
8. Joseph Berry, 1871-1903, Blockley, England
9. Charlotte Teresa Kate Hollington, 1873-1942, Ottawa, Canada
10. James Kelly, 1856-1936, Adams, NY
11. Isabella White, 1865-1951, Ontario, Canada
12. Isaac Ashley Carlisle, 1842-1929, Edwardsburg, MI
13. Sarah Ann Camfield, 1853-1930, Onondaga County, NY
14. Joseph Camfield, 1847-1927, Onondaga County, NY
15. Susan Arazina "Rose" Graham, 1853-?, Muncie, IN
16. Thomas David Berry, 1829-1907, Blockley, England
17. Jane Rawlings, 1830-1914, Burton on the Hill, England
18. James Hollington, 1845-1923, Quebec City, Canada
19. Sarah Ann Ross, 1848-1882, Quebec City, Canada
20. Michael Kelly, abt 1822- between 1870 & 1880, Ireland
21. Mary unknown, 1830- abt 1901
22. James M. White, 1824-1907, Dalhousie Twp., Canada
23. Isabella Craig, 1826-1908, Paisley, Scotland
24. Daniel Carlisle, 1797-1872, Westmoreland, NH
25. Louisa Lambert Glover, 1801-1851, Dedham, MA
26. unknown
27. unknown
28. Michael Camfield, 1815-1899, Prussia
29. Sarah Ann Wisner, 1817-1912, Onondaga County, NY
30. James Madison Graham, abt 1825- 1897, Ohio
31. Elizabeth Doughty, 1826-1880, Fort Comfort, VA
32. Abraham Berry, abt 1803- aft 1841, Blockley, England
33. Anne, Blockley, abt 1803-1882, England
34. William Rawlings, abt 1781-1867, Bourton on the Hill, England
35. Mary unknown, abt 1781- aft 1861, Stourton, England
36. James Hollington, abt 1805-1891, Suffolk, England
37. Eliza Ewing, 1815-1897, Ireland
38. Richard Ross, 1821-1899, Kent, England
39. Sarah Ann Lower, 1823-1895, Sussex, England
40-43. unknown
44. John White, abt 1806-?, Scotland
45. unknown
46. John Craig, 1802-1873, Scotland
47. Agnes Adam, 1802-1882, Paisley, Scotland
48. Daniel Carlisle, 1767-1822, Lunenburg, MA
49. Zipporah Wheeler, 1772-1831, Shrewsbury, MA
50. David Glover, 1775-1852, Dedham, MA
51. Tamesin Hall, 1778-1843, Conway, MA
52-55. unknown
56. John Camfield, Prussia
57. unknown
58. William Wisner, 1783-1877, unknown
59. Elizabeth Ann Badgley, 1791-1877, Albany, NY
60. Porter Graham, 1795-1871, New Hampshire?
61. Susannah Bashford, abt 1804- aft 1880, Ohio
62. Littleton Doughty, 1799- bef 1842, Northampton, VA
63. Susannah Smith, abt 1799-?, Virginia
64-68. unknown
69. Mary, England
70 - 77. unknown
78. Henry Lower, abt 1795 - ?, Sussex, England
79. Lydia unknown
80-93. unknown
94. James Adam, Scotland
95. Isobel McDougal, Scotland
96. Daniel Carlisle, 1738-1794, Harvard, MA
97. Lydia Conant, 1737-1774, Concord, MA
98. Solomon Wheeler, 1747-1822, Shrewsbury, MA
99. Zipporah Harrington, 1749-1831, Shrewsbury, MA
100. Henry Glover, 1732-1800, Milton, MA
101. Hannah Lewis, 1732-1807, Dedham, MA
102. William Hall, abt 1740-1822, Lyme, England
103. Ruhamah Andrews or Andrus, abt 1745-1821
104-117. unknown
118. Anthony Badgley, 1750-1829, Clinton, NY
119. Mary Elizabeth Bookhout, 1753-1820, NY
120-121. unknown
122. John Bashford, 1770-1846, Anne Arundel, MD
123. Elizabeth Heuston, abt 1770 - bef. 1846, unknown
124. Thomas S Doughty, abt 1770-?, Northampton, VA
125. Susanna Turner, abt 1770 - bef 1833, Northampton, VA
126-127. unknown
128-155. unknown
156. Jonathan Lower, 1763-?, Sussex, England
157. Martha unknown
158-187. unknown
188. Hugh Adam
189. Agnes Fleming
190-191. unknown
192. David Carlisle, 1702-1769, Ireland
193. Leatis unknown, abt 1705-1791, Ireland?
194. Ebenezer Conant, 1698-1794, Beverly, MA
195. Ruth Pierce, abt 1712-1797, MA
196. Cyrus Wheeler, 1717-1782, Marlborough, MA
197. Lois Wheelock, 1710-1799, Marlborough, MA
198. Isaac Harrington, 1709-1782, Marlborough, MA
199. Miriam Eager, 1712-1801, Marlborough, MA
200. Edward Glover, 1681-1745, Milton, MA
201. Sarah Gill, abt 1690-1740, MA
202. Ebenezer Lewis, 1705-?, Dedham, MA
203. Hannah Gill, abt 1705- bef Aug 1732
204 -235. unknown
236. Anthony Badgley, 1721-1810, Flushing, NY
237. Sarah unknown, 1721-1805
238. John Buckhout or Bookhout, abt 1713- abt 1770, Bushwyck, NY
239. Margaret Way, abt 1713- bef 1771
240-243. unknown
244. John Bashford, 1748-1818, Anne Arundel, MD
245. unknown
250. John Furbush Turner, abt 1735-1803, Northampton, VA
251. Bridget unknown
252-255. unknown
256-311. unknown
312. Henry Lower
313. Elizabeth
314-387. unknown
388. Roger Conant, 1669- abt 1745, Beverly, MA
389. Mary Raymond, 1671-?, Beverly, MA
390. John Pierce, abt 1660-1738, Scituate, MA
391. Patience Dodson
392. John Wheeler, 1695-1747, Marlborough, MA
393. Mary Hapgood, 1694-1759, Marlborough, MA
394. Samuel Wheelock, 1664-1756, Medfield, MA
395. Lydia Rice, 1668-?, Sudbury, MA
396. Daniel Harrington, 1684-1724, Watertown, MA
397. Elizabeth Warren, 1673-1774, Watertown, MA
398. Zerubbabel Eager, 1672-1746, Cambridge, MA
399. Hannah Kerley
400. Henry Glover, abt 1641-1714, Norfolk County, MA
401. Hannah unknown, abt 1640-1720
402. Moses Gill, 1656-1690, Salisbury, MA
403. Sarah Esty or Easty, 1660-1749, Topsfield, MA
404. John Lewis, 1671-1718, Lancaster, MA
405. Ann Whiting, 1672-1749, Dedham, MA
406-471. unknown
472. Anthony Badgley, 1695-1732, Flushing, NY
473. Phebe Haight, 1701-1732, Flushing, NY
474-475. unknown
476. John Buckhout, abt 1683-?, Bushwyck, NY
477. Hester Fyn, abt 1696-?, Bushwyck, NY
478-511. unknown
512-775. unknown
776. Lot Conant, abt 1624-1674, Nantasket, MA
777. Elizabeth Walton, 1629-?, Seaton, England
778. Thomas Raymond
779. Mary unknown
780. Michael Pierce, 1615-1676, England
781. Persis Eames, abt 1621-1662, England
782. Anthony Dodson
783. Mary Williams, abt 1629-1695, England
784. John Wheeler, 1661-1721, Concord, MA
785. Elizabeth Wells, 1666-1729, Concord, MA
786. Thomas Hapgood, 1669-1764, Sudbury, MA
787. Judith Barker, 1671-1759, Concord, MA
788. Gershom Ralph Wheelock, 1634-1684
789. Hannah Stodder
790. Henry Rice, abt 1619-1711, Stanstead, England
791. Elizabeth Moore, 1628-1705, Sudbury, MA
792. Daniel Harrington, 1657-1728, Watertown, MA
793. Sarah Whitney, 1654-1720, Watertown, MA
794. John Warren, 1622-1703, Nayland, England
795. Michal Jennison, 1640-1713, Watertown, MA
796. Willliam Eager, abt 1640-1690
797. Ruth Hill, 1640-1680, Malden, MA
798. Henry Kerley, abt 1643-1713
799. Elizabeth Ward, 1643-1710, Sudbury, MA
800. Henry Glover, 1603-1655, Rainhill, England
801. Abigail unknown
802-803. unknown
804. John Gill, 1628-1690, England
805. Phebe Buswell, abt 1625-1670, England
806. Isaac Esty or Easty, 1627-1712, England
807. Mary Towne, 1634, Norfolk, England
808. William Lewis, abt 1610-1671, England
809. Amy Weld, abt 1615-?, England
810. Nathaniel Whiting, abt 1609-1683, England
811. Hannah Dwight, abt 1625-1714
944. Anthony Badgley, abt 1660-?,
945. Elizabeth unknown
946. Sanuel Haight or Hoyt, 1647-1712, Windsor, CT
947. Sarah Noble
952. Pieter Buckhout
953. Elizabeth Pater, ?-bef1700, Brazil
954. Johannes Fyn
955. Anna Verchuer
1023. unknown
1024. unknown
1552. Roger Conant, 1591-1679, England
1553. Sarah Horton, abt 1595-1677, England
1560. Richard Pierce, 1590-1666, England
1561. Martha unknown,
1562. Anthony Eames, abt 1592-1686, Fordington, England
1563. Margery Pierce, abt 1598-1662, England
1568. Thomas Wheeler, 1633-1686, Cranfield, England
1569. Hannah Harwood or Harrod, abt 1624-1697, London, England
1570. Thomas Wells, abt1636-?
1574. John Barker, 1646-1710
1575. Judith Symonds, 1645-1704, Woburn, MA
1576. Ralph Wheelock, 1600-1683, Dorington, England
1577. Rebecca Wilkinson, 1607-1680
1578. John Stodder, ?-1661
1579. Hannah unknown
1580. Edmund Rice, 1594-1663, England
1581. Thomasine Frost, abt 1600-1654, England
1582. John Moore
1583. Bridget
1584. Robert Harrington, 1614-1707, Somerset, England
1585. Susanna George, 1632-1694
1586. John Whitney, 1624-1692, England
1587. Ruth Reynolds, abt 1624- aft 1692, Aylesford, England
1588. John Warren, 1585-1667, Nayland, England
1589. Margaret Bayly, 1587-1662, Middlesex, England
1590. Robert Jennison
1591. Grace unknown
1592. Shadrach Hapgood, abt 1643-1675, England
1593. Elizabeth Treadway, 1646-1714, Watertown, MA
1596. William Kerley, abt 1615-1670, England
1597. Ann unknown, ?-1658
1598. William Ward, abt 1603-1687, England
1599. Elizabeth Hall, abt 1613-1700, England
1600. Thomas Glover, 1560-1619, Rainhill, England
1601. Margery Deane, 1573-1654, Prescot, England
1602-1607. unknown
1608. Thomas Gyll, 1586-?, England
1609. unknown
1610. Isaac Bushwell, 1592-1683
1611. Phebe unknown
1612. Jeffery Esty, 1587-1657, Ipswich, England
1613. Margaret Pate, 1590-?, Ipswich, England
1614. William Towne, 1599-1685, Norfolk, England
1615. Joanna Blessing, abt 1599-1675, England
1892. Nicholas Hoyt, 1622-1655, Upway, England
1893. Susanna unknown, abt 1626-1655
1904. Jan der Nosper von Bocholt, abt 1625-?, Leiden, Holland
1905. Hannah
1906. Jan Pater
1907. unknown
2047. unknown
2048. unknown
3114. Richard Conant, abt 1548-?, Budleigh, England
3115. Agnes Clark, 1548-?, East Budleigh, England
3124. Thomas Eames, abt 1548-1618, England
3125. Millicent Brewster, abt 1552-1614, England
3136. George Wheeler, 1605-1637, Cranfield, England
3137. Katherine Pin, 1609-1684
3138. John Harwood, 1595-1653, London, England
3139. unknown, possibly Dorothy
3148. Francis Barker, abt 1620-1655, England
3149, unknown
3150. William Symonds, abt 1611-1672, England
3151. Judith Phippen, 1618-1689, Stepney, England
3152. John Wheelock, 1563-1639, England
3153. Elizabeth Rogers
3162. Edward Frost, abt 1560-1616, Glemsford, England
3163. Tomasine Belgrave, abt 15651-1616, Leverington, England
3168. John Harrington, abt 1595-1653, Bath, England
3169. Ann Clinton, 1596-?, New Castle, England
3170. John George, abt 1590-1647, England
3171. Hannah unknown
3172. John Whitney, abt 1599-1673, England
3173. Elinor unknown, abt 1605-1659
3174. Robert Reynolds, ?-1659
3175. Mary unknown, ?-1663
3176. John Warren
3177. Mary Scarlet
3178. William Bayly
3179. Ann unknown
3184. Thomas Habgood
3185. unknown
3186. Nathaniel Treadway, 1615-1689, Smeley, England
3187. Suffrance Haynes, 1620-?, Sashton, England
3202. Thomas Deane, England
3203. Catherine Aldridge, England
3216. uknown
3218. unknnown
3224. Christopher Este, ?-1621, England
3225. Anne Arnold, 1565-1623, England
3230. John Blessing
3231. Joan Preaste
3794. Simon Hoyt, 1590-1657, Upway, England
3795. Deborah Stowers, 1593-1634, Dorchester, England
4095. unknown
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Thanks X 3!

Per the rules I will now list ten things that make me happy.
- My husband, kids, and grandkids.
- Sunshine!
- Pain free days.
- Chocolate
- Palm trees
- My garden
- Butterflies and humming birds
- Country Music
- Having a reason to do the Happy Dance
- Comments!
Laura Ruple Warner, Aug 1, 1909

Aug 1st 1909
Dear Grandma
We are always glad to here from you also able to be around and can wait on yourself some forit is a grate blessing to be able to do that, I always hate to ask others to do that I guess Aurie and her father have written the most of the news, With out I say they have prayr meeting at the old church and Raymond is class leader, him and Boltis are very attentive going to meeting which I am very thankful for, We are looking for Earl out soon to
page 2
stay awhile and visit
I want to Chicago and visit this year but dont expect I can for I have no way of earning money this year, our cow is most dry. an other year we will have two if nothing happens so when one is dry the other will give milk. You must remember me to aunt Anna, I often think of her, I am so glad you can read and write and pray. so many cant see or use there hands or some thing when they get old. I surly think God is good to us. I suppose you here from Mr & Mrs Bogordis they are quite poorly alltho they do their work mostly this from your loving friend L.M.W.

Laura M Ruple Warner had been a neighbor of Sarah Ann's. Laura's daughter, Libbie, married Sarah Ann's grandson, Fred Camfield and that would be why Laura wanted to make a trip to Chicago to visit them. Earl was Fred and Libbie's son. Aurie, Raymond and Boltis were members of the Warner family.
For more see:
Camfield Family Letters
Descendants of Sarah Ann Wisner
Michael Camfield

Warner, Laura M Ruple (Noble, MI) to “Dear Grandma”
[Sarah Ann Wisner Camfield] Letter. 1 Aug 1909. Digital Images 1-2.
Privately held by Apple, [ADDRESS FOR PRIVATE USE,]
Snowville, New York. 2010.
[Carlisle Family, Box #1, Correspondence, 1909,
Bentley Historical Library, University of Michigan. 2008.]
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